Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 858: Purify the magic gu?


Ji Tianxing lives high in the night sky, running Suxin Dharma Eye, overlooking the ruins below with his golden pupil.

His eyes were like electricity, and he released invisible spiritual consciousness, covering a radius of kilometers.

Although the black-robed man was strange, he had only the four strengths of the Heavenly Origin Realm after all, and he would never escape his hunt.

After a while, a black mist suddenly floated out of the ruins of the collapsed mountain.

The black mist floated silently in the night sky, drifting away with the smoke and dust flying all over the sky.

After it floated thousands of meters away, seeing that there was no danger in its surroundings, it suddenly accelerated and fled away like lightning.


The black mist condensed into an arrow, and in the blink of an eye he fled the ruins and flew towards the depths of the mountains.

At the same time, Ji Tianxing from Gao Tian found it, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Hmph, it's really weird! But it is impossible to escape from my palm!"

While talking, his figure flashed and chased after him.

"call out!"

Although he still carried a comatose young warrior in his hand, this did not affect his speed in the least.

He was full of golden light, like a golden meteor piercing the night sky, dragging a long tail flame, leaving a golden arc in the night sky.

After a few breaths, he caught up with the black fog, less than three hundred meters away.

With a big wave of his hand, he slashed out a golden giant sword and slammed into the black mist.


The golden sword pierced the night sky instantly, hitting the black fog that was too late to escape, and instantly split the black fog in half.

Two pieces of black fog fell weakly into the sky, towards the mountain below.

After landing, the two pieces of black mist quickly condensed together and turned back to look like a man in a black robe.

His injury was very miserable, lying on the grass on the top of the mountain, panting violently.

He only had half of his body left, his left arm and leg had disappeared, and half of his **** face looked more and more hideous.

However, the blood flowing out of his body was black magic blood, and his bones were also faintly glowing purple.

Changing to an ordinary Tianyuan powerhouse, suffering such a severe injury, he would have died long ago.

But the black-robed man didn't seem to feel the pain, and didn't care about his injuries.

He roared angrily, uttering syllables that no one understood, struggling to get up from the grass, and wanted to escape again.

But at this moment, Ji Tianxing has arrived.

He landed on the mountain top from the sky and appeared in front of the black robe man.

When he saw the black-robed man's injury clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank, revealing thick surprised eyes.

"After suffering such a severe trauma, he hasn't died yet? I want to see how strong the evolved Demon Gu is!"

While talking, he stretched out his left hand to grab the black robe man.

The golden light surged with his left hand, condensed into a large golden light palm, and immediately caught the black robe man.

The black-robed man was grabbed by the golden light palm, desperately struggling and roaring, but it didn't help, he couldn't escape.

Ji Tianxing put the unconscious young warrior on the ground, slowly raised his right hand, released a mysterious black hole, and pressed it behind the black robe man.

The mysterious black light burst out with a powerful and unmatched devouring power, and quickly sucked out the magic gu in the black robe man.


A pitch-black demon worm the size of a half palm suddenly appeared in Ji Tianxing's palm, surrounded by a cloud of golden light.

This monster has a hideous and ugly appearance. It has two heads and four pairs of wings on its fat body.

Its power is very powerful, struggling desperately, twisting its body frantically, opening its mouth to fragment the golden light.

This is the magic gu, the magic gu after growth and evolution!

After the demon gu in the black robe man was pulled away, he stopped struggling and roaring, and quickly shrank and shrank like a frustrated ball.

In just a few breaths, he collapsed into a ball of skin, weathered into a pile of black ash, and dissipated in the world.

Only a torn and ragged black robe remained on the grass, proving that the black robe man once existed.

Ji Tianxing glanced at the tattered black robe, then withdrew his gaze, carefully staring at the Devil Gu in his palm.

"The size and power of this demon gu are several times larger than the demon gu that I have seen before.

Moreover, this magic gu had grown two heads, and it seemed that it was about to split and multiply.

Fortunately, I caught this guy in time, otherwise a new Demon Gu puppet will emerge soon. "

The demon gu puppet that has grown and evolved not only has wisdom, knows how to escape and hide, but also possesses a nearly immortal body.

The black robe puppet just now has only the four strengths of the Tianyuan realm, but it took him so much time to solve it.

It is conceivable that changing to an ordinary Tianyuan powerhouse would not be able to deal with this black robe puppet.

"I must find the other two puppets as soon as possible to resolve the crisis in Tsukimi City.

The situation in Yuejian City is so tense, and the situation in other cities in Zhongzhou must be the same.

The destructive and threatening power of the evolved Demon Gu puppet has increased by at least ten times! "

These thoughts flashed in Ji Tianxing's mind, and his mood became heavier and more worried.

After a while, he condensed his thoughts and decided to put the magic gu in the treasure box and take it back to the city lord mansion to study.

But at this moment, the Sky Filling Pearl in his mind unexpectedly released a drenched white light, which gushed out of his palm along his right arm.


The mysterious white light immediately wrapped the magic gu~www.ltnovel.com~ and rose fiercely like a flame.

The Demon Gu suddenly struggled and twisted frantically, and also let out a "squeak" scream, extremely anxious and fearful.

"Huh..." Ji Tianxing showed a look of surprise, staring at the mysterious white light, watching the devil gu struggle and writhe in the white light.

Soon, the powerful and evil Devil Gu was corroded by the mysterious white light.

After just a few breaths, the whole demon gu disappeared out of thin air, not even a small amount of powder was left.

Only then did the mysterious white light calm down, and quickly retracted into the dzi patch.

Ji Tianxing suddenly raised his eyebrows, and muttered inconceivably: "The Sky Filling Bead still has this effect? ​​It can eliminate the Devil Gu so easily...purify it?"

Not annihilation, but purification, just like light disperses darkness!

The mysterious white light is the sacred light, and the magic gu is the evil darkness.

"Before, I was guided by the Replenishing Sky Bead to Moonfall Town, so I could discover this evolved Demon Gu puppet.

Now the Sky Filling Bead has purified the Demon Gu again... Is the Sky Filling Bead the nemesis of the Demon Race and the Demon Gu?

Mysterious Sky Pearl, how many effects do you have that I don’t know? "

Ji Tianxing murmured to himself, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of curiosity and expectation.

In order to verify the guess in his heart, he decided to return to the City Lord's Mansion immediately to do something.

So he turned and left the mountain with the unconscious young warrior.

After returning to Yueluo Town, he quietly threw the young warrior into the town, and then hurriedly left Yueluo Town and hurried back towards Yuejian City.


Brothers, I’m sorry, Xiaohe has to go out for a trip, and it will probably be delayed for 4 days, 4 of these 4 days a day.

After Xiao He is finished, he will definitely make it up. Please forgive me, brothers.

This book comes from

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