Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 978: To the East China Sea?

In just two hours, more than 5,000 people of the Earthling tribe had all entered the small world of swords.


   In that strange world, there are no other races and no monsters.


   As Ji Tianxing said, it’s extremely safe there, and the Turtles can thrive and thrive without being disturbed.


   Although, the area with a radius of thousands of miles is not too big.


   But for the people of the Turin tribe, it is a world that belongs to them completely, it is already very vast.


   Even if the resources in the small world are not sufficient, they will be exhausted after three to five months at most.


   But Ji Tianxing promised Jinshan King that he would try to collect mineral vein resources and put them in the small world.


   Of course, he not only provides habitats for the earthlings, but also protects the earthlings, and also provides mineral resources. This makes the King of the Golden Mountain and the people of the earthlings very grateful.


   The King of the Mountain also made up his mind that he would never let the Turtle Race become a dependent rice bug and become a useless vassal.


   In the future, the Earth Spirits will try their best to help Ji Tianxing, do everything possible to help him become stronger and form a powerful force for him.


  In this way, the Earthlings became warriors, craftsmen and construction craftsmen under Ji Tianxing's command.


   More than 5,000 people of the earthling tribe, after entering the small world, they chose a treasured geomantic place as their future habitat.


   Ai Luo and the elders took many craftsmen and began to build the city.


   Thousands of people also show their strengths, use their talents to manipulate soil and rock, build countless houses and buildings, and work together to build homes.


   Ji Tianxing settled down the Earth Spirit Race, and finally he was relieved and took the broken sword back into his body.


   He stood on the back of the little black dragon, looking at the dark night sky, and said to Shi Zhongjian beside him: "Lion, my goal of coming to Daze in the Southern Wilderness this time has been achieved.


   I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t continue to accompany you on the adventure and explore some forbidden places and ruins.


   Next, I will leave the Southern Wilderness Daze to do an extremely important thing. "


   He had planned it a long time ago. After he got the Heaven Burying Divine Sword, he would rush to the North Desert and try his best to rescue Yun Yao.


   Now that the sword is broken, it is time for him to leave.


   Shi Zhongjian nodded, and said with emotion: "Originally, this was the first time I left the sect to see the outside world.


   Before starting the adventure, I was very ambitious, dreaming of exploring various legendary ancient realms and dangerous places after entering the southern wilderness.


   Even, I have set three goals and determined to explore them. Those three goals are extremely dangerous forbidden areas. "


   At this point, Shi Zhongjian smiled self-deprecatingly, and shook his head slightly and said: "However, I think everything is too simple, so I also paid the price of bruises.


   Mr. Ji, I am lucky to meet you!


  With your help and care, I can survive the danger and live to the present.


   Thank you, too, for letting me know about the dangers and unpredictability of the outside world. For me, this is a precious life experience.


   Although we don’t spend much time together, just a few days, but I will always remember this time, remember you and sister Ji Ke. "


   Hearing what he said, Ji Tianxing understood what he meant, and asked: "You don't plan to continue exploring the Southern Wilderness Daze? Are you going back too?"


   Shi Zhongjian nodded and smiled and said: "Yes, with my experience, experience and strength, it is not enough for the time being to break through the southern wilderness.


   We are only on the edge of Daze, and we have encountered so many dangers of life and death. If I continue to explore, I will definitely die here.


   Therefore, I also want to leave Daze and return to the sect to recover.


  After I recover from my injury, I will bring my master and the elders to Daze in the Southern Wilderness again, and go to Nielongtan to find the blue dragon! "


   Ji Tianxing had already guessed that he would do this, so he smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, I wish you all the best and get that blue dragon soon."


   Then, Ji Tianxing drove the little black dragon and flew into the night sky with Shi Zhongjian and returned to the deserted city south.


   Time passed quickly.


   One day later, good news came from the small world of Jianzhong.


   More than 5,000 people of the Earthling tribe built a majestic and majestic city with a radius of 20 miles in only one day.


   When Ji Tianxing saw the architectural talent of the Turin tribe, he was full of shock and thought it was incredible.


   King Jinshan wanted to choose a name for the city, so he asked him for advice and asked his opinion.


   Ji Tianxing answered him without hesitation, the new city is called Antucheng, which means the earthling people living and working in peace and contentment.


   Jinshan King gladly accepted the name, and personally carved the three characters'Antucheng' on the city gate.


   Next, the people of the Turin tribe settled down in Antu City and began normal life and practice.


   Ji Tianxing and Shi Zhongjian also rushed back to the southern desert city.


   The journey was very peaceful, and there was no more dangerous crisis.


   On the evening of the eighth day, the little black dragon carried them away from Daze in the Southern Wilderness and returned to the outskirts of the Southern Wilderness City.


   In the sunset, the little black dragon stopped in the sky.


   Ji Tianxing and Shi Zhongjian stood on the back of the little black dragon, standing opposite each other, and they were going to part ways here.


   "Lion, take good care of your wounds after you go back, and keep an eye on things in the future and don't be stupid.


   Today we are going to make a difference, you take care. "Ji Tianxing bowed his hand and bid farewell to Shi Zhongjian.


   Shi Zhongjian also saluted him, smiling and saying: "Master Ji, you and sister Ji Ke also take care! The mountains are high and the water is far away. If there is a destiny, we will see you!"


   After that, he waved to Ji Tianxing, turned and flew to the southern desert city, and left with a hearty laugh.


   Ji Tianxing stood on the back of the little black dragon, looking at his leaving back, with a smile on his face.


   "Hehe, what an interesting guy. If it is destined, maybe we will see you again!"


   The little black dragon nodded slightly and asked: "Old Ji, where are we going next? Back to Zhongzhou?"


   Ji Tianxing didn't answer yet, the voice of Funeral came into their minds.


  "No~www.ltnovel.com~ Now it makes no sense to return to Zhongzhou. Going to North Desert is tantamount to death.


   Tianxing, go to the Donghai Sea! "


   Ji Tianxing was taken aback, and asked doubtfully: "Fang Tian, ​​we have no intersection with the Donghai Sea Clan, so what are we going to do there?"


   Funeral Sky explained solemnly: "You have not reached the Soul Refining Realm, so you cannot enter the North Desert.


   Although Broken Sword has been repaired a bit, its power is still not strong, it is only equivalent to a soul-level middle-grade magic weapon.


   You are going to the Donghai Sea to look for the two materials of "Wuya Stone" and "Phantom Feather Ice Gold".


  Only by further repairing Broken Sword can I restore my vitality and make Broken Sword stronger.


   Even, you can use the power of Broken Sword to hit the shackles of the Soul Refining Realm and reach the Soul Refining Realm as soon as possible! "


   After listening to Funeral's explanation, Ji Tianxing understood the pros and cons, and nodded with a solemn expression: "That's it, I understand!")!!

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