Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 875: The Demon Emperor himself

This savage face, domineering and majestic demon man, is the leader of the demon clan, the ancient demon king.

Before sending Zuo Marshal and Tu Ren to the expedition, he used secret methods on the two marshals.

Even if separated by hundreds of millions of miles, as long as the two demon commanders died, he could feel it.

Just now, his heart was suffering from colic, and there was a feeling in his soul, and he could immediately determine that Zuo Shuai and Tu Ren had been killed.

He was still sitting in the boiling pool of dark red blood, but his whole body was full of anger and murder, and purple magic fire was also ignited in his eyes.

"Damn it! Who the **** is it? How can he kill the emperor's two marshals in such a short time?

Yunling Palace? Imperial Court? Or the imperial palace? ! "

Yougu Devil Emperor roared in a low voice, his tone was full of anger and murder.

The six demon commanders are his capable officers, the right-hand man who can entrust important tasks.

Although Zuo Shuai and Tu Ren ranked last among the six demon leaders, their strength is also the weakest.

But these two demon marshals were appointed by him to take charge of the Demon Gu Project and the capture of Ji Tianxing's sword **** bloodline.

Now that Zuo Shuai and Tu Ren have been killed, the mission of capturing the blood of the Sword God has certainly failed.

Even the Demon Gu plan will be shattered because of this, and everything he planned carefully before will be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Yougu Demon Emperor became even more angry, and his fists were also desperately clenched, crunching.

"Damn human reptiles! How dare to destroy our revival plan, and kill the two great demon leaders of this emperor!

It seems that the emperor has to go out himself! Ji Tianxing, this emperor will personally take your dog's life and take your sword **** blood!

The emperor wants to bloodbath Zhongzhou and turn the land of Zhongzhou into a Purgatory, and everyone will pay a tragic price!

No one can stop the emperor's pace! Sooner or later this emperor will sweep the world and rule the Profound Sky Continent! "

The Yougu Demon Sovereign roared in a low voice, staring directly at the south, his eyes seemed to be able to cross hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers to see the prosperous Zhongzhou land.


After Ji Tianxing and Master Heiyu returned to the imperial palace, they went back to the cave.

The Black Feather Divine Master returned to the Black Feather Palace, eager to study the mysterious black compass, looking for a way to crack the Demon Gu plan.

Ji Tianxing returned to the Tianxing Palace, meditated in the room and adjusted his breath, silently waiting for news.

The night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, when Ji Tianxing was meditating and practicing, footsteps sounded outside the door.

A guard walked outside the room and reported in a respectful tone: "Enlighten the domain master, there is news from the guard of the Black Feather Palace, and the priest Black Feather calls you to talk to you."

"I see, you can retreat." Ji Tianxing replied and told the guard to retreat.

He quickly got up and left the room, and flew towards the Black Feather Palace like lightning.

It didn't take long before he landed outside the gate of the Black Feather Palace and walked quickly into the main hall.

Master Black Feather was waiting for him in the main hall, holding the mysterious black compass in both hands, still focusing on observation and research.

Ji Tian walked in front of him, saluted respectfully, and asked, "Master, what do you call me to come here? Did you find a way to crack it?"

God Master Black Feather nodded slightly, holding the mysterious black compass in both palms, and said with satisfaction: "I have studied most of the night and finally figured out how to use this compass.

Through this compass, this seat can indeed sense the inextricable connection, which is related to the countless magic gus scattered in the hundreds of cities in Zhongzhou. "

"That's great!" Ji Tianxing was excited, and hurriedly asked: "Master, what are you going to do next?"

Divine Master Heiyu said with a solemn expression: "It is very simple to destroy the Demon Gu plan. This seat only needs to use the secret method to manipulate this compass and detonate it...just like Zuo Shuai blew himself up.

Once the compass spontaneously exploded and destroyed, the tens of thousands of magic gu connected to it would also be detonated by the secret method, completely dead.

Even those puppets with demon gu species will be killed in a short time because of the death of the devil gu! "

"So that's it!" Ji Tianxing suddenly realized, and said expectantly: "Master, let's not waste time, you can detonate the compass as soon as possible."

"Okay! But, you can't detonate it here." Black Feather Master nodded, and flew out of Black Feather Palace with Ji Tianxing.

The two left the Black Feather Palace, flew hundreds of miles away, and came to the depths of the mountains.

The Black Feather Master stopped in the sky above a valley, and there was no one inhabited within a hundred miles of the nearby area. This area was still remote.

He took out the black compass, injected a trace of mana into it, suspended it in mid-air, and rotated it gently, bursting with blood.

He raised his palms with a solemn expression, punched a mysterious seal, and performed a secret technique.


The multicolored auras converge from all directions, forming a stream of multicolored air currents, injected into the black compass, and running according to special laws.

The formation and prohibition in the compass were activated, and a complicated reverse operation began.

Suddenly, the entire compass was trembling, and thousands of blood-colored light bars burst out, flashing chaotically.

Ji Tianxing could clearly feel that the power of destroying the heavens and the earth was rushing violently in the black compass, stirring up a violent and terrifying aura.

As the black feather master continued to cast spells, the black compass turned more rapidly, and the breath released became more violent and powerful.


The dark red blood glow of the compass became denser and more dazzling.

The entire compass became a huge ball of blood-colored light, like a dark red sun, hanging in the sky.

"Tian Xing, step back!" Master Black Feather suddenly shouted in a low voice.

Ji Tianxing didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly withdrew thirty miles away.

At this moment, the power accumulated in the compass reached its limit and finally exploded with a "boom".

At that instant, the compass collapsed and shattered into billions of dust, which was scattered from the sky.

The amount of frenzied violence accumulated in it turned into endless dark red blood, spreading in all directions.

Just in the blink of an eye, the overwhelming blood covered dozens of miles.

This area has completely become a world of blood and light.

The devastating shock wave ~www.ltnovel.com~ filled the entire valley and destroyed the three peaks around the valley into ruins.

Sixty miles in a radius were razed to the ground and turned into ruins full of cracks and potholes.

The loud and deafening sound passed a hundred miles, reverberating in the sky endlessly.

When the blood light burst, Ji Tianxing sensed the terrifying power of blood light, and did not hesitate to close the golden wings to protect himself.

Fortunately, with the protection of the sword god's battle robe, he was spared and not injured.

But even so, he was stunned by the monstrous blood for more than ten miles, and the blood in the internal organs surged for a long time before calming down.

When the blood in the sky dissipated, Master Black Feather flew back and stopped beside him.

"The compass has already detonated. Next, we just have to wait patiently for the news."


The fifth one is here, so brothers have been waiting for a long time, sorry.

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