Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 848: Come back to life


Yun Zhongqi and Baili genius doctor turned their heads to look at the door of the secret room together.

When the two of them saw the figure clearly, their eyes suddenly showed surprise, which was quite incredible.

"Tian Xing? You are finally back!"

"Tian Xing! It's great that you can come back safely!"

While talking, the two greeted them quickly.

There is no doubt that this dusty and somewhat embarrassed figure is Ji Tianxing.

Since he left the Buried Xinghai Sea, he has been flying the sword all the way, rushing back to Yunling Palace at the fastest speed.

He flew for nearly eight hours in a row, without stopping during this period, and there was no time to catch his breath.

Fortunately, he finally hurried back to Yunling Palace before Zishi.

But he also almost ran out of true energy, and his whole body was about to lose strength.

At this time, his white robe was a little messy, his face was pale, and his hair was scattered all over his head.

He panted from a distance, rushing into the secret room staggeringly, his eyes fixed on the ice jade bed at the corner of the wall.

"Uncle, Master! What happened to my father?"

He ignored the salute to Yunzhongqi and Baili's genius doctor, and only greeted him, before going to the corner of the secret room to check his father's condition.

Seeing that his strength was extremely weakened, Yun Zhongqi staggered and trembled, and quickly reached out to support him.

"Tianxing, don't worry, your father is fine for the time being."

Hearing these words, Ji Tianxing finally breathed a sigh of relief, showing a relieved expression, "It's okay, I'm not late..."

The genius doctor Baili nodded in relief, stroked his beard and said: "If you can come back safely, we will rest assured!"

Yun Zhongqi was in the same mood, and quickly said to Ji Tianxing: "Tianxing, take a break first. Uncle has something to tell you."

His tone was a little heavy, obviously what he was about to say was related to Ji Changkong.

Only the last hour is left, Ji Changkong is about to die, he wants to persuade Ji Tianxing to make psychological preparations.

However, Ji Tianxing didn't mean to take a break, and said anxiously: "Uncle, let's talk about it later.

The five-day deadline is approaching, and there is one last hour. I must save my father first! "

While talking, he took out the Dzi Bead from the space ring and held it in the palm of both hands.

Yun Zhongqi and the genius doctor Baili were both stunned, frowning at him, looking at the dzi bead.

"Tianxing, what is this?"

Ji Tianxing hurriedly replied: "This is a dzi patch!"


"how can that be?"

Yun Zhongqi and Baili genius doctor were stunned on the spot, their eyes widened in shock, looking at Ji Tianxing incredulously.

Both of them were stunned, their eyes fixed on the Dzi Bead, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

This fist-big white jade bead is crystal clear, and the surface is covered with mountains and rivers, which is very ancient and mysterious.

Bai Yuzhu was shining with a drenched white light, fluctuating with a powerful mysterious power, as if it had the power to swallow the world.

The two of them couldn't believe that this white jade bead was the sky-filling bead in ancient legends!

From the beginning, both of them regarded the Sky Pearl as an illusory ancient legend and never thought that Ji Tianxing could get it.

Therefore, seeing that Ji Tianxing came back, neither of them mentioned Dzi Bead Replenishment nor asked him if he found Dzi Bead Replenishment.

Because, in the eyes of them, the Sky Pearl is a legendary fetish. Whether it really exists is unknown. How can it be easily found?

But now, Ji Tianxing really took out a mysterious and powerful ancient jade bead and told them that it was a dzi patch.

How can they not be surprised, not shocked?

"Tian Xing, you... did you really find the Sky Pearl?"

"Is this the legendary Tianxing Bead? Tianxing, how did you find it? Where did you find it?"

Yun Zhongqi and Baili genius doctor were both excited and curious, looking at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes.

Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "Uncle, Master, time is urgent, you can use the Dzi Bead to heal my father's injuries first, and I will explain this to you later."

Yun Zhongqi and the genius doctor Baili reacted immediately, both showing a touch of embarrassment, and smiled in a jealousy.

"Ahem...we are gaffes."

"Tianxing, you are right. It is important to save people first, and we will talk about other things later."

So, the genius doctor Baili quickly calmed down, reached out his hand to take over the Dzi Bead, walked to the bed of Hanbingyu, and began to heal Ji Changkong.

He held the Replenishing Dzi Bead in his left palm, and made a mysterious seal on his right hand, using an ancient secret technique to urge the replenishing Dzi Bead.

Suddenly, the Bu Dzi Bead released the soft white light of nine thick fingers and injected it into Ji Changkong's body.

Soon, Ji Changkong was wrapped in soft white light, and the person slowly floated, hanging above the ice jade bed.

The white light contained mysterious and powerful power, entered his body, gathered in his mind, wrapped his three souls and seven souls, and began to slowly repair and heal.

This process is extremely slow and concealed, and cannot be seen with the naked eye or spiritual sense.

Only a strong person in the soul refining realm can observe Ji Changkong's soul changes by using the power of the soul.

Quietly in the secret room ~www.ltnovel.com~ The genius doctor of Baili dedicatedly performed the secret technique of medicine, using the power of the supplementary dzi to repair the soul and restore the soul of Ji Changkong.

Yun Zhongqi stood by, staring at Ji Changkong's changes with concern.

Once the genius doctor Baili couldn't support it, or needed any help, he would help.

Ji Tianxing could only watch all this silently, and couldn't help at all, only praying for his father in his heart.

Unconsciously, four hours passed, and the sky outside was already bright.

The genius doctor Baili casts spells continuously for most of the night, consuming a huge amount of mana, and the soul is very tired.

At this time, he finally stopped casting the spell and slowly withdrew his right hand.

He stroked his beard with a smile, turned to look at Ji Tianxing, and said with relief, "Tianxing, your father's fate is finally saved, you can rest assured.

This sky-filling bead is indeed a legendary fetish, more mysterious and more powerful than any magic weapon I have seen for my teacher. "

While talking, he returned the Mending Dzi Bead to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing took the Dzi Bead and quickly looked at his father Ji Changkong.

I saw that Ji Changkong was still in a coma, lying motionless on the ice jade bed.

His physical body regained its vitality, enveloped in white light, and his skin was also faintly glowing, no different from normal martial artists.

His three souls and seven souls have also gathered, and his soul power has gradually stabilized.

Although his breath is still very weak, at least the situation is stable, just like a normal warrior was seriously injured.

Even if there is a divine object such as the Replenishing Dzi Bead, it is impossible to cure him overnight.

Next, the genius doctor Baili would urge the dzi bead every day to treat his injuries.

According to Baili's genius doctor's estimation, it will take about five or six days before Ji Changkong's injury can heal.

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