Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 939: Go crazy

Ji Tianxing's voice was not loud and did not contain a trace of anger.

But he was not angry and majestic, and there was a powerful majesty in his voice, like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's hearts.

The two elders, several deacons, and many guards and disciples suddenly had their hearts beating, and their faces changed.

"Tianchen Domain Master Ji Tianxing? Is that the famous Emperor Tianjiao?"

"He is Ji Tianxing? How is this possible?"

"The legendary Tianchen Domain Master Ji Tianxing, very young and handsome, with a high spirit, this person is quite suitable..."

"What can I do? The Tianchen Domain Master has actually come to the door, what does he want to do?"

Numerous guards and disciples all whispered to each other, their eyes looking at Ji Tianxing were very complicated.

There is a bit of awe, but there is also a bit of suspicion and guard.

The expressions of the two elders were also ugly. They looked at each other and exchanged opinions in secret, and then made up their minds.

The headed Elder Li suppressed the shock and fear in his heart, and said to Ji Tianxing with a majestic expression: "Master Ji, although you are the emperor of Tianjiao, the lord of the Tianchen domain, you have a noble status.

But this is neither Zhongzhou nor your Tianchen domain, but our Yongan domain!

Our Universe Sect is also the No. 1 Sect in Yong'an Domain anyway, not a small sect who is bullied!

Young Master Ji came to visit the Sect Master at some time, but he didn't have the slightest sincerity. He was so domineering, and even injured the guard of the door. This is humiliating the door!

Mr. Ji, would you be polite to people who humiliate you?

Do you think that if you humiliate this sect so much, will the Sect Master still see you? "

Elder Li's remarks were circumstantial, full of emotions, and very imposing.

Elder Cai and several deacons immediately nodded their heads in agreement and agreed.

"Yes! Elder Li said too right!"

"Our Universe Sect is not someone who can insult, we also have dignity and pride!"

"What about the emperor Tianjiao? Can the emperor do whatever he wants, arrogant and domineering?"

Hearing what the crowd said, Ji Ke's face turned pale with anger, and she gritted her teeth and cursed: "This group of villainous **** are really hypocritical and disgusting!

Obviously they are arrogant and domineering, and they are actually pushing the blame on us, which is really hateful! "

Ji Tianxing did not get angry, looked at Elder Li with cold eyes, and asked in a majestic tone: "In that case, are you making a eviction order?"

Elder Li grinned and said with a proud sneer: "Haha, it's okay if you understand! Young Master Ji, I advise you to withdraw right now, so as not to hurt your peace.

If things really get froze, this sect must report the matter to the emperor court and ask the emperor to decide.

At that time, Master Ji still think about how to explain to the emperor!

Moreover, you are the emperor of Tianjiao who is famous in the world, if you let the people of the world know that you relied on your identity to act recklessly and arrogantly oppress the sect of the same clan... Humph! "

Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, and asked in an increasingly cold tone: "Are you threatening me?"

The corner of Elder Li's mouth evoked a sneer, but he looked at him playfully without answering.

Ji Tianxing asked again: "I'll ask you one last question. What just said, did you mean it, or did it mean your suzerain?"

"Is there a difference?" Elder Li raised his eyebrows, and asked in an awkward tone: "Do you think that based on your identity and fame, you can let the Sect Master ignore the predecessors and let you behave and be enthusiastic? Meet you?"

Such a ruthless irony immediately caused Elder Cai and the deacons, disciples and guards to laugh jokingly.

Ji Ke gritted her teeth with anger, raging in her eyes.

Who dares to insult Ji Tianxing is her worst enemy!

She stared at Elder Li with cold eyes, and shouted in a deep voice: "It's really eye-opening that a Universe Sect is so arrogant and domineering!

And you, an old thing, a triumphant, triumphant face, really disgusting! "

Elder Li's expression suddenly changed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "What is this cheap maid? How dare you insult the old man?

Do you think that since you are Ji Tianxing's maid, you dare to insult others wantonly? "

"You!" Ji Ke was suddenly anxious, full of anger and majestic vitality aura.

Before she went crazy, Ji Tianxing next to her made a bold move.


His figure flashed, turned into a golden light and shadow, and instantly appeared in front of Elder Li, slapped his hand and slapped it.

Everyone had a flower in front of them, they didn't see Ji Tianxing's figure and movements at all, and didn't even know what happened.

Hearing a crisp sound of "pop", Elder Li flew out at an angle, tumbled and fell ten meters away, hitting the ground with a "pop".

Half of his face was swollen into a pig's head at the time, and a few white teeth fell from his mouth, and bleeding foam continued.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, their eyes widened in horror, looking at Ji Tianxing incredulously.

There was dead silence in the square.

Elder Li sat on the ground in horror, holding his swollen and bleeding cheeks with his hands, staring at Ji Tianxing with wide eyes.

"You! You bastard, how dare you shoot the old man?!"

In addition to panic, his heart was full of humiliation and anger, and his whole body was trembling.

Ji Tianxing actually slapped him out in front of many elders, deacons and disciples.

This is definitely a shame he will never forget!

The incomparable anger and shame made him murderous, his eyes turned dark red and bloodshot, and he wanted to kill Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing looked at him expressionlessly, and said in a cold tone: "You dare to insult the princess of the Demon Race Imperial Court, what a damn!

You should feel fortunate that Prince Kunwu is not here, otherwise, you have fallen to the ground! "

Elder Li, who was extremely angry, how could he hear these words?

He jumped up from the ground and let out an angry roar, rushing towards Ji Tianxing like crazy.

"Everyone give me up, take him down!"

Ji Tianxing frowned, and shouted in a low voice, "Looking for death!"

While talking ~www.ltnovel.com~ he instantly lifted his right foot and kicked Elder Li's chest with a vicious kick.

"Boom! Click!"

There was a muffled sound accompanied by the sound of broken bones, and Elder Li flew out again, was kicked ten feet away, and hit the ground hard.

His chest sank deeply and became bloody, revealing Bai Sensen's stubble.

With more than a dozen broken sternums, he was seriously injured and his eyes went dark on the spot, and he passed out.

Elder Cai, several deacons, and many guards and disciples are about to attack Ji Tianxing.

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly turned pale with fright, and they all stopped rushing, stiffly froze in place.

Ji Tianxing swept across the crowd with cold eyes, and took Ji Ke to the hall of Qiankunzong.

Everyone was scared wherever his gaze passed, and they quickly gave up, not daring to stop him.

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