Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 864: Overweight fool


When Ji Tianxing looked at Cao Jingfeng, Cao Jingfeng was also looking at him.


Cao Jingfeng seemed to feel the great threat, cracked his mouth and let out a threatening roar.

His eyes were fixed on Ji Tianxing, and his scarlet pupils showed deep fear and hatred.

The strands of black aura spilled out from him, making his aura more cold and gloomy.

At this moment, a secret room in the corner of the cave suddenly opened.


Two tall figures rushed out of the secret room, holding heavy swords in their hands, and pounced on Ji Tianxing murderously.

These are two demons with a height of three meters, hideous in appearance and fierce aura.

However, these two people are ordinary magic generals, only the strength of the eight or nine layers of the Yuan Dan realm.

When the two of them braved the blood-red flames and rushed towards Ji Tianxing fearlessly, Ji Tianxing just casually raised his right palm, and two golden light sword lights popped out on his fingers.


The five-foot-long golden sword light is extremely sharp and violent.

Accompanied by the two muffled sounds of "Boom Boom", the two demon generals were hit head-on by the golden light sword.

Purple blood splashed out, two ferocious heads flew up in the air, and then fell to the ground.

The headless corpses of the two demon commanders rushed more than ten meters away before they were exhausted and fell down.

With their strength, they couldn't get close to Ji Tianxing's body, so they were killed by a single move.

Ji Tianxing's expression was not relaxed, he frowned and looked at the secret room in the corner of the cave.

He knew very well that since there was a demon in this magic cave, there must be a demon king.

Sure enough, the stone door of the second secret room opened.

A tall and mighty demon man came out, burly like a black bear.

This person has a fierce face, and his dark purple skin is engraved with large tattoos, all of which are hideous demons and monsters.

Carrying a **** axe with a big door in his hand, he walked heavily into the cave, looking at Ji Tianxing with gloomy eyes.

"Hahaha...boy, you are so brave, you dare to break into this king's devil's den, you really want to die!"

Ji Tianxing looked at him with cold eyes, and after a few glances, he could see that this person's strength reached the seventh level of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

He pointed to the Demon Gu puppet and Cao Jingfeng, and asked in a deep voice, "You did the two puppets with Demon Gu in them? Are you here specifically to harm Yuejian City?"

The devil grinned with a wide mouth, a pair of copper bells gleamed fiercely in his big eyes, and sneered: "Yes, you reptile is not too stupid! This king is the dust and sand demon king of the quicksand tribe!

The hundreds of thousands of reptiles in Yuejian City will all be a tribute to his Majesty the Demon King!

And you, little reptile, will sacrifice the **** soul soon! "

Hearing these words of the Dust Sand Demon, Ji Tianxing's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at the blood-colored light group at the top of the altar.

He immediately understood that the dark red blood was a gathering of flesh, blood, and soul without hundreds of people, and was to be sacrificed to the Ghost Emperor.

At this time, the Dust Sand Demon King no longer bothered with him, waved the giant axe in his hand, and gave orders to the two Demon Gu puppets.

"What are you doing in a daze? Kill him for this king!"

This kid has the strength of the Heavenly Origin Realm and is so young, his status and status must be extraordinary!

Swallow his flesh and blood, and then return his bones to Yuejian City. This king gives Yuejian City a warning! "

Hearing the command of the Dust Sand Demon King, the badly wounded Demon Gu puppet suddenly bounced and turned into a dark red blood light, rushing towards Ji Tianxing frantically.

Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he raised his hand to hit a golden sword.

"Stop water flow!"

The ten-meter-long golden light giant sword, carrying the violent power, instantly hit the demon gu puppet, split it in half, and the body fell to the ground.

Cao Jingfeng's wisdom is obviously much higher than that of this Demon Gu puppet.

He didn't rush to shoot, but took advantage of Ji Tianxing's swordsmanship of breaking water and launched a surprise attack from the side.


He roared in anger, waved his palms and shot out two beams of blood flame light, condensed into two ten-meter-long **** giant blades, and slashed towards Ji Tianxing.

The dark red blood light immediately illuminates the cave, exuding a pungent **** smell, which is disgusting.

There was a strong wind in the cave, and the ground was blown off by flying sand and rocks.

Ji Tianxing had been prepared for a long time, and with a wave of his left palm, a crimson fire spewed out, condensing into a giant flame palm.

"Burning Heaven Palm!"


The giant flame palm that destroyed the world instantly shattered two giant blades of blood light and shot Cao Jingfeng again.

Although Cao Jingfeng's strength was very strong, he was crushed by the flame of the giant palm, and burst into pieces.


The giant flame palm wrapped his corpse fragments, and hit the rock wall of the cave with a loud noise that shook the sky.

Suddenly, the huge cave with a radius of one thousand meters was destroyed by a blow of the giant flame palm and immediately collapsed and shattered.

The entire thousand-zhang mountain shook violently, splitting dense gullies, and collapsed into ruins.

The shaking of the earth and the mountains spread over dozens of miles.

However, Cao Jingfeng was blasted into pieces, but he was still alive!

He turned into a dark red blood light and flew out of the falling rocks ~www.ltnovel.com~ into the dark night sky.

The Dust Sand Demon also roared angrily, with blood glowing all over, rushed out of the ruins of the cave and flew to the sky.

Only the Demon Gu puppet that had been split in half was extremely weak, unable to escape, and was buried in the rubble.


Ji Tianxing was full of golden light and flew into the night sky above the ruins.

As soon as he stood still in the sky, he heard the Dust and Sand Demon shout angrily, cut out a huge blade of blood, and killed him.

"Little beast, this king actually underestimated you! If you don't break your corpse tonight, it will be hard to dispel the hatred of this king!"

The Dust Demon King held a large axe in both hands and slashed out hundreds of blood-light giant blades with all his strength, sealing the sky around Ji Tianxing for ten miles.

Seeing, he was about to be overwhelmed by blood.

At the critical moment, he urged the majestic true essence to condense into a shield, protect himself, and release a golden sword.

"Golden Emperor Slash!"

The hundred-meter-long golden light giant sword, carrying the terrifying power of opening the world, instantly smashed more than a dozen blood light giant blades, and smashed the dust and sand demon.


The Dust Sand Demon was smashed and flew back five miles away, crashing into a mountain, smashing the mountain into a big hole.

The power of Golden Emperor Slash was undiminished, and he slammed into the mountain, splitting the kilometer-high mountain in half on the spot.

"Huh, overweight fool!"

Ji Tianxing snorted contemptuously, and was about to chase after him, taking advantage of the victory to kill the Dust Demon King.

But at this moment, the dark red blood that Cao Jingfeng had turned into a dark red sky covering a radius of one thousand meters turned into a hood against him.


The night sky with a radius of one thousand meters was immediately shrouded in dark red blood.

Ji Tianxing's figure was also overwhelmed by the dark red light curtain on the spot.

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