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“Do you still have something?”

After the wind, the ancient emperor looked towards Liu Ya, his eyes became a lot gentler, without the cold look.

“This son, when he was in the demon ancient continent, once saved my life, I want Senior to arrange a good place for him.”

Liu Ya watched the ancient emperor slowly opened the mouth and said Fenghou.

Upon hearing this, the two Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple standing behind Di Pao Elder all showed a bit of envy.

Coming to Sacred Dragon Secret Realm is actually just the first step of the assessment. After that, you still need to go through the assessment of Sacred Dragon Secret Realm before you can truly become the discipline of Sacred Dragon Secret Realm.

And in Four Sects 8, there are strong and weak ones. If you go to some strong ones, and some weak ones, the treatment is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Now if the ancient emperor of Fenghou speaks, I am afraid it is most of the Four Sects 8 hall, and dare not refuse the person she wants to send in, and it will be exempt from the Sacred Dragon Secret Realm assessment.

The assessment of Sacred Dragon Secret Realm is extremely strict. The genius who can be regarded by Sacred Dragon Secret Realm is one out of 100000000 million, but at least half of them die every year in the assessment of Sacred Dragon Secret Realm.

How much Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple yearn for something even in dreams can be avoided. The two of them looked towards Chu Fengmian and couldn’t help showing a bit of envy.

This is good luck for nothing.

Naturally, they could see that it was Liu Ya who had some friendship with the ancient emperor after Fenghou. As for Chu Fengmian, he just followed Liu Ya and was stunned.

“Save your life?”

Hearing Liu Ya’s words, the ancient emperor of Fenghou couldn’t help but glanced at Chu Fengmian, then opened the mouth and said.

“Battle Dragon Bloodline, among the 8 classes, 10000 Dragon Hall is the most suitable for him. As for Four Sects with his aptitude, he is not qualified to enter.”

10000 Dragon Hall, ranked among 8 halls, second only to the first Wuba Hall.

Able to enter the 10000 Dragon Hall, but many Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple, yearn for something even in dreams.

“Wait, Ancient Emperor Fenghou, you have to take away these two people, if the people in Law Enforcement Hall are to blame…”

Di Pao Elder said hesitantly.

“People from Law Enforcement Hall? Let them go to Five Spirits Sect and find me.”

After the wind, the ancient emperor opened the mouth and said coldly.

“Boy, 10000 Dragon Hall, are you going or not.”

“10000 Dragon Hall? Forget it, I’m still going to Saint Dragon Sect. If 10000 Dragon Hall, I’ll take the assessment.”

Upon hearing the words of the ancient emperor Fenghou, Chu Fengmian laughed opened the mouth and said at will.

He had heard of it before, and in this Sacred Dragon Secret Realm Four Sects 8 class, Saint Dragon Sect is respected.

Since Chu Fengmian wants to add, it is natural to add the best. Other Three Sects 8 classes are not in his consideration.

“Do you want to add Saint Dragon Sect?”

After Feng Hou, the ancient emperor heard Chu Fengmian’s words, first he was taken aback, and then shook the head.

“Forget it, everyone has ambitions and don’t want to force it. In that case, Liu Ya, follow me.”

With that said, the ancient emperor after the wind took Liu Ya and stepped into the Sacred Dragon Secret Realm.

The remaining Nadi throws Elder, and two Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple, looking at Chu Fengmian, expressions all look towards a fool.

Di Pao Elder even more bluntly opened the mouth and said.

“Youngster, I know you are in the ancient continent, maybe you are a peerless genius, but here is Sacred Dragon Secret Realm. With your aptitude, joining the 10000 Dragon Hall is somewhat reluctant. As for Saint Dragon Sect, even if your aptitude is strong Ten times, it’s impossible to get in.”

“That is, such a good opportunity to join the 10000 Dragon Hall, I don’t know how to treasure it.”

A Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple looked towards Chu Fengmian, shook the head opened the mouth and said.

“Forget it, there is only one opportunity. If you miss it, you will miss it. Don’t regret it.”

“You follow me, I will take you to the Cave Mansion where you live temporarily.”

Chu Fengmian did not speak, but quietly followed the Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple away.

As for the three people in Wenhua and painting, they returned to their halls. If there is nothing important, Chu Fengmian does not need to use their three people.

This Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple, with Chu Fengmian, walked all the way in Sacred Dragon Secret Realm.

The entire Sacred Dragon Secret Realm is huge. Compared with the demon ancient continent, it is even huge. It is not like a foreign domain at all.

In fact, compared with a real continent, there is no difference.

On top of this continent, there are ten peaks.

These ten 3 peaks, of which ten 2 are located all around, is where the Sacred Dragon Secret Realm Four Sects 8 is located.

Any Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple belongs to Four Sects 8 class, without exception, even most of the Elders, except those hidden Old Antique, are also Four Sects 8 class.

Four Sects 8 classes have their own characteristics. For example, Wuba Hall is the ultimate Martial Dao. In it, you can learn Martial Dao among the 100 continents.

10000 Dragon Hall, although named Dragon Hall, is actually the gathering place of Demon God. It is only respected by the dragon. The Demon God who entered Sacred Dragon Secret Realm mostly went to 10000 Dragon Hall.

And below, there are Human Sect Hall, Divine Medicine Hall, 10000 Instruments Hall and so on.

As for Four Sects, it is beyond the 8th class. Only monsters in the 8th class are eligible to join.

Of course, there are some peerless genius. Once they enter Sacred Dragon Secret Realm, they enter Four Sects, but this kind of genius, even in Sacred Dragon Secret Realm, has rarely produced one in several decades.

Saint Dragon Sect is also the head of Four Sects 8. For decades, there has been no discipline to join it, even more how is a newcomer.

As for the last mountain, it is the assessment peak of Sacred Dragon Secret Realm. Those who live in the numerous palaces above are all geniuses waiting for the assessment of Sacred Dragon Secret Realm.

The purpose of Chu Fengmian is this assessment peak.

Chu Fengmian glanced at these ten or three peaks, but was not there.

His eyes were completely attracted by an incomparable gigantic stone statue in the distance.

This stone statue is 1000 li long, even if it is a long distance away, Chu Fengmian can clearly see it.

Dragon head, dragon body, dragon tail.

An incomparable gigantic Dragon Clan stone statue.

The moment Chu Fengmian saw this bone, he felt a cordial feeling in the Bloodline.

“1000 Li Shilong!”

When Chu Fengmian calculated the positions of Han Yueli and Luo Xi for the first time before, what he saw was the 1000-mile stone dragon.

According to Star Profound, the 1000-mile stone dragon statue is nothing but Myriad Dragons Ancestor, the ancestor Heavenly Dragon.

Chu Fengmian itself is Battle Dragon Bloodline, and in his Bloodline, it is the Bloodline that awakened part of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon.

So when he saw the 1000-li stone dragon statue, he felt cordial.

“Why don’t you leave?”

Just when Chu Fengmian was in a daze, the Sacred Dragon Secret Realm disciple turned his head and opened the mouth and said with some doubts.

He followed the direction of Chu Fengmian’s gaze, and he quickly reflected, opened the mouth and said.

“It turned out to be the statue of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, too, your Dragon Clan, maybe you can really comprehend some martial arts secret techniques from this statue.”

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