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The Blood Snake Emperor roared, and immediately rushed towards Chu Fengmian. His scales became more blood red. The blood energy around them all flew towards the Blood Snake Emperor and was swallowed by him. At the same time, the Blood Snake Emperor was swallowed by him. His injuries recovered instantly.

“Boy, in this blood world, I’m all waiting for Undying Body, no matter how strong your strength is? I want to see how long your secret technique can last!”

The wisdom of the Blood Snake Emperor is no less than that of martial artist Demon God. He can see that the power that Chu Fengmian is urging Soaring Snake now is not his own power, but a method, forcefully activated.

With the realm of the realm of destiny, forcefully activate the power of the quasi emperor, it is an extremely difficult thing, every moment it will bring a great burden to the body, how long it is impossible to last.

In the blood world within the realm, the blood snake emperor can continuously absorb blood energy to recover the injuries on his body. As for the consumption of blood energy, the blood energy within the realm, the most is blood energy, here, he is naturally enough. These are the 4 words Undying Body.

The Blood Snake Emperor is now fighting with Chu Fengmian and does not intend to give Chu Fengmian a chance to escape. As long as Chu Fengmian is delayed until the power of Soaring Snake disappears, he will undoubtedly win.

“Undying Body ?”

When Chu Fengmian heard the words of the blood snake emperor, the corner of his mouth showed a bit of ice-cold saying.

“Even if you are an Undying Body, what about? Your body can recover 1000 times, then I will kill you 10000 times, and see if you can recover!”

“Juque, get out of the sheath!”

On Chu Fengmian’s left hand, a huge heavy sword suddenly condensed out of the sheath.

When this giant Divine Sword came out, the aura on Chu Fengmian’s body was completely different from just now, and the Sword Intent on his body seemed to be condensed to the point where it reached its peak.

Sword Intent of Sword God!

When the two swords came out together, Chu Fengmian’s Sword Intent seemed to reach the Peak, Condense Sword Body Sword Intent. This was Chu Fengmian’s full strength.

Soaring Snake changed to the power of the Sword Body realm and burst out together. In Chu Fengmian’s body, two large Source Powers were urged at the same time. This breath is stronger than Zhundi.

“Double sword sword cultivator? Such a powerful Sword Intent, how is this possible?”

The Blood Snake Emperor stared at Chu Fengmian, watching the changes of Chu Fengmian, and shouted in disbelief, even though he had seen countless strong men who entered the blood world, such a double sword sword cultivator, such a terrifying Sword Intent , He has only seen it in Chu Fengmian alone.

The Sword Intent on Chu Fengmian’s body is simply enough to destroy everything, as if everything exists, in front of this Sword Intent, it will be destroyed.

The Blood Snake Emperor can clearly feel the horror of this power, at this level, it has reached the Great Accomplishment quasi-emperor, or even the quasi-emperor Peak level.

And this kind of power actually belongs to Little Brat in a realm of fate?

While the Blood Snake Emperor was shocked, he also suddenly shot. At this time, sitting and waiting to die is even more dangerous. No matter how strong Chu Fengmian is, his current behavior is also walking a tightrope.

Once there is little damage, you will lose everything. As long as you can strike Chu Fengmian once, perhaps the strength of Chu Fengmian’s body will be dispersed.

“Blood snakes, sacrifice Dafa and kill with blood!”

The Blood Snake Emperor gave a long roar, and the blood snakes suddenly shattered, leaving only the blood mist in the sky.

In a flash, he ordered all the blood snakes to sacrifice together. The power of the 10000 blood snakes was sacrificed and turned into a group of blood mist. This sacrificed blood snake was enough to destroy most of the blood snake race .

But now he can’t take care of so much, and Chu Fengmian has a Bloodline that can surpass the blood world. As long as he can kill Chu Fengmian, all these losses can be made up.

“Blood Fiend Star! Kill!”

These blood energy, under the control of the Blood Snake Emperor, suddenly condensed from the air into the appearance of a giant axe. On this giant axe, there are countless blood, the blood essence of more than 10000 blood snakes, and the condense giant axe.

The blood energy above is self-evident.

At the moment when the blood giant axe condensed, the entire blood desert was trembling, and the space was even shiver coldly. The terrifying power burned and blasted away at Chu Fengmian.

“Sacrifice to the ethnic group?”

Chu Fengmian never thought that the Blood Snake Emperor was so cruel. In order to deal with Chu Fengmian, he chose to sacrifice the race, but for them Monster Sovereign, the race is their power.

The power to sacrifice to the race is also their trump card, 10000 blood snakes, the power that bursts together, is extremely terrifying, even more how they sacrifice together now.

The current blow is the strongest blow of the Blood Snake Emperor, but Chu Fengmian is not afraid of it. His Soaring Snake will change, and there is still half of the time to add the giant sword glow, Sword God Sword Intent, and now Chu Fengmian is also the strongest state.

“Come on then, double swords break the sky! Break for me!”

Chu Fengmian stepped forward, greeted the blood giant axe directly, and simultaneously exploded the power of Spirit Sword, turning it into a sword glow.

Two ten thousand zhang sword glow, at the same time soaring into the sky, to meet the blood giant axe.

“Little Brat, do you really think I want to meet force with force with you?”

At the moment when these two forces are about to clash together, in an instant, mutation emerges.

The blood giant axe suddenly changed at the moment of collision and turned into an incomparable gigantic vortex.

This whirlpool is deeply invisible, and the two ten thousand zhang sword qi, which penetrated into this whirlpool, were actually swallowed mercilessly.

“What kind of power is this? Swallowed? The power of these two sword qis will actually be swallowed?”

Chu Fengmian’s face was horrified, and then he retreated. His Sword Dao has reached the Sword Body state and is close to the true meaning of Sword Dao. At this level of sword qi, even if it is resisting, it is more difficult to contend, even more how. Swallow.

“Swallowing secret technique! This is Swallowing secret technique!”

At the moment when Chu Fengmian was shocked, in Chu Fengmian’s mind, the voice of Star Profound suddenly appeared. His tone was even more shocking than Chu Fengmian.

“Swallowing the sky secret technique? What kind of martial arts, cultivation technique?”

Chu Fengmian has never heard of the secret technique of Swallowing Heaven, and hurriedly asked.

“This Swallowing Heaven secret technique is not Martial Skill and Cultivation Art, but a secret technique, a secret technique that only Swallowing Heaven Beast can do. How can this little blood snake know the Swallowing Heaven secret technique? This secret technique can only be performed with the existence of Swallowing Heaven Beast Bloodline. Could it be that the blood snake’s body contains the Bloodline of Swallowing Heaven Beast?”

Star Profound explained aloud.

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