Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 885: Escape


Although, the Sky-Swallowing Beast rolled violently on the ruins, causing its belly to turn over the river and the sea, bloody.

But Ji Tianxing has been accumulating strength and waiting for the best time to take action.

When Tuoba Rui reminded him, it was also when the soul of the Sky-Swallowing Beast was restrained and its body was almost out of control.

This is the best time!

Ji Tianxing shot without hesitation.

Controlling the seal of mountains and rivers, he exploded with the strongest strength, and rammed into the abdominal cavity of the Heaven-swallowing Beast at the fastest speed in his life.

Shanheyin bloomed with dazzling golden light, dragging a long golden tail flame, like a bright golden meteor.

It passed through the **** flames and huge waves of dark red slime, bursting out power to destroy the world.


Amid the deafening noise, Shanheyin crashed into the dark red'wall', exploding with an impact that ruined the world.

Suddenly, on the dark red'wall', there was an extra pit about five meters deep and more than 30 meters in radius.

Countless pieces of meat mixed with blood, splashing around.

Dozens of sturdy white bones can be clearly seen in the deep pit, most of which have been blasted to pieces.

The huge mountain-like body of the Sky-Swallowing Beast was also shocked by the terrifying impact and moved 100 meters across the ruins, razing the uneven ruins to the ground.

The piercing pain made it thunderous, and its body swayed wildly, struggling violently on the ruins.

"Boom bang bang!"

Its kilometer-long body blasted the ground fiercely, shattering the ground, and the surrounding mountains were also tottering.

It struggled desperately, desperately suppressing Tuoba Rui's soul to regain control of the body.

Tuoba Rui was under unprecedented pressure, and the suppressed soul was distorted and shattered, and almost collapsed several times.

But it always refused to give up, and tried to hold on, pulling back and forth with the soul of the swallowing beast.

It does not seek to overcome the soul of the Sky-Swallowing Beast and seize control of the body, but only seeks to contain the Sky-Swallowing Beast so that Ji Tianxing can escape!

Taking this opportunity, Ji Tianxing once again used his unique tricks and continued to blast towards the deep pit-like wound.

He opened the third eye on his forehead. Among the golden magic eyes, the blue pupils accumulated thunder that destroyed the world.


He screamed, and unreservedly released the thunder power accumulated in Lingtong.

A bucket of azure blue thunder suddenly appeared, carrying an unstoppable violent power, and hit the wound severely.


There was another dull loud noise.

The deep pit-like wound suddenly enlarged another circle, deepening by four meters.

The dark red flesh in the wound was scorched black by thunder, and black smoke came out.

At the bottom of the pit are rows of white and black bones, with a thick layer of scale armor on the outside.

Ji Tianxing knew at a glance that this was the last layer of defense in the stomach of the Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

As long as the bones and scales are blasted through, he can blast through the stomach of the Sky-Swallowing Beast, and he can also escape!

"Sword of Judgment!"

Regardless of his own true energy consumption, he once again sacrificed his sword fetus, turning it into a ten-foot-long golden giant sword.

The giant sword was bursting with bright golden light, carrying a pair of golden wings, exploded with power to penetrate everything, and blasted at the wound fiercely.


The Sword of Judgment hit the bones and scales at the bottom of the wound fiercely, and there was a dull loud noise.

Hundreds of bones shattered on the spot, turned into white Sensen bone slag, mixed with broken scales, and flew towards the dark night sky outside.

The belly of the Heaven-Swallowing Beast was finally blasted through!

That wound turned into a huge hole with a radius of ten meters!

Through the hole, the ruins and the night sky outside can be clearly seen.


Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing's spirit was shocked, and he whispered in his heart.

He did not hesitate to pass through the hole, escaped from the stomach of the Sky-Swallowing Beast, and returned to the dark night sky.

At the same time, the Sky-Swallowing Beast was completely mad by the intense pain from the wound.


It opened its mouth in the blood basin and roared hysterically. It actually rolled up a shocking hurricane in the night sky, crushing several peaks around the ruins.

The earth was also twisted into a deep pit with a radius of 30 miles by the hurricane, and dust was splashed, covering the sky and the sun.

The Sky-Swallowing Beast fell into a state of rampage, and its soul power burst to the extreme, desperately suppressing Tuoba Rui.

Tuoba Rui could not resist at all, and the suppressed soul trembled and shattered continuously.

It was not the opponent of the Sky-Swallowing Beast at all, its soul quickly shattered and was quickly swallowed and merged by the Sky-Swallowing Beast.

At the moment when the soul was about to disappear, it desperately issued a soul roar.

"Ji Tianxing! Remember your promise, you must kill Long Zaitian! Otherwise, I will not let you go as a ghost!"

When it roared this sentence, its soul completely collapsed and turned into a white mist of soul, which was immediately swallowed by the swallowing beast.

The Sky-Swallowing Beast regained control of its body, and suddenly let out an excited roar.

Its soul was devouring Tuoba Rui's soul, his body twisted a few times, flapping its wings and flying back into the night sky.

The thick mucus and **** flames in its abdomen immediately rushed out of the hole in its abdomen and spilled on the ruins and the ground.

The night sky was illuminated by dark red blood, and the thick dark red mucus corroded the earth into black dust, emitting poisonous smoke to the sky~www.ltnovel.com~Ji Tianxing stood on the sky, looking down at the scene below, He frowned tightly, his expression was very solemn.

He knew very well that Tuoba Rui had been smelted by the Sky-Swallowing Beast and completely wiped out.

He stared at the Sky Swallowing Beast with solemn eyes, and thought to himself: "Tuoba Rui, although you are the son of Long Zaitian, you were also my enemy.

But you were regarded as a **** and a victim by Long Zaitian, and you didn't realize it until the last moment of your life.

In fact, you are also a poor person, and you only blame the dragon for being too cruel and cruel in the sky.

Don't worry, I will never let Long Zaitian go. One day I will kill him by myself! "

After all, Ji Tianxing turned around and left.

But the Sky-Swallowing Beast rushed over like a streamer and launched an attack desperately.


It opened its big mouth in the blood basin, releasing the dark red blood light over the sky, and it was about to cover the world in a radius of twenty miles, and swallow this area.

A dark red blood shrouded it, not only the mountains and the earth in a radius of twenty miles will be swallowed, but Ji Tianxing will also be swallowed by it again.

Before Ji Tianxing was swallowed by the swallowing beast, he was unprepared.

Now that he has suffered a loss once, how can he be recruited again?

When the dark red blood shrouded in the sky, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the sword fetus, the sword flew, and flew away.

"call out!"

He turned into a golden streamer, evading the dark red blood light as quickly as possible, and quickly disappeared into the night sky.

No way, in the previous fights, he used unique tricks several times, which consumes a lot of true energy.

If he continues to fight, he is definitely not the opponent of the Sky-Swallowing Beast, he will definitely encounter unexpected events.

For the current plan, he can only escape temporarily, and find a chance to avenge him later.


5 more complete.

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