Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 870: Black feather


Zuo Shuai and Tu Ren's tone was full of jokes, a pair of Zhizhu in their hands, they were in a certain posture.

The two quietly separated, surrounded by Ji Tianxing on the left and right, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Ji Tianxing saw the sudden appearance of the two marshals, but he didn't change his face and didn't panic at all.

He even showed a sneer on his face, and said in a playful tone: "You really have enough eyeliner, so soon you know I'm out of town!"

The Demon Commander Turen sneered proudly: "Ha ha ha...You idiot only understand now, isn't it too late?"

Ji Tianxing squinted at him, and curled his lips contemptuously: "Tu Ren, it seems that you have forgotten the pain after the scar, have you forgotten the lesson of the last time?"

Speaking of the last incident, Tu Ren immediately recalled his severely injured embarrassed appearance, and he was full of anger and murderous intent in his eyes.

"Ji Tianxing, don't be proud of you **** little beast! The last hatred, this commander has always remembered!

Tonight, if you throw yourself into the trap, you dare to go out of the city to die. This handsome will definitely cut you down and kill you into scum! "

Ji Tianxing was not angry either, the sneer on his face was even worse, even showing a pity in his eyes.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it's so pitiful to see that your idiot is about to die without knowing it!"

Tu Ren was humiliated and furious, his eyes lit up with a fierce flame, and his voice roared in a low voice: "Ji Tianxing! You are looking for death! If this handsome doesn't break your body..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zuo Shuai's expression changed, and he shouted in a gloomy tone: "Ji Tianxing! Last time you were severely injured by this coach, and fled like a bereavement dog.

Now that you dare to speak up against this handsome, is it possible to rely on it?

Haven't seen you in just over half a month, but you have risen to another level, reaching the eighth level of the Heavenly Origin Realm!

You really deserve to be an evildoer, no wonder you can attract the attention of His Majesty the Demon Emperor.

However, with your little strength, there is no doubt that you will die tonight! "

Zuo handsome is not as easy to get angry as Tu Ren, nor will he be blinded and lose his mind.

Seeing Ji Tianxing's confident attitude, Zuo Shuai guessed that he must be dependent on it.

However, Zuo Shuai only guessed part of the reason, but could not guess the real reason.

Ji Tianxing looked at Zuo Shuai and said with a sneer: "Zuo Shuai, you are smart enough, not as stupid and pitiful as Tu Ren.

It's a pity that you only understand this now, it's too late!

Tonight, it is you who will undoubtedly die! "

When the voice fell, he sacrificed the magic weapon mountain and river seal.

Shanhe Yin appeared out of thin air, floating in the night sky in front of him, shining with dazzling golden light.


After the seal of the mountains and rivers was opened, an imposing and imposing figure appeared in the night sky as cold as an iceberg.

This is a black robe powerhouse with a mysterious and powerful aura, it is the black feather master!

As soon as he appeared, Zuo Shuai and Tu Ren felt an extremely strong crisis, and their complexions suddenly changed.

Both of them stared at Master Black Feather, their pupils tightened and their expressions became solemn.

"who are you?"

"It seems that Ji Tianxing relies on you?"

Master Black Feather looked at the two demon commanders indifferently, and five cold words burst out of his mouth.

"Emperor Mansion! Black Feather!"

These five words were like a bolt from the blue sky, instantly causing the two marshals' complexions to change drastically, and their bodies stiffly froze in place.

Both of them opened their eyes wide, with a look of fear on their faces, and even a touch of fear flashed in their eyes.

"Black Feather? Are you the Black Feather Master of the Imperial Mansion?"

"Are you the great master of the imperial palace? The invincible Black Feather under the soul?"

Zuo Shuai and Tu Ren panicked immediately, looking at Hei Yu with full alertness, accumulating strength in secret, ready to turn around and escape at any time.

When they came to Zhongzhou this time, of course, they did enough homework, and they had a sufficient understanding of the strong men of the major forces.

Especially the imperial palace, it made them jealous and fearful!

Before coming to Zhongzhou, the Demon Sovereign had solemnly reminded them that they must never come into direct contact with the priests of the Emperor's Mansion, otherwise they would definitely end in death!

Now, the great master of the imperial palace stood in front of the two.

How can they not be shocked? How can we not worry and fear?

Tu Ren's face was very embarrassed, his heart was full of retreat and fear, and he just wanted to turn around and run away immediately.

Zuo Shuai was calm and steady. He looked at Master Heiyu with solemn eyes, and said with a sneer: "Ha ha ha... It turns out this is your trick, deliberately leading us to show up!

This commander really didn't expect that the great master of the imperial palace would be so sinister and contemptible!

In order to sneak attack on this commander, you even hid in Ji Tianxing's magic weapon, you really lost the face of the imperial mansion! "

Divine Master Heiyu was not angry, and looked at Zuo Shuai with indifference, as if looking at a dead person.

"I killed you, naturally no one knows what happened tonight, so what shame?"

Zuo Shuai was at a loss for words, his heart was full of anger, and he asked with a cold face, "Hei Yu, your imperial mansion has never been involved in world affairs. Why do you disregard your status and act yourself?

As long as you let us go, this commander swears in the name of His Majesty the Demon Emperor to immediately let all the demons withdraw from Zhongzhou City, and will never be an enemy of the Emperor's Mansion in the future! "

Obviously ~www.ltnovel.com~ Zuo Shuai had already given up and asked God Master Kuroba to plead.

But God Master Black Feather stared at him blankly, and said indifferently: "Don't say much, since this seat is here, you must die!

Not to mention you, even if the Ancient Demon Emperor is personally here, he is not qualified to make terms with the Emperor's Mansion! "

When the voice fell, he slowly raised his arms, and the white light of the soul soared all over his body, and nine blazing eyes of the soul appeared behind him.

The eyes of the nine divine souls were shining with dazzling white light, forming a circle, rotating slowly like nine stars, exuding a mysterious and vast aura.

At this moment, Black Feather seemed to be with the world, controlling the world.

When Zuo Shuai and Tu Ren saw that he was about to do something, their expressions suddenly changed, and they didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and they turned and ran away without hesitation.


Both of them turned into dark red blood, bursting out at the fastest speed, as if thunder pierced the night sky and fled into the distance.

However, Master Black Feather stood in the night sky with a cold face, and he was hunting and hunting in his black robe, and said in a low voice, "I want to escape now? It's too late!"

"Black feather covers the sky!"

With a soft drink from him, the nine magic eyes of the soul immediately released an endless white light of the soul, spreading in all directions.


The white light of the soul turned into a blazing white light curtain covering the sky and the sun, covering a hundred li in the blink of an eye.

This space was sealed off by the blazing white light curtain, and became the realm of the spirit of the black feather master.

In this area, he is the ruler of heaven and earth, absolutely invincible existence!

As soon as Zuo Shuai and Tu Ren escaped twenty miles away, they saw the Divine Soul Realm forming, and they suddenly showed desperate eyes.

"It's over! Can't escape!"

"Damn Kuroba! Since we can't escape, then we can only fight to the death!"

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