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Seeing Chu Fengmian’s silk ruthless face, he killed the Overlord Prince with one move, and the martial artists present were extremely cold.

This Chu Fengmian’s madness was one step further than what they thought.


Fourth Prince stared at Chu Fengmian, even a little speechless for a while.

Especially when the Overlord was killed by Chu Fengmian with one move, it was even more unexpected.

“Very well, Chu Fengmian, from now on, you are a wanted criminal in the kingdom of the god Dragon Emperor. Anyone who can kill this person can get a reward from the kingdom of our god Dragon Emperor!”


Chu Fengmian heard the words of Fourth Prince, his eyes changed, and suddenly he shot.

“Then you die together.”

From the top of Chu Fengmian’s head, the Battle Dragon’s Claw suddenly directed towards the Fourth Prince and blasted it.

For a while, violent power swept over.

This sudden shot was unexpected to everyone present. Now Chu Fengmian is not only the one who dared to kill Fourth Prince, but now he even wants to kill Fourth Prince.

The identity of Fourth Prince is simply more noble than the other white sons and the others, and now Chu Fengmian actually wants to kill him.

“Junior, you are too much!”

The other quasi-emperor standing beside Fourth Prince, Prince Nawei furiously shouted, his eyes were cold, and he shot.

A golden light resisted in front of the Fourth Prince, and suddenly turned into a golden treasure pagoda, enveloped by the Fourth Prince entire group.

As soon as the golden treasure pagoda came out, it shattered the power of Battle Dragon’s Claw directly. Prince Wei looked at Chu Fengmian and slowly opened the mouth and said.

“I persuade you, boy, it’s too hard to break, even if you have a bit of strength now, but compared to the god Dragon Emperor kingdom, you are nothing more than ants. Even if it is a true emperor, the god Dragon Emperor wants to die. It’s also easy. I advise you, youngster, not to be too arrogant.”

“Really? Too easy to break? All I know is, A Tooth For A Tooth.”

Chu Fengmian casually said.

“Since the Fourth Prince dares to threaten me, then you have to pay the price. You people, none of you can escape today, all die for me!”

“Small Accomplishment is just a quasi-emperor. Killing you is as easy as shooting an ant to death!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes were cold, and he looked at Prince Na Wei. From the palm of his hand, a Spirit Sword suddenly came out. At this time, he didn’t need to hide anything.

The soaring Sword Intent is condensed on Chu Fengmian’s body. At the same time, the power of the giant Sword glow is also blessed on the body of Chu Fengmian. The current Chu Fengmian is no longer the realm of destiny, but has reached the limit. The power of heaven.

The imposing manner on him has expanded countless times, and the Sword Intent of the Sword God Realm is already blessed on the sword edge of Chu Fengmian.


Chu Fengmian drank a word in his mouth, and the sword edge in his hand moved. Where the sword edge passed, the golden treasure pagoda was a roar. With the explosion of this power, a gap was suddenly punched out. Then in the next instant, they were all directly broken.

This golden treasure pagoda is also a Heaven Level Spiritual Artifact, the Supreme Treasure in the hands of Prince Wei, but under the sword edge of Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, it was beaten to pieces on the spot.

Behind the golden treasure pagoda, the Dragon Clan next to Fourth Prince was directly strangled by the sword edge. One after another silhouette was broken and turned into the essence of blood energy, which was directly collected by Chu Fengmian, and then swallowed by the Divine Tree. .

The blood essence of Dragon Clan is much more powerful than the common martial artist. As the Divine Tree is swallowed, the breath of Chu Fengmian is also rising.

Under this sword, the Fourth Prince entire group only left him and Prince Wei. Prince Wei just now resisted the Fourth Prince with his body and withstood this sword.

But even so, the fragmentation of the golden treasure pagoda and the shock-resisting force caused Prince Zaiwei to be seriously injured.

“Golden Dragon Tower, was it shattered by a sword like this?”

“The Spirit Sword in this person’s hand is extraordinary. The power above is the essence of dragon power. There has never been such a Spiritual Artifact in the kingdom of the God Dragon Emperor.”

“Does this person get the inheritance of Ancient Dragon Clan?”

Mr. Bai, Senior Brother Wang and some strong men suddenly noticed the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

It’s impossible for Chu Fengmian to smash the Golden Dragon Tower by strength alone, but the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword in Chu Fengmian’s hands contains a very essence of dragon power, facing the Golden Dragon. The tower has great suppressing power.

In the end, under this sword, the Golden Dragon Tower will be broken.


Chu Fengmian coldly shouted, and also gave the word death, the sword edge in his hand, the power side, the pure killing intent, the power of the Heavenly Sword Technique spurred him, and he killed him with a sword.

“Save the Fourth Prince!”

At this moment, a few Spiritual Forces suddenly burst out, all of them came towards Chu Fengmian strikes.

Among these Spiritual Forces, the two that rush to the front are the white son and the Senior Brother Wang of Five Sacred Mountain Sword Sect. What are they doing? The two of them, a sword light, a Spiritual Force , Strikes towards Chu Fengmian immediately.

The two of them naturally knew the truth about the death of their lips and their teeth. Now if the Fourth Prince and Prince Wei died in the hands of Chu Fengmian, then Chu Fengmian would really be invincible.

In addition to the two of them, there are also 2 Zhun emperors, who have also shot together. Obviously, the Zhun emperor, who has been hiding by the side before, is also unable to bear after seeing the strength of Chu Fengmian.

Now that Chu Fengmian killed Zhundi, it was easy to describe it, and they all felt extremely heavy pressure.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they all shot together, even if they couldn’t kill Chu Fengmian, they would still severely wound Chu Fengmian, so that Chu Fengmian could not get the treasure of Swallowing Heaven Beast.

Unconsciously, these powerhouses have already united and attacked Chu Fengmian together.

However, Chu Fengmian was not afraid at all, and his face showed a bit of excitement anyway.

“Come on, come on, anyone who dares to stop me will be swept away by me!”

Chu Fengmian laughed heartily, the power in his body was urged to the extreme, and the next moment, there will be a battle of the world.

But at this moment, a dazzling rays of light suddenly shrouded, and at the same time the blood energy burst into the sky.

This soaring blood energy radiated from the palace. The bronze door outside the palace slowly opened. The blood energy in it could no longer be suppressed, and it exploded at the same time.

“The treasure is open!”

“The treasure of Swallowing Heaven Beast!”

“Quick, let’s get into it quickly!”

Countless martial artists onlookers were still watching the excitement, but as the treasure opened, their gazes were taken back, and they rushed directly to the palace.

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