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8 The sea monster of Jiegudi realm, in the entire Da Luotian Star Domain, only one force can own it.

The sea capital.

These three young men belong to the three forces of Da Luotian Star Domain.

Seeing these three people appearing, Chu Fengmian was involuntarily frowned.

If these three people belong to Sacred Son of Five Elements Heaven, it is very likely that Five Elements Heaven wants to deal with Chu Fengmian.

After all, Chu Fengmian had a deep grievance with Five Elements Heaven. The ancient Emperor Blood God was killed by Chu Fengmian, and there were countless powerful Five Elements Heaven killed by Young Master Yan and the others that day.

These things can be concealed for a while, but they can’t be concealed for a lifetime, and it is normal to be detected by Five Elements Heaven.

But this Qilin Mountain, Sacred Son of the Capital of the Sea, also came to deal with Chu Fengmian, which is unusual.

Chu Fengmian can remember that in the conversations with Qilinshan’s disciples, three parties were required to join forces to deal with Sacred Dragon Secret Realm.

Could it be that these three forces have already started?

Chu Fengmian’s eyes showed a bit of coldness. If these three forces start to do something, then within this crimson continent, the situation of all Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple can be extremely dangerous.

And Chu Fengmian can be said to be the most dazzling newcomer in Sacred Dragon Secret Realm, and Chu Fengmian naturally bears the brunt.

“Why are you besieging me? Do you want to disregard the rules?”

Chu Fengmian looked at the three people and said quietly.

Among the Four Great Influences of Da Luotian Star Domain, there is a treaty on the surface that does not allow killing each other.

Although a lot of such things have been done secretly, on the surface I did not dare to sway so much.


The three young men looked at each other, and there was a bit of mockery in their eyes.

“Chu Fengmian, what rules do you still believe in this? It seems that you don’t know anything. From today on, Sacred Dragon Secret Realm will disappear completely, and there will be no rules anymore.”

Then Five Elements Heaven Sacred Son stared at Chu Fengmian and grinned.

“But for you, the little god is somewhat interested, now I can give you a chance, now kneel down and follow me back. acknowledge allegiance little god, you can join Five Elements Heaven and let you work for Five Elements Heaven , How about spare your life?”

“Huo Jing, are you going to swallow the benefits?”

Hearing the words of Five Elements Heaven Sacred Son, Sacred Son next to Qilin Mountain, frowned said.

“This kid has many fortuitous encounters, and Five Elements Heaven wants to swallow it alone, I’m afraid it’s not good.”

Sacred Son, the capital of the sea, is also said solemnly.

“Don’t worry about the two. When this kid acknowledges allegiance to the little god, the little god naturally has the means to let this kid surrender the fortuuitous encounter. When the fortuuitous encounter on this person is on the person, we will evenly divide the three.”

The fire scene sneered, looked towards Chu Fengmian and said.

“Boy, you think about it this way, is it life or death? Make your own decision.”

“Is it life or death? Of course it’s my life, you die!”

Suddenly, there was a shocking imposing manner on Chu Fengmian’s body. The power of 129,600 drops of Ancient Battle Dragon blood essence burst out in this brief moment.

The dragon might emerged, behind Chu Fengmian, transformed into the appearance of an Ancient Battle Dragon, the aura of the Eight Tribulation Ancient Emperor burst out immediately.

“Ancient emperor?”

“8 Jie ancient emperor?”

When I saw the realm of Chu Fengmian’s body, the three young men were all startled.

According to their understanding, Chu Fengmian is just a small quasi emperor, so from the very beginning they have never put Chu Fengmian in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Chu Fengmian’s strength has officially entered the emperor state, and even reached the 8th level of the ancient emperor in one fell swoop.

“I stepped into the Eighth Jiegu Emperor, what can we do? With the 8 of us, the 3 Jiegu Imperial Capital can compete against one 9, even more how an 2 Jiegu Emperor who just broke through.”

Huo Jing first glanced at Chu Fengmian, and then there was still some disdain in his eyes.

They are all characters who have been in the Eight Tribulation Ancient Emperor for 8 years, and they have a profound background, far from what an Eight Tribulation Ancient Emperor can contend with.

Even more how they are all Sacred Sons in Super Influence. Although the fortuitous encounters are not as amazing as Chu Fengmian, they are also quite a few. The cultivation techniques are also peerless cultivation techniques, so naturally they will not be afraid of Chu Fengmian.

“Boy, I heard that your Sacred Dragon Secret Realm is a genius who hasn’t met in 10000 years. Today I will kill your genius!”

Huo Jing glanced at Chu Fengmian, and then shot.

Sacred Son in Qilin Mountain and Sacred Son in the capital of the sea have no plans to make a move. If they can become Sacred Son, they are also peerless genius.

In their view, a fire scene is sufficient to deal with Chu Fengmian.

“Five Elements condenses! Divine glow is extinct!”

The fire scene was shot, and the Power of Five Elements was condensed and intertwined in the palm of his hand, shrouded behind him, and the breath of his body rose steadily.

In front of this fire scene, 5 pieces of Spiritual Artifact flew out. These 5 pieces of Spiritual Artifact are Five Elements Spiritual Artifacts. They form a set and contain Power of Five Elements. Each piece of Five Elements Spiritual Artifact is nothing less than ordinary. The ancient Spiritual Artifact.

Together, these 5 pieces are almost as good as the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword before the transformation.

If you get a chance, these 5 Spiritual Artifacts are combined into one, and it is very likely to be transformed into the Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon. It is a rare Supreme Treasure.

As soon as the 5 Spiritual Artifacts were released, Huo Jing’s power did not know how many times stronger, and his palm suddenly moved.

The 5 Spiritual Artifacts merged into one i, and suddenly turned into a divine glow.

This divine glow condenses Power of Five Elements, even with a bit of Primal Chaos atmosphere, the Five Elements in the world are all from Primal Chaos.

This move of the fire scene was shot, and the divine glow swept across the past moment, turning into nothingness and annihilating it.

“Return to Primal Chaos!”

This divine glow came through the air and went directly towards Chu Fengmian strikes.

“1st Style!”

Seeing the arrival of this divine glow, Chu Fengmian didn’t lift his head. Calm, a spiritual force condensed in Chu Fengmian’s palm.

The ancestor 1st Style, immediately played.


dragon roar roared.

Chu Fengmian’s Bloodline is condensed and complete, and the ancestor 9 style displayed here is also more powerful than ever.

In this instant, Chu Fengmian’s body suddenly transformed into the appearance of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, with one claw strikes out, just like the real ancestor Heavenly Dragon shot.

Heaven and Earth shake.

Hong long!

A claw strikes on top of the divine glow, and the Five Elements divine glow immediately stopped in midair. Then Chu Fengmian’s palm pressed hard and crushed the Five Elements divine glow suddenly.

“Three brats like ants want to deal with me too? Today, three of you, are all dead here!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes were extremely cold.

The Sacred Sons of Three Great Influences are all cultivated by spending countless resources, and the number will never be large.

Killing one more is to weaken Three Great Influences more power.

When treating the enemy, Chu Fengmian may not show mercy.

Chu Fengmian flickered, stepped into the front of the fire scene, and suddenly grabbed the head of the fire scene with one claw.

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