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This Asura King has the power of 5 Jiezhen Emperor. What he shot, where he was looking, in an instant, almost several martial artist Demon God, all died in his hands.

“Asura King, you dare to slaughter my Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple!”

At the moment when Asura King slaughtered, an anger sounded from the sky.

Following that, a silhouette suddenly descended.

“Cuitian Ancient Emperor!”

Seeing the advent of this one silhouette, Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple, his face was full of joy.

This Cuitian ancient emperor shot, and suddenly patted Na Ah Asura King with a palm.

“hong long! ”

Under this palm, the flames on Asura King’s body were extinguished a lot, and the calcaneal spurs were breaking.

The ancient emperor Cuitian is worthy of the 7th Tribulation Emperor, the figure who made the ancient emperor, and his strength is incredible.

In casually, he suppressed Asura King, and even wanted to kill Asura King on the spot.

“hmph! ”

It was the moment when Cuitian Ancient Emperor planned to take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill Asura King.

Above the sky, another silhouette appeared.

Between this silhouette, casually, one finger pointed at the ancient emperor Cuitian and clicked.

“Heaven and Earth collapsed!”

This finger is exactly what Chu Fengmian has suffered, Heaven and Earth collapsed.

It seems that Young Emperor has now shot.

The power of this finger is dozens of times stronger than that of strikes Chu Fengmian.

This is the true strength belonging to the Young Emperor.

“Young Emperor!”

Even if it was the ancient emperor Cuitian, his face changed in shock at the moment he felt the power of this finger.

By his side, countless Spiritual Forces appeared, transformed into a divine wood, in an instant, all with all their strength.

Obviously, in front of this Young Emperor, even the ancient Emperor Cuitian didn’t dare to hold big.

“Emperor Cuitian, do you really think my Demon Race is unmanned? Dare to come to Ghost Domain, today you are all person, no one wants to leave alive!”

The Young Emperor roared coldly, and with another palm, he walked towards the ancient emperor Cuitian strikes.

This palm, like the coming of Demon God, the demon coming to Heaven and Earth, contains a huge demonic intent, dropping from the sky, which is also a unique trick.

The Divine Tree beside the ancient emperor Cuitian was almost shattered by this palm in a flash.

With just one move, Cuitiangu Imperial Capital was directly shot out. Although there were not many injuries on his body, it was far inferior to Young Emperor in terms of power confrontation.

“Young Emperor! Young Emperor! Young Emperor!”

Countless Demon Races roared loudly when they saw this scene.

“Jin Feng! Duan Hai! Lin Tian! Are you still not taking action?”

Cuitian ancient emperor, forced to retreat in a row, shouted loudly.

At the same time, from above the sky, 3 silhouettes appeared again.

Ancient Emperor Jinfeng, Ancient Emperor Duan Hai, Ancient Emperor Lin Tian.

Five Elements Heaven, the capital of the sea, and the ancient emperors of Qilin Mountain, all appeared together.

As soon as the silhouettes of their three people appeared, they were facing the Young Emperor and strikes at the same time.

“There are three more wastes? Even if the four of you team up, what can you do?”

Faced with 4 people joining hands, the Young Emperor didn’t have any fear in his eyes, and he was still extremely confident.

By the Young Emperor’s side, the demonic intent was tossing, and with one enemy 4, the wind did not fall in the slightest.

“This Young Emperor, is it a who thing?”

Even though Chu Fengmian had already seen the strength of the Young Emperor, but now seeing him with an enemy 4 and not falling into the wind, Chu Fengmian’s face changed slightly.

This kind of strength, I am afraid that it is close to the point of the 9th Tribulation Ancient Emperor.

And this is just an incarnation of the Young Emperor, how terrifying the Young Emperor’s body should be!

Fortunately, when the Young Emperor dealt with Chu Fengmian, he was also blinded by Chu Fengmian’s realm.

The finger of the Young Emperor back then, even the 5 Jiezhen Emperor, might not be able to survive.

Even the Young Emperor at that time felt that Chu Fengmian was bound to die, so he didn’t use all his strength to let Chu Fengmian escape.

If Young Emperor broke out with all his strength at that time, it can be said that Chu Fengmian might not be able to survive.

But now, Young Emperor is already fighting with 4 ancient emperors, and he is stalemate in the air.

Even though the Young Emperor’s strength is extremely powerful, it can be an enemy 4, but it is not easy to defeat 4 ancient emperors at the same time.

Whether it was these four ancient emperors or the Young Emperor, they all used all their strength to defeat their opponents and seize the bones of the bronze Heavenly Demon.

The aftermath of their battles was almost unbearable for Emperor Zhun.

Several people tried to get close and tried to pick up cheap martial artists, but they were all shocked to death by the aftermath.

“Good opportunity! Young Emperor fights against the 4 ancient emperors! Now is our chance!”

The blood boy and the others, seeing this scene, are all bright.

Now this situation has been delayed, it is the opportunity of the blood boy and the others.

I saw that the throne where the blood boy sat down suddenly changed. Dozens of Spiritual Artifacts flew out and turned into an incomparable gigantic ark in the air.

The Five Elements Heaven disciple all sat on the ark, and the grandiose ones flew towards the Bai Gu portal.

Even Demon Race Legion, combined with strikes, cannot shake the power of this ark.

“We are also on!”

Seeing Young Master Blood take the lead, Shao Mu and the others, their expressions were all extremely excited, and they showed their methods and rushed towards the Bai Gu portal.

They all want to be one step ahead and step into the Bai Gu portal.

Whoever goes first can take the upper hand and have more opportunities to go to the bones of the bronze Heavenly Demon.

“Damn! Kill! Kill these martial artist Demon God! This treasure belongs only to the Young Emperor!”

Yaksha King and Asura King roared, commanding the Demon Race army and rushed directly.

Countless fierce battles have been launched around the Bai Gu portal.

“Good! The more chaotic the better! The scene is chaotic too! The greater my chance!”

Chu Fengmian was extremely excited. The more chaotic this scene is now, the better it is for him.

Especially those 4 ancient emperors, who are currently fighting with Young Emperor, are too busy to spare time for a separate task.

At this time, it was Chu Fengmian who had been waiting for a long time.


Chu Fengmian a long whistle, turned into a ray of light, soared into the sky, and rushed directly towards the Bai Gu portal.

The speed of this escape was beyond the imagination of everyone around him. Seeing in a flash, Chu Fengmian surpassed countless figures and rushed to Bai Gu’s portal.

“who is it?”

“Quickly escape!”

“Shoot together and stop him!”

Shao Mu and several Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple around him gathered Spiritual Force almost at the same time, approaching Chu Fengmian.

They have all locked Chu Fengmian, countless martial arts, strikes towards Chu Fengmian.

In an instant, there are more than a dozen martial arts, and at the same time they are coming towards Chu Fengmian strikes.

“break for me !”

Chu Fengmian coldly shouted, Battle Dragon’s Claw, came from the condense above his head, immediately urged his momentum, and swept away.

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