Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 853: Yuejian City Rebellion


Yuejian City is eight thousand miles away from Yunling Palace.

This is a human city with a history of hundreds of years.

The surrounding area of ​​this city is rich in a kind of spiritual flower called evening primrose, so it is named Yuejiancheng.

Although Ji Tianxing had never been to Yuejian City, he had heard of the reputation of this city.

He knew that it was a beautiful ancient city surrounded by beautiful scenery and a sea of ​​flowers. The scenery was pleasant and lingering.

While flying on the way, he was still speculating silently, what is the current situation in Yuejian City?

What is Yun Yao's situation? Is there life danger?

Since the eruption of Devil Gu in the Hundred Cities in Zhongzhou, he has not personally checked the conditions of the cities.

He only heard people say that the situation in Zhongzhou was chaotic, but he didn't know how severe the situation in each city was.

Although Yun Yao is the emperor of Tianjiao, he has just entered the Tianyuan realm for a few months, and only has the strength of the second stage of the Tianyuan realm.

He had to worry, if Yun Yao met those demon kings, would his life be in danger?

The night passed quickly.

When it was dawn, he rushed to the outside of Yuejian City.

Still more than ten miles away, he looked down from the sky to the ground below and saw the scene inside and outside of Yuejian City.

The four directions outside the city are all plains, which have been cultivated into medicinal fields for planting evening primrose, covering thousands of acres.

Originally, there was a sea of ​​pink and light yellow flowers outside the city, and the fresh fragrance of flowers could be smelled hundreds of miles away.

But now, the medicine fields outside the city have been destroyed, and the sea of ​​flowers has become ruins.

The earth was devastated, full of gullies and cracks, and huge potholes.

That is obviously the trace left by the strong fighting after the war.

The fragrant flowers that were once disappeared, and Yuejian was messed up outside the city.

Ji Tianxing had a faint premonition, and his mood and expression were very heavy.

When he landed outside the city gate from high above, he saw that the city gate was closed tightly, and he was very guarded.

On both sides of the city gate were guarded more than 30 black armored guards, all wearing armor and swords, exuding a breath of murder.

It was early in the morning when several businessmen and a dozen people gathered at the gate of the city, quietly waiting for the gate to open.

Ji Tianxing frowned and stepped to the gate of the city.

Two black armored guards immediately stopped him, and said in a cold voice: "The time has not arrived, the city gate will not open, step back!"

Ji Tianxing frowned, flipped his palm, and took out the Emperor's Order.

"I am Emperor Ji Tianxing."

The two guards saw the emperor's order and heard what he said, and suddenly bowed and bowed respectfully.

More than 30 guards on both sides of the city gate also knelt on one knee, paying respects to him.

After the salute, the captain of the guard hurried up and said respectfully: "See Young Master Ji!"

Ji Tianxing put away the emperor's order, looked at him majesticly, and asked, "Tell me, what happened in the city?"

The captain of the guard didn't dare to conceal it, and hurriedly answered truthfully: "Qi, Master Ji, there has been a devil in the city lately, and the people who have troubled him are not alive.

In the past month, more than 20 young talents have been killed in the city with magic gu, cruelly poisoning more than 2,000 people.

The people in the city were in panic, and the demons took the opportunity to cause chaos and massacred the people outside the city.

Fortunately, the Emperor's Mansion sent Miss Yun Yao, the emperor's son, to sit in the town and preside over the overall situation in the City Lord's Mansion, which made the people's hearts more stable.

Miss Yun Yao ordered martial law throughout the city, opening the city gates at four o'clock every day, and closing the city gates at four o'clock in the evening..."

After hearing the report from the captain of the guard, Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said solemnly: "If this is the case, then follow Miss Yun Yao's order to execute it.

I went into the city by myself and went to the city lord's mansion to find Miss Yun Yao. "

After all, he jumped into the sky and jumped onto the wall.

The huge Tianyuan Array protects the entire Yuejian City and covers the square walls.

But this didn't bother him at all, he just used a few tricks to open a gap in the big formation.


With a flash of his figure, he passed through the cracks in the large array and flew into Yuejian City.

The cracks in the formation quickly healed naturally.

The many guards and businessmen under the city gate showed a strong admiration and awe when seeing his flying figure.

In recent months, the three words "Ji Tian Xing" can be said to have been thunderous.

Many people have heard of his fame and deeds, and they immediately whispered and exclaimed.

The guards guarding the city gate were also excited and excited to see him with their own eyes.

He personally came to Yuejian City, which also made the guards feel more secure and feel more at ease.


Ji Tianxing flew over Yuejian City and rushed to the City Lord's Mansion.

Along the way, he saw the streets and alleys were deserted, with no vendors shouting and selling, and no people shopping.

The doors of the shops were closed tightly and looked very depressed.

Some buildings are still damaged, leaving traces of fighting, leaving some ruined walls.

Seeing the scene, it is not difficult for Ji Tianxing to guess that there must have been many fights in the city before.

It didn't take long before he descended outside the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord’s Mansion is also heavily guarded and tightly guarded.

After he reported his identity, the guard at the gate immediately went to the Fuzhong to report the news ~www.ltnovel.com~ and someone led him into the Fuzhong to the hospitality lobby.

He sat in the lobby for a while, and footsteps heard outside the door, and a man and a woman were walking into the lobby quickly.

The one who stepped into the lobby first was a beautiful woman in a white dress, his fiancee Yun Yao.

Not seen for half a month, Yun Yao's temperament is as cold as ever, like a fairy of nine days.

However, her brows and eyes were full of fatigue and worry.

The man following her was a burly middle-aged strong man in his early forties.

This person is luxuriously dressed and majestic. He is the lord of Yuejian City.

After Yun Yao entered the lobby, she stared at Ji Tianxing with her eyes, and hurriedly called out, "Tianxing, you are finally back! During this period, I am worried about you every day."

Ji Tianxing hurriedly greeted her, holding her hand with a gentle smile on her face, "Yaoyao, I said I would be fine, when did I break my faith in you?

But you, for working so hard for Yuejiancheng, you have worked so hard for the past two weeks. "

The two of them faced each other, and both contained a deep tenderness, connected to each other and caring for each other.

The city lord Yuejian looked down wittily and looked away, silently, so as not to disturb the warmth of the two.

After a while, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao talked to each other, and their emotions calmed down.

Yun Yao introduced him and Yuejian City Lord, and introduced each other: "Tian Xing, this is the Ye City Lord of Yuejian City."

"Ye City Lord, this is the emperor Ji Tianxing of the epicenter prefecture, the Lord of Tianchen Domain, and also my future husband."

Yuejian City Lord suddenly beamed his eyes, looked at Ji Tianxing with admiration, and respectfully saluted: "Master Ji, your name has been heard in the next!

Today I can finally see the true face, I am really lucky to be Sansheng! "

This book comes from

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