Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 841: Enlightened Gate


Things are just as Ji Tianxing thought.

The wasteland is vast, as if it never ends.

After flying for three hours in a row, the wasteland under his feet was still flat, gray and colorless, and there was no grass growing.

Looking around, the world was vast, and there was nothing that could attract his attention.

He observes the wasteland condescendingly, his eyes are out of focus, and he can't find any clues.

Had it not been for him to see the sky and the ancient city before he fell unconscious, Qianyue told him about the mysterious white light, he could not even find a reason to continue exploring the wasteland.

It wasn't until four hours later that he entered the deepest part of the wasteland and suddenly discovered.

A hundred miles ahead, a huge black shadow appeared vaguely, standing on the ground, motionless, exuding a majestic aura.

"Finally something has appeared! Even an ancient alien beast will do, better than nothing."

In these four hours, he had never seen a single hair, a monster beast, or a tree.

Now he finally saw a dark shadow, immediately refreshed, and quickly flew over.

Only recently did he discover that this black shadow, one hundred meters high, was an ancient black-brown statue.

The statue depicts an ancient strange animal with a weird appearance, half of its body is buried under the wasteland, only the upper half of its body is exposed outside.

The black-brown stone sculptures seem to have gone through thousands of years. They have long been etched mottled and blurred by the years. The rocks are weathered into dust, and they fall down at the touch of a touch.

The huge beast head is like a dragon's head, with a wide mouth open, a few long beards growing around the mouth, and a horn on the forehead.

Ji Tianxing flew a few times around the 100-meter-high stone sculpture, but did not see any clues.

This is just an ancient stone sculpture, there is no formation mystery, there is no hidden mechanism, and it is not a treasure.

Ji Tianxing was a little disappointed, so he could only leave angrily and continue to fly forward.

However, as soon as he flew dozens of miles away, he saw another huge black shadow appearing on the ground ahead.

It was also a broken black-brown stone sculpture, lying on the desolate wasteland, mostly buried.

The surface of the stone sculpture has been weathered and its appearance is vague.

In addition, Ji Tianxing observed the stone sculptures a few times and found no clues.

Next, he continued to fly in the wasteland and discovered several stone sculptures one after another.

Almost all the stone sculptures are old and dilapidated, like black-brown hills, standing straight on the wasteland, or lying askew on the ground, buried in the dust.

Ji Tianxing realized that something was wrong, so he stopped, circled and flew around this area, observing the stone sculptures.

This area is about a thousand miles in radius, and several stone sculptures scattered in this area seem to contain a mysterious atmosphere that seems to be nothing.

Only these statues exist in the deserted wasteland where nothing grows.

Such a strange and mysterious sight made Ji Tianxing lost his thoughts.

"A total of nine ancient stone sculptures, all seem to have gone through thousands of years, and they seem to be scattered randomly in the wasteland.

I checked every stone sculpture carefully, but I didn't find any formation or mechanism. What secrets are hidden in these stone sculptures? "

He stood in the high sky, looking down at the wasteland below, silently thinking, but had no clue.

Time passed silently.

One hour, two hours, three hours passed...

When night fell again, everything in the world was swallowed by darkness.

Ji Tianxing was still standing in the sky, looking down at the wasteland, observing the nine ancient stone sculptures, trying to find clues from them.

At this moment, the vicissitudes of Funeral Sky suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Tianxing, I remember."

Ji Tianxing was awakened immediately, with a flash of surprise and expectation in his eyes, and quickly asked: "Fangtian, what do you think of?"

Funeral's voice said blankly: "I did come here with the Sword God back then, but I can't remember exactly what it was for or what happened during the period.

My memory is shattered, only scattered information.

In this area of ​​thousands of miles, the nine ancient stone sculptures... are a gate. "

"The gate? The formation gate?" Ji Tianxing frowned, and looked around with confusion.

"No, it's not an ordinary formation." The funeral voice said five words solemnly.

"It's the gate of Qitian!"

"The Gate of Qitian?" Ji Tianxing's body shook, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Although, he did not understand the true meaning of these four words.

But literally, this name is absolutely extraordinary!

Ji Tianxing was a little excited and expectant, and quickly asked: "What does Burial Heaven, Qitian Gate mean? Is it related to that ancient legend?"

Funeral was silent for a moment, and then said solemnly: "I don't know, but you need to open the gate of heaven if you want to explore the real secret of Funeral Sea."

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, "How to open?"

"You, it's impossible to open it, only I can help you." Funeral's tone became heavier and heavier~www.ltnovel.com~ There was a faint sense of desolation.

"In my current state, I might be able to open it up for you, but my power will be exhausted again, at least for more than half a year."

After speaking, Funeral was silent, waiting for Ji Tianxing to make a decision.

Ji Tianxing frowned, his face solemnly considered and weighed.

He worked so hard, experienced so many twists and turns, and finally helped Funeral Tian recover 30% of his strength.

But now, Funeral will help him open the gate of heaven, but he will pay a heavy price.

Is it worth it?

After a while, he had the answer in his heart, no longer hesitating and scrupulous, his eyes became firm.

He solemnly said to Funeral Tian: "Funeral Tian, ​​I need your help! In order to save my father, I cannot give up any hope.

Don't worry, after this matter, I will do everything possible to help you restore your strength! "

Funeral Tian didn't say much, just said a word in a calm tone.

"it is good!"

When the voice fell, it showed a ghost clone.


The hazy and vague black robe phantom appeared in the sky out of thin air, standing in the sky, with a sacred and majestic aura, looking like the world.

Without hesitation, it immediately waved its wide sleeves, made mysterious gestures, and formed mysterious and extraordinary seals.

Between the sky and the earth, there is darkness and no light, but there are invisible mysterious forces flowing, like thousands of rivers rushing, and then weave and converge.

Ji Tianxing stood in the sky with a solemn expression, silently watching Futian's every move.

Although he didn't know how to open the "Gate of Qitian", he could feel the subtle and invisible changes occurring between the heaven and the earth.

The nine ancient stone sculptures scattered on the wasteland also seemed to have been awakened, and began to exude invisible power.

This book comes from

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