Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 946: All routines

The style in the southern desert city is completely different from that of Zhongzhou.

Most of the buildings in Zhongzhou are exquisite and gorgeous, revealing a solemn and sophisticated atmosphere.

Most of the palace buildings in the Southern Wilderness City have rough appearances and ancient and weird shapes, revealing a trace of wildness and unruly temperament.

Even the clothing of the people in the city is mostly made of animal fur.

Many men wear animal leather boots and animal leather shorts, and their upper bodies wear animal leather short coats and vests. On their necks and wrists, they also wear bead chains made of animal bones and teeth.

The number of warriors in the Southern Desolate City is obviously more than that of ordinary cities.

Not only most men wear knives and swords, but even those seemingly charming and charming women also carry swords or short swords.

Ji Tianxing walked around the city for half an hour, using his spiritual sense to monitor the surrounding movement, listening to the conversations of the crowd, and collecting information silently.

He gradually learned that there are not only local people in the Southern Desolate City, but also many warriors from all over the world.

Most of these warriors are rangers and adventurers, who want to explore treasure hunting in the southern wilderness, or hunt monsters and collect elixir.

Although the Southern Wilderness Daze is very dangerous, danger often coexists with opportunity.

There are many ancient ruins in the Southern Wilderness Daze, among which are the cave houses of the predecessors or some secret treasures.

In addition, there are many fierce beasts and beasts, spiritual flowers, exotic plants, and mineral resources.

If you can get these things, you can exchange them for spirit stones and cultivation resources.

Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke wandered around the city twice, and got a general understanding of the southern desert city, so they found an inn in the city and stayed temporarily.

This inn is located in the center of the city and is built in a very luxurious style. It not only has a palace, but also a spacious courtyard.

Hundreds of residents lived in the inn, most of whom were adventurers from all over the world.

Most of these adventurers travel in groups, and they act very cautiously.

After Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke stayed, they rested in their respective rooms, silently meditating and recovering their strength.

The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, Ji Tianxing's mental state recovered a lot, so he ended his meditation practice and walked out of the room.

He went downstairs to the lobby on the first floor and saw that the lobby was empty, with only a few guys wiping the tables, chairs and benches.

A middle-aged man in a cap and fur coat was sitting at the counter and dozing off.

The gray-haired man is the shopkeeper of the inn.

Ji Tian walked to the counter and asked him: "The shopkeeper, do you know who has the best information in this southern desert city? I want to find out some news."

The shopkeeper opened his wistful eyes, glanced at him, and said slowly: "What is the news? If it's about Nanhuang Daze, you can go to Mr. Hu Da."

"Mr. Hu Da? Where should I find him?" Ji Tianxing raised his brows.

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Mr. Hu Da lives in Sifangzhai, you can go there to find him, he is a well-known know-it-all in the city, especially knows the news of Daze in the Southern Wilderness.

But, there are many people who want to ask him for information like a crucian carp in the river, son, you'd better prepare some generous gifts to get your wish. "

"Thank you." Ji Tianxing nodded, two spiritual stones emerged out of thin air in his palm and placed them on the counter.

The shopkeeper’s smile became brighter, he put away the spirit stone with a smile, and added, “Mr. Hu Da is an old friend with me. After you go, son, you can report the name of my cow shopkeeper, which saves the queue. time."

"You have to line up to get the news? Are so many people looking for him?" Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, muttering in his heart.

But he didn't say much, nodded to the cow shopkeeper, turned and left the lobby.

He looked for someone on the street and asked about the address of Sifangzhai, and hurried away quickly.

Two quarters later, he crossed a clean and tidy street, walked to the end of the street, and came to the gate of a courtyard.

This house is not too big, but it is dignified, with large doors.

A stone sculpture of a unicorn and a lion are placed on the left and right sides of the door, which is very impressive.

There is a red sandalwood plaque on the top of the door frame with the three dark golden characters of "Sifang Zhai", which is quite ancient.

Four burly guards guarded the gate, with swords slung around their waists, exuding sturdy air.

Ji Tianxing crossed the gate and entered the courtyard, and saw a dozen warriors lined up in the courtyard, waiting in front of the lobby door.

The door of the lobby was closed tightly. Obviously, Mr. Hu Da hadn't arrived and had not yet started to take business.

Naturally, Ji Tianxing would not go to line up. He found a family member in the yard and told that family member that he was introduced by the shopkeeper Niu.

That Ding suddenly understood, and led him to leave through the side door and into the courtyard behind the lobby.

The backyard is small, but clean and quiet.

There is a ten-foot-high plane tree in the yard, and its lush foliage almost covers the entire yard.

There is a stone table and a few stone benches under the tree, and an old man with white beard and white hair in a blue robe is sitting slowly drinking tea.

The blue-robed old man was thin, with a pinch of goatee growing on his chin, and his eyes were as sharp as a falcon.

Jia Ding brought Ji Tianxing to the tree, and bowed to the old man in blue robe and said, "Master, this young man is a guest introduced by the shopkeeper Niu."

After that, Jia Ding introduced to Ji Tianxing: "My son, this is my master, Mr. Hu Da."

Ji Tianxing nodded to Mr. Hu Da, as a greeting.

Mr. Hu Da pointed to the stone bench in front of him, smiled and said, "Master, please sit down."

Ji Tianxing was not polite, and sat down on the stone bench opposite him.

Mr. Hu Da waved his hand, motioned Jiading to leave, and then made a cup of spiritual tea for Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing took a sip of Lingcha, and said, "Mr. Hu Da, I want to inquire about Nanhuang Daze."

Mr. Hu Da stroked his beard and smiled and said: "My son, the old man sees you with extraordinary appearance and great looks. You must be a dragon and a phoenix.

If the old man is not wrong, the son should be looking for the lost treasure in Daze in the Southern Wilderness ~ www.ltnovel.com~? "

Seeing that Ji Tianxing did not deny it, he went on to say: "This young man, I have an unwritten rule here, I hope you can understand it.

Please give me the price you are willing to pay, one hundred or three hundred Lingshi can be placed on this stone table.

If the son has any doubts, just ask the old man. Every time the old man answers a question, he will collect the corresponding spirit stone. "

Hearing Mr. Hu Da's words, Ji Tianxing was calm on the surface, but secretly slandered in his heart: "This old fox is really cunning!

There were obviously people in the front yard waiting to ask for news, but he avoided seeing them, mostly because they disliked those people who couldn't afford high prices.

Otherwise, those queuing up are also fake, and Mr. Hu Da has found someone to pretend to show his ability.

When he met someone like me who seemed to be generous, he opened his mouth and wanted to kill a fortune.

Hmph, it is estimated that the cow shopkeeper of the inn is in collusion with this guy, and the two of them cooperated with me! "

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