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After seeing the power of Heavenly Peng Emperor, Chu Fengmian knew what is always someone stronger.

Heavenly Peng Emperor’s blow over 10,000,000 li almost killed Chu Fengmian.

Now Chu Fengmian has at most 100 81 Heaven and Earth Law all over his body.

And Heavenly Peng Emperor gathers an incarnation and can consume 81 channels.

This is the gap. There is still a huge gap between Chu Fengmian and these peerless Monster Sovereigns, even more how is not considered Heavenly Peng Emperor.

It is only the Sun Ba of the Sun Family, if Chu Fengmian fights against him now, he will definitely lose.

The demon ancient continent, the crouching tiger hidden dragon, is much more powerful than Chu Fengmian imagined.

even more how there is an extremely mysterious Sacred Dragon Secret Realm.

You must know that Heavenly Peng Emperor is already one of the three Monster Sovereigns of the ancient continent, and his status is extremely noble. He has to give the purple divine fruit to a great character of Sacred Dragon Secret Realm.

Proving the great character, even the Emperor Heavenly Peng has to win over him. The strength of this person may be more terrifying than the Emperor Heavenly Peng.

In the face of so many powerhouses, Chu Fengmian’s strength is nothing. He must seize every opportunity to improve his strength.

“First refining this purple divine fruit.”

Chu Fengmian no longer considers that many.

Although this purple divine fruit is better used when the realm is about to break through, it can help Chu Fengmian hit the bottleneck of the emperor realm.

But now Chu Fengmian’s top priority is to improve his strength first, and ignore that many.

The refining method of divine fruit is extremely simple.

According to Star Profound, although the power contained in this purple divine fruit is extremely gentle, it is extremely gentle.

It can be said that even an ordinary person can eat it directly, but this method of refining can use at most 1% of the medical power of divine fruit.

The remaining 99 medicinal power will be wasted.

Star Profound was passed to Chu Fengmian, a jade talisman. In this jade talisman, the method of refining divine fruit is recorded. This method is summed up by countless years.

To the greatest extent, refining the power of divine fruit.

“According to this method, at least 70% of the power of divine fruit can be refining, but I now have Swallowing Heaven Beast Bloodline and know the secret technique of Swallowing Heaven, maybe I can go further.”

Chu Fengmian quickly went through the refining method in his mind, and now he has it in his heart.

This refining method is not complicated. Soon Chu Fengmian became Full Mastery, and then Chu Fengmian opened his mouth and swallowed the purple divine fruit directly into his mouth.

Purple divine fruit, melts in the mouth, is transformed into the most essence of Spiritual Force, and begins to wander in the body of Chu Fengmian.

This medicinal power, compared to many spiritual medicines that Chu Fengmian has seen, is much gentler, and it doesn’t hurt the body at all.

“This purple divine fruit is really amazing.”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help sighing that the purple divine fruit with such a huge medical power, the medical power in it, is so gentle.

No wonder it is called the divine object of the heavens, this kind of magic is beyond Chu Fengmian’s imagination.

However, Chu Fengmian quickly ignored these, but in his mind the refining method in the jade talisman, quickly began to stimulate.

Chu Fengmian’s body, his Bloodline, every drop of Ancient Battle Dragon blood essence, suddenly opened up, continuously devouring the medical power of this purple divine fruit.

The medical power of this purple divine fruit can be incorporated into every cell of Chu Fengmian, every drop of blood essence.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian also urged the power of Swallowing Heaven Beast Bloodline to the extreme.

Swallowing Heaven Beast, the reason for swallowing the heavens is to swallow the heavens and turn them into his power. This is also the source of the power of Swallowing Heaven Beast.

Speaking of refining Spiritual Force, Swallowing Heaven Beast is number two. No one dares to be number one. Now Chu Fengmian, with the power of Swallowing Heaven Beast Bloodline, is also continuously devouring the power of this purple divine fruit.

Drops of Ancient Battle Dragon blood essence began to condense continuously.

The breath of Chu Fengmian’s body also began to rise steadily as the ancient Battle Dragon blood essence continued to condense.

Only one step away from the Ninth Layer of Life and Death Ladder, the realm of immortality.

This is also unhurried for a while.

The power of divine fruit is now less than 30% refining by Chu Fengmian.

Drops of Ancient Battle Dragon blood essence are still condensing.

The Ancient Battle Dragon blood essence on Chu Fengmian’s body is already close to the level of 120,000 5000 drops.

The distance is 129,600 drops, which is already 4600 drops.

“It seems that Peak, the immortal realm, is the power limit of 129,600 drops of Ancient Battle Dragon blood essence.”

The 1st Layer of Battle Dragon Art is about to reach its peak, but Chu Fengmian knows that after this, there will be 2nd Layer and 3rd Layer.

Even though Chu Fengmian’s knowledge has surpassed what he once was, this Battle Dragon Art is still the most amazing cultivation technique he has ever seen.

Chu Fengmian once asked about the origin of Star Profound, the Battle Dragon Art, but Star Profound’s answers were all fuzzy.

Even Chu Fengmian didn’t know whether this Star Profound was deliberately concealed, or he really didn’t remember.

“Try to hit the immortal realm! Once I step into the immortal realm, I can accumulate well and prepare to hit the emperor realm!”

The immortal realm is the last step to impact the emperor’s realm.

Now Chu Fengmian is about to start a formal impact on the immortal realm.


From behind Chu Fengmian, an ancient gate, suddenly condense came.

This gate is extremely simple and contains power that shocks Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian knows that this is the bottleneck of immortality.

Normally this bottleneck will only appear in the mind of a martial artist, but now the power of this bottleneck is too powerful.

It was enough to manifest the entity, and now Chu Fengmian looked back and was right in front of him.

Chu Fengmian can feel that this simple gate is the blockade of Chu Fengmian’s power. As long as it is enough to break this Boss Gu gate, Chu Fengmian’s strength will go one step further and enter the realm of immortality.

“Battle Dragon’s Claw, tear me apart!”

Chu Fengmian stared, suddenly coldly snorted, in an instant, Battle Dragon’s Claw condensed, fiercely’s strikes were on the Boss Gu gate.


At the moment when Battle Dragon’s Claw, strikes went up, only an echo was left, but there was not even a trace left on the Boss Gu door.

With the power of Chu Fengmian now, this Battle Dragon’s Claw is enough to crush countless quasi emperors.

But now they can’t be broken, the bottleneck of the immortal realm.

The more the monster’s genius, the more difficult it is for the bottleneck to break through. For Chu Fengmian, even if there is no one, it will be more difficult than his breakthrough.

But today Chu Fengmian’s breakthrough is bound to be won, and no one can stop it.

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