Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 872: Solve it by hand

Master Black Feather can teleport, moving ten miles away in an instant.

Zuo Shuai hadn't practiced the teleport spell, so he was naturally unable to avoid the attack of the Black Feather Master.

When the two black swords containing the power of opening up the world slashed, it noticed that the breath of death was approaching, and its expression changed on the spot.

But before it had time to escape, it was severely cut by two swords.


In the dull loud noise, Zuo Shuai was chopped into three sections by two huge knife lights, and his head was in a different place.

Three broken bodies flew out, spattering all the blood of the sky, spilling down from the sky, like a rain of blood.

However, Zuo Shuai forcibly endured the extreme pain and immediately used the magical secret method, causing the three remnants to ignite blood flames and turn them into dazzling blood.


In the blink of an eye, the rising blood of the three flames converged and condensed into a cloud of blood that covered the sky and the sun.

It didn't reveal its original shape anymore, keeping the appearance of a cloud of blood, casting a spell to launch a counterattack.

"Destroy the blood domain!"

The monstrous blood light immediately expanded, covering a radius of fifty li, enveloping both the black feather master and Ji Tianxing.

This area has become the boundless blood domain, this is also Zuo Shuai's spirit domain.

In order to save its life, it had to resort to the last trick, in the realm of Master Black Feather, to produce its Divine Soul Realm.

Both Ji Tianxing and Black Feather Divine Master could only see the endless blood.

There were **** light curtains on all sides of the two, above their heads and under their feet.


Hundreds of millions of drops of blood splashed out of the **** light curtain, like a pouring rain of blood, pouring down at the two of them.

Every drop of blood contains violent power and can blow up a palace.

Moreover, the blood bead also has an extremely powerful corrosive power, dripping on Ji Tianxing's body, immediately corroding his body guard's true essence full of holes.

He was about to perform his tricks to break through Zuoshuai's blood domain.

Divine Master Black Feather frowned, and shouted in a cold tone: "Such a weak Divine Soul Realm is vulnerable to a single blow. Do you dare to make an axe in front of this seat?"

As he said, he slowly raised his right hand, his **** in the middle of the food were gathered like a sword, and he pointed toward the blood-colored light curtain forward.


Suddenly, the endless white light of the soul gushed from his fingertips, condensed into an open sky huge sword, and hit the **** light curtain fiercely.


In the muffled sound, the blood-colored light curtain was shot out a big hole in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the power of destroying the sky and the earth exploded, causing dense cracks to burst around the big hole, extending in all directions.

Accompanied by the cracking sound of "Kacha Kacha", the blood-colored light curtain quickly collapsed, bursting into **** fragments in the blink of an eye.

Endless fragments of blood and light fell in the air, and the black feather master stood proudly in the air, his clothes fluttering, his long hair flying, and his whole body exuding the pride of the world.

His seemingly casual finger, but it contains the power to destroy the sky and the earth, it seems that even the sky can be pierced!

Soon, the shards of blood that covered the sky and the sun gathered together in a "crash".

This time, the blood light recondensed into Zuo Shuai's demon body, and turned into a huge three-headed demon dragon.

However, its vitality has been severely damaged. At the end of the crossbow, its body is a little smaller than before.

It was entrenched in the sky, glaring at Master Heiyu and Ji Tianxing, and roared in a dull voice: "Heiyu! Ji Tianxing! You all must die!

No one can stop the resurrection of His Majesty the Demon Emperor. My demon army will surely sweep the world, and will soon slaughter Zhongzhou and the human and demons!

It won’t take long for you to be proud, and you will be buried with this commander soon! "

Zuo Shuai's voice was full of anger and resentment, and the rolling sound echoed violently in the sky.

Divine Master Heiyu was still expressionless, looking at Zuo Shuai with gloomy eyes, and he wanted to kill him completely.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing stepped forward and said to Master Black Feather: "Master Master, let me solve it!

When it caught my father, he was seriously injured and dying, and I almost died!

I want to avenge this grudge! "

Divine Master Black Feather glanced at him, nodded and said, "That's fine, you go."

After that, he stood in the sky and watched the battle silently, skimming for Ji Tianxing.

If Ji Tianxing loses to Zuo Shuai, he will kill Zuo Shuai again.

Anyway, Zuo Shuai fell into the realm of his soul, and he would definitely die today, and there was absolutely no possibility of escape.


Ji Tianxing flew into the sky and stood still a kilometer away in front of Zuo Shuai.

With golden light surging all over his body, he accumulated soaring fighting spirit, and shouted murderously: "Zuo Shuai, our grievances, we should be cut off today!

You are full of wickedness, I have to smash you into pieces to dispel the hatred in my heart! "

Zuo Shuai was panting violently, and when he heard this, he sneered contemptuously: "Ha ha ha...Ji Tianxing, if Hei Yu is not supporting you, what qualifications do you have to be your opponent?

This handsome only hates that he failed to kill you and your father, letting you escape and get your life back! "

Ji Tianxing shouted in a low expression expressionlessly: "To deal with a vile and vicious demon like you, of course, you have to use any means to kill you!

Winner and loser, stop talking nonsense, you can go to death! "

After all, he stopped talking nonsense with Zuo Shuai, and immediately displayed his kendo skills.

"Sword of Judgment!"

He sacrificed his sword fetus and turned it into a hundred-meter-long golden light giant sword, carrying the monstrous golden light flame, and blasted towards Zuo Shuai.

"call out!"

The golden sacred giant sword cut through the sky, and instantly hit Zuo Shuai's huge body.

Only heard a muffled sound of "bang", Zuo Shuai's body was blasted out of a huge hole, splashing out all the blood of the sky.

The blood hole more than ten meters thick was translucent and Bai Sensen's bones were clearly visible.

After the Sword of Judgment passed through its body, it flew ten miles away, flew back, and stabbed it on its back.

Zuo Shuai let out a scream of pain, struggling desperately, blood gushing out of his body, trying to repair his injury.

However, ~www.ltnovel.com~ the sword of trial pierced its back with a "bang", and added a huge blood hole in its body.

Zuo Shuai's injury worsened, he looked even more miserable, and his strength was fading fast.

Ji Tianxing manipulated the sword of judgment back into a fetus, and retracted it into his body.

Then, he ran the Suxin Town Magic Technique again, and performed the most powerful lore.

He waved his palms to make a mysterious knot, and his whole body lit up with a sacred golden light, which became dazzling and extremely dazzling.

With the formation of the Dharma Seal, the golden light that lit up all over his body became sacred and majestic, and his power was accumulated to the apex.

"There is a lack of avenue, Suxin is not dirty, Sanqing Huaqi, Xuantian Zhenmo!"

He screamed like Hong Zhong's anger, waved his palms desperately, and patted Zuo Shuai fiercely.

Suddenly, the endless sacred golden light poured out towards the left commander like a flood, flooding its figure on the spot.

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