Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 839: Curse of 0 months


An hour passed quickly.

When a new day arrives, the sky gradually brightens, and it is as dark as ever.

On the edge of the gray wasteland, Ji Tianxing was still lying in the pit, motionless and unconscious.

Half of his body was covered by mud, his clothes were ragged, his body was stained with blood, and his appearance was extremely embarrassing and miserable.

But at this moment, in the dense jungle not far away, the swaying of branches and leaves rang.

There seemed to be some giant beasts weaving in the forest. Wherever it passed, the towering trees swayed and the branches and leaves were separated.

There is no doubt that the **** aura exuding from Ji Tianxing's body has attracted some monsters or strange beasts.

After a short while, a monster beast that was ten meters long and covered in colorful patterns emerged from the woods.

This is a monster with a relatively mediocre blood. It looks like a colorful tiger or a lion and leopard, which is a bit different.

Probably it has the blood of some ancient monsters, so its aura is very fierce, and its strength has reached the third level of the Heavenly Origin Realm!

If it were outside of Buried Xinghai, this monster beast could also be regarded as a monster king, and mighty.

If Ji Tianxing were to meet him, this demon king would be the material to kill with a single sword.

But now it's different. Ji Tianxing lay motionless in the pit, unconscious.

The demon beast stopped at the edge of the forest sea, tens of meters away, staring at Ji Tianxing in the deep pit, saliva dripping from the big mouth of the blood basin.

Obviously, it regards Ji Tianxing as a delicious breakfast.

In its scarlet eyes, there was a strong desire.

It wanted to rush into the gray wasteland, grab Ji Tianxing out, feast on it, and have a good meal.

But it stayed on the edge of the forest, staring at the gray and colorless wasteland, stopped, and seemed a little hesitant and afraid.

No one knows what it is hesitating or fearing.

After a quarter of an hour or two quarters of an hour passed, the colorful monster beast was attracted by the **** aura emanating from Ji Tianxing's body and refused to leave.

Not only that, it evoked a strong bloodthirsty desire, just wanting to swallow Ji Tianxing into its abdomen to replenish vitality and strength.

Probably the wasteland was too peaceful, too silent, and there was no abnormal sound.

The desire to devour food gradually overcomes the fear in its heart.

It finally reached out its paws and tentatively stepped on the gloomy wasteland.

Nothing, nothing happened.

As a result, the colorful monster beast's courage grew, and several other claws set foot on the wasteland.

Still safe and sound, the wasteland is still gloomy and silent.

The fear in the heart of the colorful monster beast gradually dissipated, and he began to walk towards the pit, faster and faster.

Obviously, it made up its mind to grab Ji Tianxing from the deep pit, and then return to the lair to have a meal.

Ji Tianxing was still lying motionless in the pit, not feeling the approach of death at all.

Seeing, the colorful monster beast was getting closer and closer to the pit.

Finally, Ji Tianxing's bag of treasures on his waist was opened in one click.

An icy blue, furry ice fox emerged from the treasure bag.

It is Qianyue.

"Lao Ji! Lao Ji, wake up soon!"

It saw Ji Tianxing lying unconscious in the pit, while the colorful monster beast was speeding up, calling out anxiously.

However, Ji Tianxing did not respond.

Qian Yue hesitated for a while before he made up his mind, and his body swelled to more than five meters long.

"It's too late, I can't control so much, life is important!"

It muttered to himself, and quickly stretched out its paws to grab Ji Tianxing, and led him out of the pit, rushing toward the depths of the wasteland at a very fast speed.


The colorful monster beast just rushed to the edge of the pit and was about to catch its prey, but the cooked duck flew away.

It suddenly roared in anger, staring at Qian Yue with scarlet eyes, jumping over the pit without hesitation, and chasing Qian Yue.

Qianyue was full of anxiety, flapping her wings quickly, and ran away with all her strength, avoiding the culling of the colorful monsters.

But after all, its strength is only in the Yuan Dan realm, far worse than the colorful monster beast.

After a while, it was overtaken by the colorful monster beast.

When the difference between the two was only 20 meters, the colorful monster beast leaped into the sky with all its strength, and rushed towards Qianyue with a roar.


Qianyue desperately exploded with all his strength, and the speed suddenly doubled, avoiding the culling of the colorful monster beasts in a thrilling manner.

The sharp claws almost wiped its furry tail and pulled off a pinch of ice blue fluff.

"Ah! You ugly monster who kills a thousand knives, you will be struck by lightning!"

The beloved tail was caught with a pinch of hair, Qianyue cursed furiously.

It seemed that its curse had an effect, and it seemed that some mysterious power suddenly appeared.


When the colorful monster beast culled again, a white light appeared out of thin air in the dim sky.

The white light was like thunder in the summer night, and like a long and narrow huge sword, instantly tearing through the dim sky, and running across the body of the colorful monster beast.

The huge body of the colorful monster beast was suddenly cut into two halves, falling straight from the sky and sprinkling blood.


In the muffled sound, the two halves of the colorful monster beast fell on the wasteland ~www.ltnovel.com~ with a muffled noise.

Although its body was still twitching and its limbs were still shaking, it was dead.

Seeing this scene, Qianyue was immediately stunned and forgot to fly away.

"Ah! My goodness! Is my curse so effective?"

Qianyue was a little dumbfounded, staring at the corpse of the colorful monster beast in a daze, and there was a deep fear in her heart.

Because it understands that the mysterious white light must be a mysterious power, not its curse.

That kind of mysterious power can obliterate the colorful monster beast, and of course it can obliterate it.

At this moment, the two halves of the monster beast corpses on the ground, wrapped in mysterious white light, quickly melted and turned into a gray powder.

Qianyue watched the corpse of the colorful monster beast turn into powder, screamed in fright, and fled back to the treasure bag in a panic.

"Oh my god, what the **** is this, it's too weird, too scary!"

Qianyue shrank in the bag of treasures, muttering fearfully, only feeling that this dim wasteland was very gloomy.

"Right, Old Ji..."

It reacted at this moment, and remembered Ji Tianxing.

Poor Ji Tianxing fell from the sky to the ground again, sturdily on the wasteland.

He lay motionless on the ground, covered with dust, still unconscious.

Although Qianyue was worried about his safety, she was afraid of the mysterious white light, and didn't dare to drill out any more treasures.

Fortunately, the wasteland was silent, white light and abnormal conditions no longer appeared, and Ji Tianxing was also safe and sound.

Time passed silently, unconsciously, four hours passed.

Ji Tianxing, who was in a coma, finally woke up and slowly opened his eyes.


5 more complete.

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