Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 959: Forest castle

Niya and Buddy actually spoke a fluent human language.


   Ji Tianxing and the three of them were stunned and looked at both of them incredibly.


   "You can speak the language of the human race?" Ji Tianxing was secretly vigilant, staring at Niya and Buddy.


   Ji Ke was full of joy and expectation, and she thought to herself: "Niya turned out to be the little princess of Colorful Forest, and the boy Buddy was the guard. I thought they were a couple!


   However, the two of them seem to show their love and love each other...Wow, the princess and the guard, sneaking out of the palace for a date, seem very romantic! "


   After Shi Zhongjian returned to his mind, he laughed excitedly and said to Ji Tianxing: "Look, Mr. Ji, they can speak the human language commonly used in the mainland. It's amazing!


   Besides, they are so humble, polite, and hospitable! "


   Niya and Buddy are still smiling, both in a reserved and courteous posture.


   Facing Ji Tianxing’s question, Niya bowed her body and explained with a smile: "This son, the fair-haired son has already spoken, and the human language is the mainland common language.


   Although our colorful forest lives deep in the depths of Daze, it also has a history of thousands of years. Of course, we are proficient in human language.


   Moreover, our tribe is very hospitable.


   Countless people have come to live and play here for thousands of years. We are also happy to communicate with them. Of course it is not difficult to learn their language..."


   After listening to Niya's explanation, both Ji Ke and Shi Zhongjian showed a suddenly realized expression.


   Ji Tianxing calmly nodded his head, but thought to himself: "This Niya doesn't seem to be lying, but I always feel that something is wrong.


  If Qi Cailin is really hospitable, there are so many people here, there should be detailed news about them in Southern Wild City! "


   At this time, Niya bowed to the three of them again, and smiled and said: "The three distinguished guests from afar, looking at the appearance of your servants, must be very tired?


   Please three with us to the tribal palace, my father, the great chieftain, will definitely entertain you warmly! "


   Ji Tianxing nodded calmly, Ji Ke showed a smile, Shi Zhongjian was full of excitement and expectation, and let out a cheer.


   Then, Niya and Buddy walked in front and took the three of them to fly deep into the jungle.


   Everyone crossed the creek, through the dense jungle, and flew for half an hour. After flying thousands of miles away, they arrived at a forest castle.


   This forest castle is very special, located in a dense jungle, built on countless towering trees, it looks very dreamy.


  Ji Tianxing and the three of them looked around and saw the towering trees in all directions, among the thick and sturdy branches, among the dense branches, many small colorful houses were built.


   On a towering tree, there are at least a dozen small houses with bright colors, located among different branches of the tree.


   The shapes of those small houses are all sorts of strange, some look like big mushrooms, some look like trumpet flowers, and some look like a big pine cone.


   The small houses are connected by a suspension bridge made of vines.


  Many bee-men and butterfly-men are shuttled among the branches of trees and among the houses.


   The little elves, like Niya and Buddy, are only one meter tall and wear colorful costumes. They are exquisite and cute.


   When they saw Niya and Buddy, leading Ji Tianxing into the jungle, they all got together in small groups and began to talk in whispers.


   When the three of Ji Tianxing looked at them, they all smiled and looked very kind.


   The three followed Niya towards the depths of the castle, Ji Tianxing secretly watched the situation vigilantly, while Ji Ke looked around with admiration.


   Shi Zhongjian is extraordinarily novel and excited. Seeing many new and strange things, he will give out bursts of exclamation.


   After a while, everyone passed through the jungle ten miles around and entered the center of the forest castle.


   Presented in front of everyone are nine towering trees 100 meters high.


   These nine towering trees, occupying a radius of 2,000 meters, are arranged in an orderly circle.


   Among the nine big trees, there is a castle suspended in mid-air.


   This castle is made of black iron wood that is as tough as iron, just like a human palace.


   The walls and floor of the palace, in addition to black iron wood, are also mixed with many colorful materials, making the whole palace colorful.


   Ji Tianxing observed for a few moments, he saw that on the base of the palace, there were eighteen bronze chains thick with buckets attached to the nine towering trees around it.


   "It seems that this palace-style castle is the tribal palace in Qi Cailin."


   Niya took the three of them out of the palace and walked along the steps towards the gate.


   On both sides of the steps, there are two rows of bee-man guards wearing golden armor, their faces are serious and majestic.


   Seeing Niya returning, many guards bowed respectfully.


   Niya waved her hand with a smile, motioning for the guards to be flat, and then led Ji Tianxing into the palace.


   When passing through the palace gate, an episode happened.


   The gate is very high-minded to the bee man and the butterfly man.


   Actually, the gate is only two meters high.


   Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke are okay, but Shi Zhongjian’s forehead hits the door frame, and he can only pass by bending down.


   The three followed Niya into the main hall, and they saw an exquisite throne made of gold on the top of the main hall.


   On the wide throne ~www.ltnovel.com~ sits a hornet wearing a golden robe and a jeweled crown.


   That was a middle-aged man with a height of one meter, with long and narrow cheeks, majestic, and sharp eyes.


   Holding a dark golden scepter in his hand, he looked at the three of Ji Tianxing majesticly, revealing scrutinizing eyes.


   There is no doubt that this hornet who looks a bit fierce is the chief of the Colorful Forest Tribe.


   What surprised Ji Tianxing was that the strength of the Hornet Chieftain had reached the second level of Soul Refining Realm!


   Niya walked to the middle of the hall and stood still, bowed to the chief and said: "Master chief, Niya ran into these three guests on the edge of the colorful forest.


   They came from afar, wanting to stay in our colorful forest for a few days. "


   After that, Niya introduced to the three of Ji Tianxing: "Three distinguished guests, these are the chiefs of our tribe."


   The three of Ji Tianxing immediately understood, bowed their hands to the chief, smiled and said: "I have seen the chief."


   The chief's eyes swept across the three people sharply, and after a moment of indulgence, he nodded slightly: "Welcome to you!


   This king is busy with national affairs and has no time to entertain you personally. Let Niya arrange a place for you!


   Recently, our colorful forest is a little uneasy, and the **** earthen **** came in again.


   After the three guests have stayed, please do not walk around at will, so as not to be attacked by the Turks. ) Download the free reader!!

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