Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 944: Return to the original owner


Kong Tianxin is very clever, neither sinning against Ji Tianxing nor losing the interests of Qiankun Sect.

He knew very well that Ji Tianxing was bound to win the dragon crystal.

Even if he refuses to hand over the Dragon Crystal, Ji Tianxing will **** it.

At that time, Qiankun Sect can only knock off his teeth and swallow it in his belly, and there is nowhere to complain.

In addition to this, if the Dragon Crystal is handed over, you can still get a little compensation.

Losing a dragon crystal and returning two magical artifacts will definitely not lose this business.

A quarter of an hour later, Kong Tianxin returned to the hospitality hall with an ice-blue magical instrument compass.

"Master Ji, the ice dragon compass has been taken!"

Kong Tianxin walked quickly to Ji Tianxing, holding the compass in both hands, and presented it to him.

When Ji Tianxing took a closer look, he saw that it was an ice blue compass with two palms. It was exquisite in shape and elegant in materials.

There are three dragons engraved on the edge of the compass, which surround the compass in a circle, which is lifelike and very agile.

The front and back of the compass are engraved with secret patterns, many mysterious symbols and patterns, and a walnut-sized black spar is inlaid in the center.

The spar was in the shape of a sixteen-pointed rhombus, blooming with jet black light, and exuding a cold air.

Obviously, this black spar is Dragon Crystal.

Ji Tianxing stretched out his hand to take the Ice Dragon Compass, and used his array methods to blast dozens of golden rays into the compass.

I saw him waving his hands quickly, forming a mysterious seal, dismantling the formation on the compass in reverse.

After just a few dozen breaths, the compass made a crisp sound of ‘click, click’, cracking dense gaps.

In the blink of an eye, this exquisite and gorgeous ice dragon compass turned into a pair of debris.

The black dragon crystal also fell and was grabbed by Ji Tianxing in his palm.

A top-notch Tianyuan-level magic weapon was dismantled into pieces by him.

Kong Tianxin was stunned on the spot, his eyes widened, revealing shocked and incredible eyes.

"My God! It took three months to take up the post and cost invaluable materials to refine this artifact.

It took Ji Tianxing only dozens of breaths to dismantle the ice dragon compass into pieces? His strength, his methods... are so powerful? "

Kong Tianxin was both shocked and distressed, and became more and more in awe of Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing put away Long Jing and got up to say goodbye to him.

"Sect Master Kong, Long Jing belongs to me, and those two magical artifacts belong to you. This is the case. Say goodbye!"

After that, he took Ji Ke to stand up and walked towards the entrance of the hall.

Kong Tianxin didn't expect him to do things so resolutely and without procrastination.

He hurriedly followed and said with a respectful expression: "Master Ji, you have come from afar, so why don't you stay here for two days so that Kong can entertain you and make amends..."

"No, I still have something to do." Ji Tianxing walked outside the hall without looking back, waved his hand and refused.

Kong Tianxin nodded and no longer opened his mouth to stay.

He personally escorted Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke out of the hall, watched the two fly into the sky and go away quickly.

He didn't really relax until the two figures disappeared into the sky, with a helpless smile on his face.

"Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing came to this door in person, only for this small matter, and it was so easy to negotiate.

It's all because the guards and elders are blind-eyed and have caused this disturbance for no reason. It's really asking for trouble! "

Kong Tianxin's mood was very complicated, and he sighed silently before turning to leave.

He returned to the main hall with a dark face, and gathered many elders and deacons, began to discuss matters, and announced a series of orders.

In the past, the disciples and elders and deacons in the door were arrogant and domineering, Kong Tianxin controlled and taught many times, but everyone did not change after repeated teachings and did their own way.

After this incident, Kong Tianxin decided to learn from the lesson and rectify the evil spirits inside the door, and must not repeat the same mistakes again.


Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke rode Qianyue, rushing on the high sky.

Ji Ke recalled what had happened before, and couldn't help smiling.

"Brother Tianxing, I was so relieved just now!

The arrogant and ignorant fools of Qiankun Sect were arrogant before, and after being taught by their suzerain, they all cried and knelt down to beg for mercy.

When I think of their wronged look, I think it's so funny...hehe! "

Ji Tianxing chuckled and shook his head, and said in a calm tone: "It's just a bunch of frogs sitting and watching the sky. After this lesson, he should be sober and convergent."

After all, he took out the black dragon crystal from the space ring and summoned the little black dragon.

"Little Black Dragon, the Dragon Crystal you dream of, finally found!"

Hearing his words, the little black dragon was immediately full of surprises, and his ‘huh’ changed to more than three meters long, hovering behind him.

The little black dragon stared at the black dragon crystal with scorching eyes, and said emotionally: "Old Ji, you are too powerful! My dragon crystal has been lost for more than a hundred years, and I thought it was impossible to find it back.

Unexpectedly, it only took you a few days to get back the Dragon Crystal with a little trick!

Old Ji, thank you so much! "

Ji Tianxing showed a smile ~www.ltnovel.com~ nodded and said, "Actually, I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. I just guessed that Long Jing fell into the hands of Qiankun Sect.

Unexpectedly, after the previous incident, Kong Tianxin was shocked by me.

His attitude was very respectful, and he was prepared to apologize and calm down things.

I just lied to him, he didn't dare to hide it, and he truthfully explained the truth, which allowed me to get the dragon crystal smoothly. "

Qianyue smiled triumphantly: "Hahaha...So, strength is the most important thing!

Lao Ji's strength, status, and domineering shocked Kong Tianxin, and he let Kong Tianxin hand over Long Jing obediently.

If he were to be someone else, Kong Tianxin would definitely not buy it, and would never easily hand over Long Jing! "

Ji Tianxing just smiled and stopped discussing this topic.

He handed the dragon crystal to the little black dragon and said: "Little black dragon, your dragon crystal has been lost for more than a hundred years, and it has also been refined into a magic weapon.

Although Dragon Crystal has gained the power of the magic weapon, it has also become very powerful.

But after you take back the dragon crystal, you must first remove the impurity power in the dragon crystal, refine it carefully, and slowly merge it. "

"Well, I see." The little black dragon nodded repeatedly to express his understanding, and couldn't wait to open his mouth and swallow the dragon crystal.

After Long Jing fell into its belly, it quickly got into its dragon head and settled firmly in his mind.

"Old Ji, I'm going to sleep and practice, and merge with Dragon Crystal."

It greeted Ji Tianxing, then went back into the Hundred Treasure Pouch, retired and fell asleep, and went to refine Dragon Crystal.

It has been stuck in the Ninth Layer of the Yuan Pill Realm, unable to break through, and now it has finally retrieved the Dragon Crystal, it has received a powerful boost, and its body has become intact.

Soon after, when it merged with the Dragon Crystal smoothly, it could easily break through the Heavenly Origin Realm.

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