Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 888: See or leave


Originally, Ji Ke worked hard for half a year in the Imperial Court of the Monster Race.

For several months in a row, she had been practicing in retreat without listening to things outside the window.

She awakened the noble and powerful bloodline, and with the help of the Tianluo Demon Emperor, she refined the mysterious demon power in her soul.

Therefore, her strength progressed rapidly, breaking through to the Heavenly Origin Realm within half a year.

After reaching the Tianyuan realm, she was filled with joy and excitement, and couldn't wait to leave.

She just wanted to rush back to Zhongzhou City and see Ji Tianxing as soon as possible.

However, she didn't expect to hear the news on the first day after leaving the customs.

Ji Tianxing was about to get married, and sent an invitation early in the morning!

Ji Ke's mood is very complicated, and her heart is full of sourness and suffering.

She stared at the vermilion invitation on the table and looked at the big letter on the cover, she didn't dare to reach out and touch it.

Silently, her clear eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and crystal tears slipped quietly.

The Lingxing Demon Empress hadn't noticed her strangeness yet, she still said with a smile on her face: "Ji Tianxing is the number one genius of the human race, the emperor of Tianjiao, who is famous in the world, and has been infinitely beautiful in the past six months.

The girl who can be worthy of him is naturally the proud girl of the human race, and it is Yunyao, the pearl in the hand of Yunling Palace!

Speaking of, Ke Ke, you and Yun Yao should be no strangers, after all, you were once the same teacher and sister..."

Having said that, the Lingxing Demon Empress looked at Ji Ke tenderly.

Seeing Ji Ke's desperate look, the Lingxing Demon Empress suddenly showed a puzzled look, "Ke Ke, what's wrong with you?"

"Boy, why are you crying? What happened? Tell the queen..."

The Lingxing Demon Empress stretched out her hands, supported Ji Ke's shoulders, and asked her with concern.

Ji Ke woke up in shock, quickly raised her hand to wipe the tears in her eyes, squeezed out a smile, shook her head and said: "Mother, I am not crying, I am nothing...

I just heard the news suddenly...I am happy for Brother Tianxing, yes, I am happy for him! "

The Lingxing Demon Empress was a person who came over, so wouldn't you see Ji Ke's strangeness?

But she didn't understand the situation, and couldn't say anything more, so she could only hug Ji Ke into her arms and said with great pity: "Ke Ke, my silly boy...Ah!"

Ji Ke fell in her arms, and after a moment of silence, she suppressed the sorrow in her heart and calmed down.

She raised her head to look at the Lingxing Demon Empress, and said calmly: "Mother, tomorrow morning, I will go to Zhongzhou City to find my brother Kunwu, and we will go congratulate Tianxing brother together."

The Spirit Star Demon Empress nodded, and said earnestly, "Well, it should be.

You must let Kunwu accompany you to go with you, don't lose courtesy.

After all, you are now the princess of our monster clan, and your words and deeds represent the imperial court of the monster clan. "

The Spirit Star Demon Empress vaguely guessed something and understood something, so she told Ji Ke this way.

Ji Ke was absent-minded, did not listen to her words, just nodded silently.

The Lingxing Demon Empress gave a few words of comfort, and then left Zhaohua Palace.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning, Ji Ke left the Monster Clan Imperial Court alone.

She boarded the Duntian Tower, passed through her son-mother Duntiansuo, and returned to the manor of Kunwu outside Zhongzhou City.

In the splendid manor, there are many demon guards and maids, but Kun Wu is not in the manor.

After Ji Ke asked the guards, she knew that Kunwu had been in the imperial mansion.

So she asked the guards to report to the Emperor's Mansion and informed Kun Wu.

In the evening, Kunwu rushed back to the manor from the imperial mansion.

When he returned to the manor, he couldn't wait to rush to Ji Ke's residence.

After seeing Ji Ke, he looked up and down Ji Ke's eyes, and suddenly smiled with relief on his face.

"Ke Ke, you have finally left the barrier! Unexpectedly, you broke through to the Heavenly Origin Realm so quickly!

You reached the Heavenly Origin Realm when you were only eighteen years old, and compared to your brother, you are the first genius of my clan! "

Kun Wu was shocked by Ji Ke's excellent talent and rapid growth, and was also happy for her.

But Ji Ke's interest was not high, and she was not happy at all.

She looked at Kunwu, bowed slightly and bowed, "Brother Kunwu, you are back."

"Koke, what's the matter with you? Why are you unhappy?" Kunwu walked to her and sat down, asking with concern.

Ji Ke shook his head, barely squeezing out a smile, "No, why am I unhappy?

Brother Kunwu, after I was closed yesterday, my mother gave me an invitation, saying that Brother Tianxing is about to get married..."

Kun Wu smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, Ji Tianxing is going to be married to Yun Yao. The wedding date is set for the ninth day of next month, and then he will have a feast in Zhongzhou City.

Now this news has spread all over Zhongzhou, and everyone knows it.

Keke, Tianxing is your elder brother and Yunyao is your senior sister. You must be happy for them, right? "

Ji Ke nodded lightly and asked, "Brother Kunwu, then you accompany me to the Tianxing Palace, and when you see Brother Tianxing, congratulations to him, right?"

"Uh..." Kun Wu was taken aback and explained: "Ke Ke, Ji Tianxing has not been in the imperial mansion these past two days, and seems to have gone to Yunling Palace to do business.

You live here first, and when he returns to the imperial palace, I will accompany you to meet him~www.ltnovel.com~ how about? "

A frustration flashed across Ji Ke's eyes, without saying anything, nodded and agreed.

Afterwards, Kunwu chatted with her for a while before leaving.

After Kunwu left, she also left the manor, entered Zhongzhou City alone, and quietly rushed to the Forest of God Tablets.

She waited for a long time in the Forest of God Tablets before waiting for the guards of several imperial palaces.

She took out a letter and gave it to one of the guards, and asked him to forward it to the Tianxing Palace.

After the guards entered the imperial palace, she turned and left the forest of **** steles and returned to the manor outside the city, waiting patiently.


Unconsciously, four days passed.

Ji Tianxing rested in Yunling Palace for two days, and his strength and spirit were restored to the peak. Only then did Ji Tianxing leave Yunling Palace and return to the imperial palace.

He drove on the road alone, without taking his father, let his father continue to live in Yunling Palace.

When he went to Yunling Palace to marry Yun Yao on the seventh day of the next month, he would return to Zhongzhou City with his father.

That evening, he hurried back to Zhongzhou City and returned to the imperial palace.

As soon as he returned to the Tianxing Palace, the guards guarding the gate bowed respectfully and took out a letter.

"See Domain Master!"

"My lord, here is a letter for you!"

Ji Tianxing stopped, reached out to take the letter from the guard, and asked, "Who sent the letter?"

The guard reported truthfully: "Sir Qi told the domain master, it was sent by the guards of the imperial palace. It is said that the person sending the letter was a demon girl."

"Demon Race Girl?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, a little confused, and quickly opened the envelope.

When he took out the letter paper and looked at it, he saw a line of beautiful characters written on it.

"Brother Tianxing, I'm waiting for you in Yanlin, see you or leave."

This book comes from

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