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You Ghost Domain, one of the 6 evil Danger Land.

Legend has it that Ghost Domain is the oldest Demon Domain in the starry sky of Foreign Domain.

Countless monsters were born in it, Demon King, Demon Sovereign, countless.

This time the area where the bronze gate was transmitted was just the edge of the Ghost Domain.

But once he stepped into it, Chu Fengmian could feel the rolling demonic intent.

In such a demonic intent, I am afraid it is enough to nurture the Demon Sovereign of the emperor level.

Demonic intent is the equivalent to Spiritual Qi for monsters. For example, the stronger the Spiritual Qi, the stronger the martial artist Demon God.

The same is true for this ghost domain. Such a rich demonic intent is a paradise for Demon Race.

“Compared with Ghost Domain, Nine Domains’ so-called Demon Domain is nothing to mention.”

Chu Fengmian glanced around, laughed and said.

In Nine Domains, there are also several places called Demon Domains, but compared with the ghost domain in front of them, they are not even worthy of shoes.

Here, it is only the edge of the Ghost Domain. According to legend, the Ghost Domain is large enough to compare with the 100 continents. It is almost impossible to detect the edge of the end.

Here, there is even the Demon Emperor with the level of 9 Jie Gudi, and even the ancient Demon God who has surpassed the level of 9 Jie Gudi and entered the level of heaven and man.

Chu Fengmian has just stepped into this faint Ghost Domain, and his breath is blowing in the wind.

For monsters, the blood essence of martial artist Demon God is their food, which can enhance their strength and has a fatal attraction.

A gust of wind swept over.

In the midst of this gust of wind, an incomparable gigantic giant ape suddenly appeared. This giant ape was holding a big stick and slammed it directly at Chu Fengmian.

this is one ghost giant ape, a terrifying monster at the quasi-emperor level. In this ghost domain, he can blend into the yin wind.

Even many quasi emperors can hardly detect his existence. Once they are sneak attacked, many quasi Imperial Capital are extremely dangerous.

“Humans, it has been a long time since humans have come, and your flesh and blood are mine!”

When the big stick hit Chu Fengmian, the ghost giant ape showed a bit of a hideous expression and said loudly with a smile.

The monsters of the quasi-emperor level already have spiritual wisdom. Compared with the martial artist Demon God, it is not bad at all. He looked towards Chu Fengmian as if he looked towards Chu Fengmian, his eyes were full of greed, and he already thought of devouring Chu. Scenes of Fengmian blood essence.

But that big stick, when the strikes reached Chu Fengmian’s body less than 3 feet, suddenly it was held by a huge force.

Above Chu Fengmian’s head, a Battle Dragon’s Claw condensed, and he held the big stick firmly.

After that, he suddenly used force to crush the big stick directly.


This ghost giant ape didn’t seem to think that Chu Fengmian’s strength actually reached this step.

His body moved began to disappear, intending to disappear into the wind and leave.

But Battle Dragon’s Claw, at this time, had already locked the ghost giant ape. Before his body completely disappeared, he was directly pinched by Battle Dragon’s Claw.

Then in the palm of Chu Fengmian’s palm, the ghost giant ape was directly crushed, and then Chu Fengmian’s right hand moved, pulling out a rib from the ghost giant ape.

This rib, like this ghost giant ape, is a collection of demonic intents, and is his Life Source magic bone.

The power of the martial artist comes from the Spiritual Vein, the Demon God comes from the Demonic Core, and as for the Demon Race, it is the demon bone.

Chu Fengmian took out the demon bone, in an instant, the demon bone burst out of a Spiritual Force in the palm of Chu Fengmian’s palm, and wanted to escape.

But Chu Fengmian moved casually, a restraint, and he penetrated into it, suppressing the power of this demon bone to death.

Such a ghost giant ape of the quasi-emperor level was directly suppressed by Chu Fengmian, and his devil bone fell into Chu Fengmian’s palm.

Chu Fengmian took a closer look at the demon bone, which contained extremely complex magic patterns.

These magic patterns belong only to the Demon Race, a human martial artist, and cannot understand at all, only to feel the terrifying demonic intent contained in the demon bone.

Such a demon bone of the quasi-emperor Demon Race can be refined into a Heaven Level Spiritual Artifact with a little refining.

Of course it is the Heaven Level Spiritual Artifact of Ordinary Level, and Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, etc., which are impossible to compare.

And not only can it refine tools, some Grand Alchemist can also transform the demonic intent in the devil bone into a spiritual force, which is enough to swallow the martial artist Demon God.

Such a demon bone is equivalent to a holy pill, but no matter what it is, it is of little use to Chu Fengmian.

His goal is to accumulate a large number of magic bones, and then pass the assessment, and even win the top spot.

To join Saint Dragon Sect, Chu Fengmian must take the top spot this time.

He also needs a lot of hunting monsters.


Chu Fengmian’s body moved disappeared again and continued to hunt down monsters in this ghost domain.

It was just by chance that Chu Fengmian’s eyes wrinkled involuntarily, because he noticed that in the sky above the ghost domain, there seemed to be a line of sight, watching Chu Fengmian.

It should be said that it is not just watching Chu Fengmian, but watching everyone in the ghost domain.

Cuitian ancient emperor.

Chu Fengmian recognized the master of this line of sight, the ancient emperor Cuitian, who also came to the Ghost Domain, seeming to observe the actions of each martial artist Demon God.

Once Chu Fengmian used his full strength, he would be noticed by the Cuitian ancient emperor.

“It’s really troublesome.”

Chu Fengmian cursed secretly, and when he came to this ghost domain, Chu Fengmian couldn’t show his hands.

Otherwise, with Chu Fengmian’s current strength, he is almost invincible on the edge of this ghost domain and can be swept away.

But now he can only hunt down monsters slowly. Fortunately, the strength that Chu Fengmian has shown is already the Peak of this newcomer.

His hunting speed is definitely the fastest, unless it’s that Mu Shao, otherwise, others should not be able to compete with Chu Fengmian for the top spot.

Half a day.

In Chu Fengmian’s hands, more than 30 quasi-emperor monsters have been hunted down.

The quasi-emperor monsters, in the demon ancient continent, Nine Domains, are almost rarely seen, but in this ghost domain, they are everywhere.

It’s easy to find it.

“hong long! ”

In a mountain range in Ghost Domain, Battle Dragon’s Claw fell ruthlessly again, and a mountain was crushed directly.

At the same time, there was a roaring monster that was crushed along with the mountain, which was directly bombarded and killed by Chu Fengmian Battle Dragon’s Claw.

This is one Demon King of the True Emperor level was also ruthlessly bombarded by Battle Dragon’s Claw.

Just when Chu Fengmian extracted the Demon King’s bones, a huge Spiritual Force suddenly appeared in the sky.

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