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This may not be possible in a short period of time, but as long as 5 years have passed, or even 1 years later.

These disciplines only remember the Sword Dao gate, but not the Northern Mang Academy.

This is the case with the rise and fall of a power, and Chu Fengmian knows it too.

“Deng Ling, the wealth of Martial Sovereign will be handed over to you. In the future, you will be the Elder of Sword Dao Menbei Mangtang. You are responsible for cultivating them.”

Chu Fengmian looked at Deng Ling Martial Sovereign 2 people, opened the mouth and said.

Chu Fengmian doesn’t have enough time on his own. Of course, it is impossible to take the time to cultivate the discipline.

Let Deng Ling and Martial Sovereign do the training of the discipline.

The two of them were originally the senior members of Northern Mang Academy, and they knew much more about training the discipline than Chu Fengmian.

Moreover, the two of them have already fully acknowledged Chu Fengmian, and Chu Fengmian is not worried about the possibility of their betrayal.

On the Cold Snow Pavillion side, Chu Fengmian intends to hand it over to Sha Jianjun and Luo He. As for the Northern Mang Academy, it is handed over to Deng Ling and Martial Sovereign.

“many thanks sect master !”

Deng Ling and Martial Sovereign, hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.

His face was extremely happy.

The two of them also grew up in Northern Mang Academy and have deep affection for Northern Mang Academy.

Now seeing the resources that Chu Fengmian put out for him, the two of them also understood in their hearts that they had obtained so many resources.

Northern Mang Academy is absolutely soaring, and even in the future, it may be enough to rival Seven Great Sects, making the hearts of the two of them extremely happy.

As for other Northern Mang Academy, no, it should be said that it is the discipline of Sword Dao Gate Beimangtang.

Now that I have seen so many resources, I don’t have any rebellious thoughts in my heart.

Suddenly, the changes in Northern Mang Academy began, with plaques constantly changing.

All the names of Northern Mang Academy have now become Sword Dao doors.

Northern Mang Academy, located in a separate space, is the Small World created by Jian Ling once used the supreme technique.

Chu Fengmian established the Sword Dao gate, which is based on Small World.

Sou! sou!

In the center of this space, mountain peaks rise from the ground, and on these peaks, countless palaces stand in great numbers.

These palaces are exactly the palaces in the Cold Snow Pavillion. Now Northern Mang Academy and Cold Snow Pavillion are combined into one. Chu Fengmian also brought Cold Snow Pavillion from Martial Victory Country to this Small World.

In Northern Mang Academy, there is a spirit stream, so the Spiritual Qi in it is extremely rich.

The introduction of the Cold Snow Pavillion’s discipline is also sufficient to speed up the cultivation.

Countless busy silhouettes are constantly shuttled here.

Cold Snow Pavillion disciple, Northern Mang Academy disciple, have joined the Sword Dao door now, many of them have some grievances.

At first there were several internal fights, but after being punished by Chu Fengmian with the Iron Blood Hand section, they all calmed down.

After all, there are not many people who are willing to lose their lives in the end because of a dispute of spirit.

The establishment of the Sword Dao gate is proceeding steadily.

And Chu Fengmian did not idle, during this time, Chu Fengmian has been walking through this side of Small World.

In every corner, the suppression was laid down and the Black Profound Spirit Sword was put down.

1000 Black Profound Spirit Swords are distributed in this Small World.

At the same time, each of these Black Profound Spirit Swords has an array carved out by Chu Fengmian himself, which is more than 50% more powerful than before.

The entire Sword Dao gate is shrouded by an array of incomparable gigantic, which is much more powerful than the Array set by Chu Fengmian in the Cold Snow Pavillion.

After all, in Cold Snow Pavillion, not at all spirit stream, can continuously support Spiritual Force consumption.

And within this Sword Dao gate, there is a whole spirit stream, and Chu Fengmian put the final array eye under the spirit stream.

In this way, if there is a crisis, it is sufficient to continuously use the power of the spirit stream to resist.

This great array protects the mountain, let Chu Fengmian take the shot himself, and with all his strength, it is impossible to break without half a day.

Chu Fengmian’s strength is already infinitely close to the 9th tribulation ancient emperor. It can be said that a 9th tribulation ancient emperor storms, and this great array is enough to delay enough time.

“Unfortunately there is only one spirit stream.”

After finishing all these arrangements, Chu Fengmian took a look, and still shook the head.

If there are more spirit streams, Chu Fengmian can arrange more array eyes. At the time, the power of this great array will be much stronger.

Even the strikes that are enough to perfectly resist the 9th Tribulation Ancient Emperor, it will take a few days for a 9th Tribulation Ancient Emperor to break.

“In Returning Ruins Heaven, there are many spirit streams. With my current strength, it is not difficult to take a few seats.”

Chu Fengmian thought.

He wants to break through the emperor state, the first choice is to go to Returning Ruins Heaven.

Returning Ruins Heaven is known to Chu Fengmian, the most treasured place in Nine Domains, and Chu Fengmian himself has been to Returning Ruins Heaven.

I am also familiar with Returning Ruins Heaven and know where many treasures are.

Because of Chu Fengmian’s poor strength before, Chu Fengmian found many treasures, but they didn’t have the strength to get them.

But now Chu Fengmian has no such worries.

After arranging the Sword Dao gate, Chu Fengmian was ready to set off for Returning Ruins Heaven.

“This great array of mountain guards is comparable to the great array of Sacred Dragon Secret Realm Five Spirits Sect.”

Luo Xi stood aside and sighed as he watched the great array being arranged by Chu Fengmian.

The great array of mountain guards that is sufficient to withstand the 9th Jie Gudi, the entire Nine Domains may not be enough to find the second one.

For example, in Sacred Dragon Secret Realm, Five Spirits Sect is one of the Four Sects, but the great array of mountain guards is arranged, which is Chu Fengmian’s level.

Layout of the great array is more difficult than imagined. One is the material, but the choice of Array.

Chu Fengmian has read a lot of ancient books in his previous life, so he is quite clear about the choice of Array. He chose an ancient sword array.

With swords as the array eye, 1000 Black Profound Spirit Swords are the best choice.

The array material also determines the strength of the great array. These 1000 Black Profound Spirit Swords are all Heaven Level Spiritual Artifacts.

Even some Great Influence of Da Luotian Star Domain may not be able to get 1000 identical Spiritual Artifacts in one go.

With these two points, although Chu Fengmian does not have the solid background of Sacred Dragon Secret Realm, the great array of guarding the mountain is not weak at all.

“I’ll also help you, arrange this great array of mountain protection.”

After taking a look, Luo Xi suddenly moved his body, stepped forward, and suddenly started to spin Spiritual Force.

Behind Luo Xi, the portal of Primal Chaos slowly opened.

The power of Primal Chaos came on the spot.

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