Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 981: Guyu Bay

Ji Tianxing walked to the gate of Shenjiang's Mansion and looked up at the plaque on the lintel.


   The vermilion plaque is engraved with the five bronzing characters of "Eastern Forest God General's Mansion". The font is dragon and phoenix dancing, which is very imposing.


   The door was open, and there was a wide wall facing him.


   A picture of the dragon going out to sea is painted on the wall, which is lifelike and magnificent.


  At this time, a silver-armored guard wearing a red wing helmet, with a saber on his waist, came to Ji Tianxing.


   This burly young man is the captain of the guard of the Palace of God Generals.


   Seeing Ji Tianxing's extraordinary appearance and magnificence, he did not dare to scold him, and asked in a neither humble nor overbearing tone: "This son, what do you do?"


   Ji Tianxing said blankly: "I came to the mansion of the gods, naturally I have something to call on the gods of Donglin, dare you to ask if the gods of Donglin is in the mansion?"


   The captain of the guard did not answer his question, and asked in a deep voice: "Who is the son? Why did you visit the Lord God?"


   Ji Tianxing did not change his face, and said in a majestic tone: "My surname is Ji, my name is Tianxing, I have come to visit the Lord God, and I have important questions."


   "Ji... Tianxing?" The captain of the guard was taken aback for a moment, his eyes widened, staring at Ji Tianxing incredulously.


   After a while, he came back to his senses, his eyes were full, and he asked excitedly: "You are the Emperor Tianjiao, and the Emperor Ji who was named the Lord of the Tianchen Domain by the Emperor Court?"


   Seeing his reaction like this, Ji Tianxing was also a little surprised, and asked, "Yes, you...know me?"


   The captain of the guard saw him nodding and confessed, feeling more excited, and said with excitement: "Master Ji, although his subordinates don't know you, they have been admiring your name for a long time.


   Since a year ago, my subordinates have heard of your various legends and deeds and have admired you very much!


   I really didn’t expect that my subordinates would be so lucky to be able to meet Master Ji himself in this Black Rock City in the East China Sea!


   You really deserve to be the first genius of our clan. You are more energetic than the legend, and you are admirable! "


   Obviously, the captain of the guard had heard of Ji Tianxing's name and deeds a long time ago, and he admired and admired him very much.


  I could see Ji Tianxing himself, the captain of the guard couldn't believe it, and his excited heartbeat accelerated several times.


   Ji Tianxing was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that his reputation not only spread throughout Zhongzhou, but also the cities of the East China Sea.


   He nodded to the captain of the guard and said: "If the Lord General is in the mansion, please brothers to report it, it is said that the emperor Ji Tianxing is visiting and I ask to see Lord General."


   The captain of the guard was taken aback for a moment, and quickly suppressed the excitement and excitement, and said with an embarrassing expression: "Master Ji, let's not hide it, the Lord God is indeed in the house.


   But, Lord God General cannot see you now, please go back, and come back in a few days! "


   Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly, and asked in doubt: "Why can't you see me?"


   The captain of the guard hesitated before using Spiritual Sense Sound Transmission to explain: "Master Ji, this matter is the secret of the military plane of the God General's Mansion, and his subordinates could not disclose it.


   But you are the first genius of our clan, and the domain master of Tianchen who was entrusted by the emperor's court. You are also a colleague of Lord God General.


   Therefore, your subordinates will tell you about this, but you can't tell it to others, otherwise they will be dealt with by military law. "


   Ji Tianxing nodded, patted his shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, I still understand this rule."


   The captain of the guard was slapped on the shoulder by him, he was flattered, and a bit excited, he said quickly: "Master Ji, things are like this.


   Thousands of miles south of the city, there is an ancient jade bay. That shallow sea area is rich in jade and ice pearls, and the products are very rich.


   The people and fishermen of the surrounding cities have been fishing and salvaging pearls in Guyu Bay all year round, and they have been fine.


   However, since a month ago, Guyu Bay has inexplicably appeared reefs and whirlpools, and often hurricanes and tsunamis have occurred.


  Many fishing boats capsized in the sea, and countless fishermen and people were buried in the sea. Even many villages and towns near the bay were destroyed by the tsunami.


   Tens of thousands of people died in the disaster, and hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and homeless.


   The people in the surrounding cities are panicked. There are rumors that Guyu Bay has been occupied by sea monsters, and some people even saw huge mountain-like terrifying sea beasts.


   After learning the news, the God General’s Mansion sent a general to lead a fleet of warships to investigate the situation in Guyu Bay.


   However, all twenty warships were destroyed, and two thousand elite soldiers were killed in the sea.


   The general was seriously injured and fled back to the mansion of the gods. He brought back a piece of news to let everyone understand the situation in Guyu Bay.


   It turns out that the people's rumors are true that there is indeed a powerful sea monster who has taken the Guyu Bay.


   The sea monster is entrenched on the ancient jade island, and thousands of sea beasts have gathered under his command. The power is very powerful.


  They are making waves in Guyu Bay, plundering resources wildly, and slaughtering fishermen and people frantically. "


   After hearing the captain of the guard said this, Ji Tianxing guessed the reason.


  He said with a solemn expression: "So that's it! Lord God commander must be anxious about this. Will he lead the army on the expedition personally and destroy the sea monster?"


   The captain of the guard nodded, "It is true. An hour ago, twenty black fin warships were assembled and were on standby in the harbor.


   At this moment, the Lord of God is ready to go, and he has to head his fleet to Guyu Bay to conquer Guyu Island. Of course, there is no time to see you. "


   When he said this, he sighed and said worriedly: "In the past half month, this is the third time the Lord General has conquered Guyu Bay.


   It's a pity that the sea monster is extremely cunning, very powerful, and there are many sea beasts guarding it.


   Even if the Lord of God can defeat the sea monster, he can't capture or kill it at all.


   That sea monster can escape every time, and then continues to make waves..."


   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and asked in disbelief: "Master God is a great power in the soul refining realm, why can't I have that sea monster?"


   "Yes~www.ltnovel.com~ That sea monster also has the strength of refining the soul, which is very difficult to deal with." The captain of the guard had a solemn expression and angrily said, "The Donghai Sea Race is too despicable and doesn't keep its faith!


   Between our two tribes, there has always been a well water that does not offend the river water. I did not expect that the sea monster would run into our territory to cause chaos and wantonly slaughter our people.


  The Lord God General was also very angry, vowing to eradicate the sea monster and maintain the tranquility of the ancient jade bay! "


   Ji Tianxing was silent, secretly thinking for a while, and then made up his mind.


   He looked at the captain of the guard with a serious face, and said solemnly: "Brother, please go and report to Lord God at once, saying that the emperor Ji Tianxing begs you!


  I would like to follow the gods to take the adults to the ancient jade bay and join hands with the gods to eradicate the sea monster! "


   "Huh? Young Master Ji, are you going to help my housekeeper?" The captain of the guard was stunned and looked at him incredulously.


   Ji Tianxing frowned, and shouted in a majestic tone: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and report the news, it's too late!")!!

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