Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 898: Could it be that the Demon King is here too?

Ji Tianxing forcibly supported the injury of his internal organs, shook his dizzy head, and looked down at Ji Ke beside him.

Ji Ke lay quietly on the bed of cold ice jade, unconscious and motionless.

Even in a coma, her complexion was as white as snow, with tears remaining on the corners of her eyes, and a trace of blood on the corners of her mouth.

Kunwu was worried in his heart and quickly used his spiritual sense to investigate her situation.

On the other hand, the black feather master waved a colorful aura into Ji Tianxing's body to help him suppress the injury.

With the help of Master Black Feather, Ji Tianxing's internal organ injuries were temporarily suppressed.

He lifted his sleeves to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, and asked worriedly: "How is Ke Ke's injury? Is it serious?"

Kunwu probed for a while, and then he was relieved and said: "From what I saw, Ke Ke was also out of the dream.

She suffered serious internal injuries, and her soul was also damaged. She was temporarily unconscious and unable to wake up.

However, her injury was not life-threatening, and Ben Jun took her back to recuperate for ten and a half days, and it was fine. "

Ji Tianxing breathed a sigh of relief, completely relieved, nodded and said: "That's good, there is something wrong with Ruoke Ke, I can't shirk the blame."

Kunwu frowned slightly, and asked with doubts: "Tianxing, after you entered Koko's dream, you were injured not long after, and the injury is getting worse.

Later, your injury was so severe that Ke Ke was also injured, vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood.

What dangers have you encountered? What is going on with Ke Ke's dream? "

Not only Kun Wu was filled with doubts, but also the Master Heiyu was surprised, looking at Ji Tianxing suspiciously.

Ji Tianxing didn't conceal it, and his anger was still low and he shouted, "All this is a ghost of a dream monster!

That **** demon, while Koko was heartbroken, bewitched Koko's mind and used the dream to deal with us..."

He told them what he had learned and experienced in his dream.

After hearing this, Master Black Feather and Kun Wu suddenly realized that they finally understood the cause and course of the matter.

However, Kun Wu frowned in doubt and asked, "What is the origin of the Dream Demon? How can he kill people with the help of Dream Realm, possessing such a weird ability?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said solemnly: "I don't know much about the dream demon. It claims to be the Dazhe Luo Brahma Soul Nightmare. I have only seen information about the nightmare in the book.

But one thing is certain, the strength of the dream demon is comparable to the strong demon commander, and it is an immortal existence in the dream. "

Divine Master Black Feather nodded, and said solemnly: "Tian Xing is right. The Dream Demon has indeed reached the strength of the Soul Refining Realm and cannot be killed in the dream realm.

Moreover, in a strict sense, the Dazheruo Brahma Soul Nightmare is not a demonic race, nor a race such as humans and demons.

It is an extremely special existence, ethereal and intangible, intangible, and can only be parasitic on something.

If it fights head-on with people, it cannot cause substantial harm.

But it can control dreams and use the power of dreams to kill people. It is impossible to prevent and resist.

For thousands of years, Dream Demon killed many powerful people through dreams, making the powerful people of all races very jealous, and the talk changed.

It's a pity that we have never had the chance to encounter it, otherwise we will definitely kill it! "

The tone of Master Black Feather was sonorous, confident and domineering.

He is a powerhouse in the half-step primordial spirit realm, and can easily crush any soul-refining powerhouse.

No matter how weird the Dream Demon's methods are, he also has the corresponding secret methods and methods, and he has the confidence to kill the Dream Demon.

But Mengmo seemed to fear the prestige of the imperial palace, and never dared to provoke the imperial palace.

Both Ji Tianxing and Kunwu looked at Master Heiyu with scorching eyes, and asked, "Master Master, do you know well about Dream Demon?"

"Master God, the method of the Dream Demon is so strange, how to deal with it?"

Divine Master Black Feather nodded slightly, and said with a serious face: "The Dream Demon was a strong man who became famous a thousand years ago. He has caused disaster to the mainland for nearly a thousand years. How can this seat not understand it?

Although it is not a demon clan, it relies on the command of the ancient demon emperor, and has been working with the demon emperor.

It can weave dreams and possess powerful calming and calming powers. It can not only help the demon emperor cultivate the power of the soul, but also can kill people invisible and perform all kinds of strange secret techniques.

Therefore, the Dream Demon is highly regarded by the Demon Emperor, and his status is slightly higher than that of the Six Demon Commanders, equivalent to the military division of the Ancient Demon Emperor!

However, it has no entity, it has been attached to the Demon God's scepter, closely following the Yougu Demon Emperor..."

Upon hearing this, Ji Tianxing and Kunwu frowned, their expressions becoming more solemn.

"Mengmo's status is so noble? Isn't it more difficult to deal with than the six demon leaders?"

"Master God, since the Dream Demon has always been inseparable from the Demon Emperor. Now it appears in Zhongzhou, and it almost killed me and Koko... Could it be that the Demon Emperor also came to Zhongzhou?"

After that, Ji Tianxing stared at Master Black Feather with scorching eyes.

Kunwu also reacted, suddenly shocked, his expression a little ugly.

Divine Master Black Feather nodded solemnly, and said calmly: "Yes, Tian Xing, your inference is very likely to be true.

Since we resolved the Demon Gu turmoil, all the Demon Gus have been destroyed, and the demons lurking on the Central State Continent have also disappeared.

On the surface, the demons were badly injured and did not dare to invade Zhongzhou again, so they all retreated to Beimo.

But with this seat's understanding of the Demon Emperor, the Demon Clan will never give up.

Temporary peace is just an illusion. The Devil Sovereign is likely to be plotting a more amazing and vicious plan to retaliate against Zhongzhou! "

Both Ji Tianxing and Kunwu were silent.

The atmosphere in the secret room was somewhat depressed, and both of them were very heavy.

After a while, Ji Tianxing asked Master Heiyu: "Master, what should we do?

Perhaps we can follow the clue of the Dream Demon and investigate the trace and whereabouts of the Demon Emperor, and come first to act first..."

Before he could finish speaking, God Master Black Feather shook his head and said in a calm tone: "Dream demon is an ethereal existence. It only exists in dreams. How can it leave clues and traces?

It is absolutely impossible to find the Yougu Demon Emperor through Dream Demon. "

Ji Tianxing frowned, and asked worriedly: "Then what should we do? Are we going to sit still?"

Master Black Feather waved his hand and said in a calm tone: "This seat will find a way to investigate the traces of the Dream Demon and the Ancient Demon King ~ www.ltnovel.com~ no need for you to worry about it.

The top priority is that you have to retreat as soon as possible to heal your injuries and return to your peak state, without affecting the wedding celebration on the ninth day of next month. "

"The emperor understands!" Ji Tianxing clasped his fists in a salute.

Master Heiyu looked at Kunwu again, and said: "Kunwu, you should also take Ji Ke back to heal.

To let her recuperate, you must take good care of her and don't let her have any accidents.

When I have a need, I will go to her to understand the situation of the dream monster. "

Kun Wu quickly said yes.

Divine Master Black Feather didn't say much, turned and left the secret room.

Kunwu also took Ji Ke, who was unconscious, back to Kunwu Palace to heal his injuries.


The fifth is delivered, and Xiao He strives to make up another chapter in the evening.

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