Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 913: White dragon descends

Although, before the arrival of the four bloodlight magic dragons, Ji Tianxing closed his golden wings in time to protect himself.

But he was still hit by the four magic dragons, falling from the sky, and smashing into the forest below.


The earth was smashed into a deep pit with a radius of 100 meters, and dust burst into the sky.

The loud noise of "rumbling" reverberated in the sky for a long time before dissipating.

Seeing this scene, Yun Yao, Yan'er and Jiang Chen all showed extremely worried expressions and hurriedly flew towards the deep pit.


"Brother Tianxing!"

When the three of them flew near the pit, they saw Ji Tianxing lying on the bottom of the pit, half of his body buried by the dust.

His golden wings became dim, his Dahongxi suit became ragged, his head was dangled, and his face was still stained with blood.

Fortunately, he just suffered serious injuries, and his life was not in danger.

He struggled to get up, flew out of the pit and returned to the sky again.

The Devil Emperor looked down at him condescendingly, with a cat and mouse posture, jokingly and sneered: "Ji Tianxing, have you tasted pain and despair?"

Ji Tianxing glared at him, holding his head firmly and unyieldingly, his whole body burst out with murderous intent.

He didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly countered with action.

"Seal the Devil's Palm!"

He used the magic of Suxin Town's magic arts, with golden light surging all over his body, waved out a golden light palm that covered the sky and slammed the demon emperor fiercely.

The giant palm contains the awe-inspiring righteousness, exudes a dazzling golden light, dispersing the blood and devil energy in the sky.

Seeing this scene, the Demon Sovereign frowned, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Haha...it's interesting, but it's far worse than Sword God!"

While talking, the Demon Emperor raised his hand to condense a huge flame fist, which fell from the sky to kill.


The giant golden palm and the flame fist collided fiercely, bursting out loud noises.

Both of them exploded at the same time, turning into violent shock waves, spreading in all directions.

Seeing that the trick was easily resolved, Ji Tianxing's expression became more solemn, and once again urged the Ten Success Force to kill the Demon Emperor.

"Broken Demon Sword!"

The sacred golden light condensed into a hundred-meter-long open sky giant sword, carrying the awe-inspiring righteousness, cutting through the sky, and stabbing the Demon Emperor fiercely.

The Demon Sovereign still stood proudly in the sky, unmoving, and did not put Ji Tianxing in his eyes.

With a wave of his seemingly random big hand, he chopped out a giant blade of blood and light, and then smashed the Demon Sword to pieces.

Ji Tianxing had to explode with his strongest strength and used the last move of Suxin Town Magic Technique.

"The avenue is lacking, the heart is not dirty, Sanqing Huaqi, Xuantian Town Demon!"

He stretched his arms to draw the mysterious knot marks, bringing up the phantom of his arms all over the sky, and the dazzling golden light came out all over his body.

After a while, when his power accumulation reached the limit, he finally broke out and patted the Demon Emperor with all his strength.


Amid the loud noise, the sacred golden light burst out, spreading in all directions, dispelling all the devilish energy and blood in the sky.

The area of ​​tens of miles around was shrouded in dazzling golden light.

Most of the evil demon energy between heaven and earth was dispelled, and even the Demon Emperor's Divine Soul Domain was also affected, and the blood-light sky became much dim.

The Demon Sovereign was also overwhelmed by the sacred golden light, and the blood and devil energy lingering all over his body were removed and purified.

He frowned tightly, his eyes flashed with hatred and murder.

What he hates and hates most is this sacred golden breath.

"Bastard thing, you are looking for death!"

The Demon Sovereign was furious, shook his palms brazenly, and displayed the magic way.

"Devil Hurricane!"

Infinite black light was released between his palms, condensed into a black tornado that reached a height of kilometers.

The dark tornado contained a strong breath of death, and exploded with extremely violent power.


The demon soul hurricane swept the sky, and immediately swallowed all the golden light in the sky.

Where the hurricane passed, everything was swallowed, including the many guards and maids, and the spirit beasts and birds they rode.

The terrifying devouring power swallowed the people and spirit beasts and birds into the hurricane, strangling them into flesh and blood in the blink of an eye, turning into a puff of blood.

After just ten breaths, Demon Hurricane swept the sky clean.

The sacred golden light that obscured the sky disappeared, and more than two hundred guards and maids, as well as dozens of spirit beasts and birds, were all swallowed by the hurricane.

After calming down in the sky, there were only a handful of twenty people left.

Among them are the Demon Emperor, the Demon Commander Tianman, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, Yan'er, and Jiang Chen, as well as more than twenty surviving guards, and a few spirit beasts and birds.

So far, the 800-member welcoming team was almost killed and injured.

The luckiest people are the dozens of warriors who were collected by Ji Tianxing into the seal of mountains and rivers.

With such a tragic ending, everyone was full of horror, grief and anger, and their eyes became bloodshot and red.

If it is possible, everyone can't wait to cut the Demon Emperor and Tianman Demon Commander thousands of swords and smash them into pieces.

But this can only be an extravagant hope. The strength of the Demon Emperor and the Demon Commander of the Heavens is so powerful that everyone feels desperate.

The Demon Sovereign stood proudly above the sky, looking at Ji Tianxing jokingly, and sneered harshly: "Ji Tianxing, you must be very angry and desperate, right?

Ha ha ha... If you don't let you die in extreme despair, how can you eliminate the hatred of the emperor? "

Standing in the sky, Ji Tianxing stared at the Demon Sovereign with cold eyes, and shouted in a low and cold voice: "You Gu Demon Sovereign! I am at odds with you, and don't share the sky!"

The Demon Emperor sneered contemptuously: "Just rely on you as a reptile? It's really ridiculous!

The emperor will now let you taste the taste of ten thousand demons! Let you be tortured to death in front of your loved one! "

When the voice fell, the Demon Sovereign waved his palms and shot out blood.

In the dark red blood, there were densely dense demonic phantoms, and tens of thousands of terrible demonic heads appeared.

All the demons opened their mouths in their blood basins, showing their fangs, and furiously rushed towards Ji Tianxing.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing was about to be drowned in blood and surrounded by tens of thousands of demons.

Just at this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky not far away.


With the loud noise bursting ~www.ltnovel.com~ the **** sky that was thirty miles away from the crowd suddenly burst into a big hole.

A dazzling white light passed through the big hole like lightning, cut through the sky, and came straight to Ji Tianxing.

When the dazzling white light came to the front, everyone saw clearly that it was a thousand-meter long, white dragon.


The sacred and powerful white dragon flew to the top of Ji Tianxing's head in an instant, and hit the monstrous blood.

"Boom bang bang!"

The **** light sprinkled by the Demon Emperor was shattered by the sacred white dragon and turned into **** shards, splashing around.

Ji Tianxing's crisis was lifted, and the sacred white dragon hovered and flew around, staying in the sky, glaring at the Demon Emperor with anger and majesty.

Immediately afterwards, the three figures gleamed with colorful streamers, passed through the hole in the **** sky, and quickly rushed to the battlefield.

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