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Chu Fengmian opened his eyes and his face was extremely solemn.

After reading the memory of Sacred Son, the capital of the sea, Chu Fengmian discovered that the situation today is worse than what Chu Fengmian had imagined.

The Three Great Influences united to deal with Sacred Dragon Secret Realm. It was not a matter of overnight. It was a few years ago and they were planning, but they have never found an opportunity.

Now that Nine Domains is open, there is chaos. It is precisely that Three Great Influences realize the opportunity and plan to wipe out the Sacred Son of Sacred Dragon Secret Realm from this Nine Domains.

And more than that, the current situation of Sacred Dragon Secret Realm not only has external troubles, but also has internal troubles, according to the memory of the sea capital Sacred Son.

This time Three Great Influences shot together with many Sacred Sons inside Sacred Dragon Secret Realm. Six Sacred Sects, Saint Court Sect, and many Sacred Sons of Five Spirits Sect were the objects of their wooing.

Although it is unknown how many Sacred Sons have been won, there are only a few internal troubles, all of which are more difficult and difficult to deal with than these Three Great Influences.

Sacred Dragon Secret Realm has his background after all. It is not that easy to be destroyed by external forces. What I fear is internal conflict.

Now Chu Fengmian is also a little worried about Five Spirits Sect Sacred Son entire group.

Yan Shao Shi and they are leaving now, and most of them have encountered something. Once the Sacred Son of Five Spirits Sect is also annihilated by Three Great Influences, then Chu Fengmian will be left alone and helpless.

Fortunately, Chu Fengmian had already handed the news to Yan Shaking World in advance. Now Yan Shaking World, they should have made some preparations in advance and will not encounter a sudden attack.

But now Three Great Influences, they have not yet begun to deal with Sacred Dragon Secret Realm, Crimson Continent, the entire treasure of Returning Ruins Heaven, they are still their goal in advance.

However, because Chu Fengmian was so dazzling in Sacred Dragon Secret Realm that the Three Great Influences had already given orders, and anyone who could catch or kill Chu Fengmian would get a lot of rewards.

Now when encountering the powerhouse of Three Great Influences, Chu Fengmian must be careful.

“Go, go and collect more treasures!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes flickered, his body flashed, rising into the sky, turning into a ray of light and flying towards the depths of the red continent.

In the final analysis, there is only one thing to resolve all the troubles, and that is strength. Only enough strength can resolve these troubles.

Now Chu Fengmian has just broken through the realm. It takes a lot of Rare Item treasures to stabilize the realm. Once it stabilizes the realm, Chu Fengmian’s strength is still strong enough.

Although Chu Fengmian has not really played against the 9th Jiegu Emperor after his breakthrough, Chu Fengmian himself feels that when facing the 9th Jiegu Emperor, Chu Fengmian is confident and has the power to fight.

If Chu Fengmian’s strength is enough to kill the 9th Tribulation Ancient Emperor, and even reach the level of the Half-Step Celestial Realm, no matter what the Three Great Influences conspiracy, Chu Fengmian alone can resolve it.

In the final analysis, what is needed is strength. In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies have no meaning.

Chu Fengmian’s figure flickered, shuttled among the red continent.

The treasures in the Crimson Continent have begun to emerge one after another. Nine Domains has changed drastically this time, and a large number of treasures have been born.

This crimson continent is no exception. At first glance, there are countless glows in the sky. Each glow represents the birth of a treasure.


Chu Fengmian glanced at the nearest Xiaguang, the body flashed directly rushed over, and at a glance, he saw a scarlet sacred medicine on the ground. On top of this scarlet, there was a bit of context.

“Bloodgrass, good thing!”

When Chu Fengmian saw this scarlet sacred medicine, Chu Fengmian’s eyes were happy.

Bloodweed is a kind of Spiritual Force’s sacred medicine. The Spiritual Force is mild and not suitable for cultivation, but it is suitable for recovering injuries and consolidating realm. It is just right for Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian’s body flashed, rushing directly towards the blood-veined grass, and shot the blood-veined grass.

“There is sacred medicine!”

Suddenly, 3 Escape Light came in the distance, and he rushed over and saw that Chu Fengmian, who was collecting the Veins of Blood, suddenly a sabre light and cut directly at Chu Fengmian’s arm.

Shot directly, without any words.

In this crimson continent, robbing treasures is extremely normal. Every treasure is stained with countless blood.

The three escaped, seeing that there was only one Chu Fengmian, they shot directly without the slightest hesitation, and the Saber cut towards Chu Fengmian.


Chu Fengmian’s eyes were extremely cold, and he dared to snatch the treasure in his hands. These 3 people were courting death, and these 3 talents were just seven robbers that’s all.

Chu Fengmian now kills 8 Jie Gu Di, it is as simple as squeezing an ant to death, even more how is to deal with several 7 Jie Gu Di trifling.

Chu Fengmian’s palms turned into a dragon claw and immediately fell down.

This 3 escape light towards Chu Fengmian strikes was immediately shattered by a bombardment, and then the bodies of these 3 persons were also mercilessly bombarded and killed under Battle Dragon’s Claw.


Chu Fengmian operates the secret technique of swallowing the sky to swallow all the blood essence of these three people to consolidate Chu Fengmian’s realm.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian took the bloodweed into the palm of his hand, and immediately Chu Fengmian threw this bloodweed into his mouth without any hesitation.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, the Swallowing secret technique was immediately activated, and began to refining the medicinal power of this bloodweed, the boiling essence of medicinal power, poured into Chu Fengmian’s body, and began to stabilize Chu Fengmian’s realm.

Although this bloodweed is only a medieval grade ancient sacred medicine, it is indeed the best thing to stabilize the realm, and it was swallowed and refined by Chu Fengmian.

Now Chu Fengmian’s body strength has obviously become much more stable, this is the effect of the blood grass.

The ancient emperor who just broke through, the power on his body will be unstable, so he cannot use his full strength.

This is the case with breakthrough one realm, especially Chu Fengmian, but from Zhundi realm, directly breakthrough to the realm of Eight Jie Gudi.

It broke through a full 8 realm, Chu Fengmian’s realm is not stable. This bloodweed is very useful for stabilizing his realm.

However, a bloodweed is far from enough for Chu Fengmian to completely stabilize the realm.

With a move of his palm, the space ring of the three martial artists immediately opened. Opening the space ring, the countless Supreme Treasures fell into Chu Fengmian’s gaze.

These three martial artists seem to have obtained a lot of treasures from the red continent. Chu Fengmian also saw some treasures that are useful for him to consolidate his realm, and took them out of the space ring. Swallowed by the secret technique.

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