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“Today I will be enough to solve these guys.”

Chu Fengmian stepped out and came directly in front of the ancient island Lord.

This action meant that the protection of the ancient Island Lord was not needed.

“This kid, is he crazy?”

“Is this person really arrogantly dead?”

Many martial artist Demon God saw Chu Fengmian’s actions in a daze, and they were all dull.

At this time, the arrival of the ancient island Lord was a life-saving straw for Chu Fengmian.

But now Chu Fengmian speaks, actually saying that he doesn’t need the help of the ancient island Lord?

“Lunatic, this kid is definitely a lunatic!”

Night sword cultivator and the others are sucked in a breath of cold air.

This kind of behavior is something they can’t even dream of. At this time, they must choose to join forces with the ancient island Lord to charge ahead.

Now pushing away the ancient method of Island Lord is simply a matter of bringing about one’s own destruction.

“Little Brat, we are Crystal Blessed Land. We are not afraid of trouble. What happened today is a kindness, and you don’t need any kindness.”

The ancient island Lord heard Chu Fengmian’s words, they were all frowned and opened the mouth and said to Chu Fengmian.

“The old man knows your strength, but no matter how strong you are, today’s matter is not something you can solve as a junior.”

“Repaying gratitude? It is enough to have a heart to repay gratitude. I am not saving Liu Ya for the grace of your Crystal Blessed Land.”

When Chu Fengmian saw the ancient island Lord, he couldn’t help but say a few more words.

To Liu Ya and the ancient island Lord, Chu Fengmian has a good impression. Liu Ya does things, gratitude and grudges are clear, at this time, he dare to stand up and help Chu Fengmian.

It can be seen that Liu Ya’s character, the ancient Island Lord, is loyal to follow orders and obey all orders.

Chu Fengmian is willing to be friends with them, but unfortunately, today’s affairs do not require their intervention.

“I am enough.”

Chu Fengmian stepped forward, staring at the fire and the Dragon King laughed and opened the mouth and said.

“Come on, whoever wants the opportunity in me, come and kill me.”


Looking at Chu Fengmian for a long time, the ancient method Island Lord shook the head said.

“It seems little friend, I don’t want us to interfere.”

“But, how could he be the opponent of these people?”

Liu Ya opened the mouth and said a little worried.

“You are young, proud and arrogant, normal. At a critical moment, the old man will save him.”

The ancient island Lord slowly opened the mouth and said, then he and Liu Ya retreated to the side.

There is no plan to intervene today.

“Ha ha ha ha, boy, it seems that you are really arrogant and boundless. The ancient Island Lord helped you. You dare to refuse. Very good. There are really few stupid lunatics like you.”

Nirvana Dragon Lord laughed and said.

“Since you are courting death today, then I will fulfill you!”

Before the words of Nirvana Dragon King, the Fire Dragon King stepped forward and stared at Chu Fengmian’s opening the mouth and said full of killing intent.

“Nirvana Dragon Lord, let me kill him! I must kill him personally to wash away the shame he brought me!”

“A group of ants, just a rat generation, no need to fight, let’s go together, lest I kill each and everyone.”

Chu Fengmian glanced at the martial artist Demon God present and laughed.

“Also, do you really feel that you have forced me into a desperate situation? It’s a pity that today this is just a trap that’s all. If you don’t lead you together, how can you solve it together?”


After hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, many quasi-Imperial Capital was complexion greatly changed, and they hurriedly looked at all around.

“No need to look for it. I want to kill you. It’s as easy as trampling on a bunch of ants. You don’t need to use crafty plots and machinations. You don’t deserve it.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said disdainfully.


Hearing this, no matter how good-tempered the strong, they are now unable to bear.

Every sentence of Chu Fengmian is ridiculous, and the disdain in it treats any of them as nothing.

No matter how strong and weakest the martial artist Demon God is, they are all quasi-emperors. It is enough to be called a side powerhouse in the demon ancient continent. It is more suitable that there are many true emperors and young masters of Great Influence.

Being so degraded by Chu Fengmian, who can bear it.

“The Fury of Dragon Flame!”

The Fire Dragon King had the most explosive temper and burst out all at once. His body, in this void, turned directly into an incomparable gigantic Fire Dragon.

On this Fire Dragon’s body, there was a golden flame burning, and everything around it was burned.

“Dragon Flame! Quickly retreat! “

Many quasi emperors felt the heat of the flame, and they all hurriedly retreated.

Dragon Flame is one of the most overbearing flames in Heaven and Earth, even more how fire Dragon King is a 2 Jie true emperor.

His Dragon Flame has been blessed by Heaven and Earth Law, and he has begun to advance towards the Innate Divine Fire.

in an instant, boundless sea of ​​fire, whistling towards Chu Fengmian.

Under the sea of ​​fire, there is no vitality, any life will be burned to death.

Chu Fengmian’s body was plunged into the fire by in a flash.

The endless Dragon Flame is burning Chu Fengmian’s body.

“Pretending to be for a long time? Now in front of the fire Dragon King, I can’t take a single move.”

“Hmph, this person was in the palace at the time and fought with the Fire Dragon King. He was given a few tricks by the Fire Dragon King. Did he really think he was the opponent of the Fire Dragon King?”

Seeing Chu Fengmian appear in the Dragon Flame, many martial artist Demon God opened the mouth and said with disdain.

Many of them and Chu Fengmian are both lacking hatred and enmity. They come to chase and kill Chu Fengmian, just jealous.

Being jealous of Chu Fengmian can have that many fortuitous encounters. I can’t wait to kill Chu Fengmian quickly.

Seeing Chu Fengmian plunged into the Dragon Flame, many people were relieved.

“Dragon Flame, just this that’s all.”

At this moment when everyone thought that Chu Fengmian was already in the Dragon Flame and was burned to the ground.

Suddenly Chu Fengmian slowly walked out of the Dragon Flame.

This hot flame, approaching Chu Fengmian, suddenly dissipated.

The boundless sea of ​​fire could not even stop Chu Fengmian from leaving.

“Dragon Flame is invalid? How is it possible?”

The Fire Dragon King was taken aback when he saw this scene, and then he was shocked.

His Dragon Flame, even if the 3 True Tribulation Emperor and 4 True Tribulation Emperor arrive, it is extremely troublesome.

Although it can be resolved, there is absolutely no strong person, like Chu Fengmian.

Walking in the sea of ​​Dragon Flame, treat this Dragon Flame as nothing.


The corner of Chu Fengmian’s mouth showed a little said with a sneer.

“Fire Dragon King, I want to kill you. In the palace, I can kill you. I have already bypassed you once. Since you are here again, you will die this time!”

Suddenly Chu Fengmian shot.

He waved his hand and grabbed the Dragon Flame.

This Dragon Flame sea, as Chu Fengmian waved his hand, suddenly shrank.

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