Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 878: Swallowing the Sky

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After Murong Lingfeng left Wucai Linghu, he did not return to his cave.

He left the imperial palace directly and returned to Zhongzhou City.

Then, he flew out of Zhongzhou City hurriedly toward the mountains south of the city.

After about two quarters of an hour, he flew into the mountains a hundred miles away from Zhongzhou City and landed on a high mountain with a thousand feet.

There is an exquisite and luxurious manor on the top of the mountain with abundant aura.

Among them are several magnificent palaces, rows of houses and buildings, two gardens and an artificial lake.

Inside and outside the manor, there are powerful magic circles to protect it, and there are many guards guarding it, and the defense is very tight.

This is the residence of the three princes in Zhongzhou City. Although it is not a hidden place, it is not close to anyone.

After Murong Lingfeng landed outside the gate of the manor, and after showing his identity token to the guard, he was led into the manor by the captain of the guard.

The two passed through a courtyard and several corridors and entered a palace.

The captain of the guard led Murong Lingfeng into the depths of the palace, and stopped after walking outside the door of a secret room.

"Mr Murong, the Lord is practicing in the secret room, please report to the Lord yourself."

After all, the captain of the bodyguard bowed his hand and resigned.

Murong Lingfeng raised his hand to play the true essence of brilliance, slapped on the stone door of the secret room, and began to knock to wake up the Lord.

Shimen suddenly lit up with a dazzling colorful light, and let out bursts of clear sounds.

After a while, Shimen's formation was activated and slowly opened to the sides.

Murong Lingfeng stepped across the stone gate and entered the secret room.

In the dimly lit secret room, the formation is depicted on the ground, and a spiritual jade throne is placed just north.

A burly man wearing a golden robe, a purple cloak on his shoulders, and a crystal mask is sitting on the throne.

There is no doubt that he is the so-called Lord, the third prince of the Imperial Court.

Ever since he escaped from Buried Xinghai and returned to Zhongzhou, he has been retreating in the palace for healing.

In the past month, his injuries have healed.

He has been cultivating in closed rooms, and he is cultivating the little Heaven-Swallowing Beast in the source of ten thousand Gu.

Murong Lingfeng walked up to the third prince, bowed respectfully and said: "Ling Feng pays homage to the Lord!"

The third prince nodded slightly, looked at him calmly and deeply, and asked in a low voice: "This seat is practicing in retreat. Why are you knocking at this time?"

Murong Lingfeng bowed in fear, saluting and condemning: "Ling Feng dare not disturb the master's cultivation, but today Ling Feng must report to you face to face, and please forgive the Lord."

The third prince nodded blankly, and said solemnly: "What's the matter? Speak straight."

Murong Lingfeng said angrily: "Today, Master Heiyu gathered all the emperors and announced two things..."

He told the three princes about what happened before.

After the third prince heard what had happened, he frowned and his eyes became gloomy and cold.

"Master Black Feather announced in public that he would teach Ji Tianxing himself?

In that case, wouldn't this kid become a disciple of Master Black Feather?

Even the idiot Long Yunxiao surrounded him, wouldn't he still be the leader of the human emperor in the future? "

The three princes' fists were secretly clenched, and the tone was cold, full of gloomy murderous intent.

Murong Lingfeng nodded again and again, and said angrily: "Honorable Lord, Ji Tianxing has grown to such a point less than a year after he entered the imperial palace.

Seeing Master Kuroba's attitude, he is very fond and respectful of him.

If he is allowed to continue to develop, it won't take long for him to reach the soul-refining state, and even become the most noble emperor in the imperial palace!

Lord, we must get rid of him as soon as possible!

Otherwise, after he is full of wings, he will definitely deal with our Murong family and destroy your ambition!

The end of the Duanmu family is a lesson from the past, and we must not sit and wait any longer! "

The third prince nodded, and said in a cold voice: "This son is a confidant of this seat. If he is allowed to grow up, he will surely become the top enemy of this seat!

This seat will never allow him to continue to develop, and it is impossible for him to destroy the dominance of this seat!

Ling Feng, the strength and methods of this son should not be underestimated, this time this seat will personally take action against him!

You don't have to worry, for the past month, this seat has meticulously prepared a killer's key to deal with him.

When this seat takes a shot, he will surely kill him with one blow! "

Hearing the words of the third prince, Murong Lingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly bowed and flattered, saying, "The Lord himself made the move, of course, he was caught by his hand. Ji Tianxing is dead!"

He only praised the three princes, but did not find that the expressions of the three princes were a bit ugly, and his eyes were filled with cold hatred and murder.

After all, he didn't know that the three princes had been to the funeral of Xinghai, fought against Ji Tianxing, and ended up in a mess.

Later, the third prince exhorted him a few more words, and then waved him to leave.

Murong Lingfeng bowed back and left the secret room.

The door of the secret room was closed, and the room was quiet and dark.

The third prince slowly stretched out his right palm, and a colorful altar emerged from the palm of his palm.

This is the Gu Dao artifact, the source of ten thousand Gu.

He stared at the colorful altar with gloomy eyes, gaze through the altar, and stared at the giant beast in the magic treasure space.

It was a huge mountain, thousands of meters long, and a hideous behemoth with dark red blood.

The giant beast has no limbs, and its body is like an extremely thick barrel, but it has an extremely terrifying mouth.

It has four pairs of wings, is surrounded by blood flames, and exudes an extremely powerful aura.

It can cause a shocking hurricane with a single mouth, and with a single breath, it can swallow several mountains and possess incredible powers.

This is the ancient alien beast carefully raised by the three princes, the swallowing beast!

The third prince stared at the Sky-Swallowing Beast for a while, and whispered coldly: "Ji Tianxing, Ji Tianxing, in the Profound Sky Continent, you have not seen such a wicked genius for thousands of years.

But you are not willing to use it for this seat, and you have to fight against this seat!

Anyone who opposes this seat will only die, no matter who it is! "

When the voice fell, the third prince closed his eyes, waved his palms to cast the magic tactics, and continued to manipulate the source of ten thousand gu to catalyze the power of the swallowing beast.


At the same time ~www.ltnovel.com~Emperor Mansion.

After meeting the congratulations from many emperors, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao returned to the Tianxing Palace together.

The two entered the study and began to discuss the next thing.

Ji Tianxing took Yun Yao's hand and said with a smile on his face: "Yaoyao, now the demon chaos has been resolved, the demons have also evacuated from Zhongzhou, and the situation in Zhongzhou has finally stabilized.

Our wedding is about to arrive in one month, and we can finally prepare for the wedding with peace of mind. "

Yun Yao nodded and said: "The wedding banquet and celebration will be handled in Yunling Palace.

However, we both had to send out invitations to invite relatives and friends to the ceremony. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, "Yes, especially the people of the Great Heaven Sect, you must not forget.

We have to invite Master to drink our wedding wine, and Father Xiang..."

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