Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 931: Shenhuizong


In the loud noise that shook Jiu Xiao, the Fire Tower of Jiu Tian Lu burst into pieces, breaking into two pieces from the middle.

Countless dark golden fragments mixed with the flame, splashing in all directions, obscuring the night sky.

The broken into two pieces of the Nine Heavens Glazed Fire Tower, constantly pouring out golden glazed fire, its power quickly leaked, and it became very weak.

Soon, the two broken pagodas shrank to three meters long and fell into a huge deep pit, mostly covered by pitch black scorched earth.

Murong Lingfeng's figure appeared in the ruins.

He was completely dark, his rags fell into the scorched earth, his body convulsed uncontrollably, and dark red blood flowed out.

The nine-day fire tower was defeated, and he was also seriously injured, with a disheveled appearance that was extremely embarrassing.


With a flash of golden light, Ji Tianxing flew to the bottom of the pit and came to him.

"Murong Lingfeng, have you taken it?"

Ji Tianxing looked at him blankly, and asked in a cold tone.

Murong Lingfeng raised his head with difficulty, staring at him grimly, and resentful hatred surged in his blood-filled eyes.

"No! I am not convinced! My life experience is a hundred times more noble than you, talent is better than you, and resourcefulness far exceeds you!

Why can you get everyone's support? What am I not better than you? "

Ji Tianxing looked at him indifferently, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to mutter to himself: "Hehe... he is really conceited and sick.

The grievances between you and me have ended, it's time to end.

If you have the next life, remember, don't mess with me! "

When the voice fell, he waved the big sleeve of his right hand, cutting out a dark golden sword light.


The extremely sharp sword light instantly penetrated Murong Lingfeng's chest, crushing his heart.

"Uh..." Murong Lingfeng widened his eyes on the spot, the vitality in his pupils quickly dissipated, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and shot a red flame, covering his corpse, and soon burned the corpse to ashes.

A gust of wind blows, and the ground is covered with black ash, scattered in the ruins of the deep pit.


Ji Tianxing picked up Murong Lingfeng's space ring, turned and left the pit, and flew into the dark night sky.

He released Qianyue and Ji Ke from the seal of the mountain and river, and continued to drive in the night sky, flying towards the south.

Qianyue and Ji Ke stayed in the magic weapon space, and their hearts were full of worries.

After seeing him, Ji Ke couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Tianxing, how is the situation? Are you injured?"

Qian Yue looked around a few times and saw the ruins in a radius of a hundred miles and the huge deep pit. He suddenly asked with doubts: "Old Ji, where are those bastards?

Are they all killed by you? Is that boy and girl scared away by you? "

Ji Tianxing smiled and explained, "Murong Lingfeng and the four dragon guards have been killed by me..."

He briefly talked about what happened. After Qianyue and Ji Ke listened, they were shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Brother Tianxing, Murong Lingfeng is the seventh emperor in the Emperor's Mansion, and the four dragon guardians are also powerful men of Tianyuan who have been famous for over a century.

You actually killed them all, yet you are unharmed? This is incredible, right? "

"Lao Ji, your combat effectiveness is so strong? Isn't it a powerful person comparable to the first level of Soul Refining?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded without saying much.

Ji Ke and Qianyue were excited for a long time before they gradually calmed down.

Ji Tianxing sat on Qianyue's back, took out Murong Lingfeng's space ring, and began to check the spoils.

The space in the ring is very large, divided into four areas for storing various cultivation resources and treasures.

Murong Lingfeng not only has an extremely rich wealth of resources, but also has some obsessive-compulsive disorder or a cleanliness in his personality.

He not only divided the resource treasures in the space ring into four areas to place them, but also placed them in an orderly manner.

This is undoubtedly convenient for Ji Tianxing, and in only half an hour, he has counted those cultivation resources and treasures.

"More than 20,000 top-grade spirit stones, more than 300 pieces of various Tianyuan-level magical weapons and weapons, thousands of miraculous medicines, three soul-level medicines, more than 2,000 refining tools and alchemy materials...

There are also fragments of ancient magic weapons, unknown antiquities and strange things.

Such a strong net worth, at least several million spiritual stones, this guy really deserves to be the heir of the eternal family!

Those second-rate wealthy families in Zhongzhou have exhausted the wealth of the whole family, maybe there is not so much, right?

I have obtained these resource treasures from Murong Lingfeng. At least there will be no shortage of training resources in a few years, and it will be enough to support me to break through to the Soul Refining Realm! "

Ji Tianxing was a little surprised, and silently said with emotion: "Born in the Murong family's age-old family, even a pig can use endless training resources to train into a master!"

Of course, this is limited to the Tianyuan realm.

Wanting to break through to the Heavenly Origin Realm requires not only massive cultivation resources, but also higher talents and qualifications.

As for the Soul Refining Realm, it can't be cultivated by piling up resources, nor can it be achieved by a talented person.

It also needs extraordinary aptitude and savvy, the guidance and instruction of famous teachers and strong people, and great opportunities!


Next, Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke have been on their way.

There were no more twists and turns on the way, Qianyue took them out of Zhongzhou and entered the southern continent.

Within half a month, the two passed through three regions and also passed by Tianchen Region.

Tianchen domain is guarded by 100,000 elite soldiers, and it has been safe and sound, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Ji Tianxing did not return to the ancient realm of stars, nor did he go to Qingyun Nation.

In the early morning of the eighteenth day, Qianyue carried him and Ji Ke to the Shenhui Sect in Yongan Region.

Shenhuizong is located among lofty mountains, on the majestic Yinshen Peak.

Yinshen Peak is a huge mountain with a height of thousands of feet, and it is also the mountain with the strongest spiritual energy within hundreds of miles.

More than a hundred years ago, the Shenhui Sect was at its peak, making it the number one sect in Yong'an Region.

It is said that Yinshen Peak was a top-notch spiritual place, and it was full of spiritual flowers and grasses, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth could almost condense into colorful clouds.

At that time, there were nearly 10,000 disciples and hundreds of deacons~www.ltnovel.com~a dozen elders.

The number of Tianyuan realm powerhouses has even reached three!

Even the current Great Sky Sect cannot be compared with the Shenhui Sect back then.

However, these glorious deeds have become history.

After a catastrophe, the Shenhui Sect was severely damaged and almost destroyed.

Today, Shenhui Sect still survives in the world, but it has become a second-rate sect that is unknown.

When Ji Tianxing flew to the sky above Yinshen Peak, he saw that only half of the thousand-meter-high giant peak was left.

The front mountain of Yinshen Peak is still decent, the mountain is relatively gentle, with ancient gates, houses, palaces and buildings.

However, the back mountain seemed to be split by a sword, leaving only a cliff with a height of thousands of feet, straight and steep.

Behind the mountain peak is a rocky ruin, which has long been covered by jungle and weeds, making it very desolate.

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