Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 834: Under the ten thousand gu, there are all ants


"Ji Tianxing, you actually want to kill this seat?"

The third prince stood in the pit of the ruins, screaming sternly.

"This seat is the prince of the imperial court, and there is the soul card in the imperial court.

If you kill me and the soul card is broken, the emperor will immediately know that the murderer is you.

Even if this seat dies, you will be punishable by the Imperial Court immediately, and you will be punishable by the nine races. All your relatives will die! "

Standing in the sky, Ji Tianxing looked down at him with a cold face, and sneered: "It's ridiculous! You control Duanmu and Murong family behind you, how bold and aggressive?

I thought you were a hero in the world, but I didn't expect it to be such a sloppy stuff. When I was dying, I would threaten me with the imperial court!

It's a pity that you made the wrong calculation. If I was afraid of the imperial court's punishment, I would not kill the Duanmu family!

You want to take my life, how can I forgive you?

Don't say you are the emperor, even if you are the king of heaven, I will still kill you! "

Ji Tianxing yelled with majesty, his body filled with domineering aura.

The three princes still had a cold face, did not get angry, and sneered contemptuously: "Haha, what a boastful word! This seat has already advanced to refine the soul. How can you kill me?"

Although he was calm on the surface, he was arguing tit-for-tat with Ji Tianxing.

In fact, he is still delaying time on purpose.

He was secretly manipulating the Source of Ten Thousand Gu, accumulating power silently, repairing his physical injuries.

Under the repair of the Gu Dao divine tool and mysterious Gu technique, the wound on his chest was healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even his soul injury was temporarily suppressed by the Source of Ten Thousand Gu and stabilized.

Ji Tianxing sensed that the third prince's injury was recovering, and he immediately squinted his eyes, a cold light flashed under his eyes.

"You still want to delay time and take the opportunity to recover from the injury? Dreaming!"

When the words fell, he tried his best to activate the death bell and smashed it towards the third prince in the pit.

The death bell suddenly swelled and became bigger, and instantly expanded ten thousand times, turning into a dark ancient bell the size of a small hill, falling from the sky to the third prince.

The three princes had also been prepared for a long time, fully guarded, and quickly sacrificed the Source of Ten Thousand Gu to resist.

"The source of ten thousand Gu!"

When he turned over his palm, a colorful altar appeared.

As he manipulated with the magic tactics, the altar immediately swelled and became tens of thousands of times larger, bursting out the colorful brilliance that covered the sky and the sun, releasing an invisible majestic power.

The huge mountain of the Source of Ten Thousand Gu, instantly flew into the sky, carrying the power to kill everything, and violently collided with the death knell.


At that moment, the loud noise shook the sky, and was alarmed for two hundred miles.

The earth and the forest sea were trembling, and the sky lit up with dazzling multicolored brilliance, covering dozens of miles of heaven and earth.

The shock wave that destroys the sky and the earth spreads like ripples, sweeping the world in all directions.


Several peaks within a radius of a hundred miles were instantly razed to the ground and turned into loess ruins.

Within a hundred miles of dense forests, hundreds of millions of towering trees were also strangled into powder and scattered among the ruins.

The funeral bell is a soul-level top-grade magic weapon, and the source of ten thousand Gu is an artifact of Gu Dao.

Both magic weapons have the power to destroy the world, and they are incredible.

In just an instant, a hundred li radius was destroyed, devastated.

The Source of Ten Thousand Gu was unscathed, gleaming with brilliant multicolored aura, and flew back to the palm of the third prince.

The death bell was blasted and flew out, bursting with black brilliance, and fell into the ruins.

There is no doubt that the grade and power of the death knell is a grade worse than the source of Wan Gu, and it is not an opponent at all.

The figures of Ji Tianxing and the third prince were also overwhelmed by the sky.

Both of them were flew out by the terrifying shock wave, vomiting blood and fell into the ruins ten miles away.

However, the third prince was slightly injured, and after struggling twice, he got up from the rubble and flew back into the sky.

Ji Tianxing's injury was more serious, his face was pale, his head was disheveled, and his white robe was also tattered and ragged, and he looked very embarrassed.

"Damn it! The Source of Ten Thousand Gus really deserves to be a Gu Dao artifact, and its power is so terrifying!

It seems that the death knell alone cannot kill Dragon Zaitian! "

He was bitter in his heart, raised his sleeves and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and quickly flew back into the sky.

The third prince stood in the sky ten miles ahead, standing proudly and tall, holding the Source of Ten Thousand Gu in his palms, and covered with a layer of colorful aura.

What surprised Ji Tianxing inexplicably was that the three princes' injuries recovered quickly!

Before, he obviously had a collapsed chest and bones, but now he has recovered to the same level as before, and he can't see the slightest difference!

Ji Tianxing twisted his brows fiercely, his eyes became solemn, "The source of ten thousand Gu, this Gu Dao divine tool, has such a magical effect?

Even though I have the ultimate sword body, the green wood spirit body, and the sword **** bloodline, I don't have such an abnormal self-healing speed! "

At this time, Funeral's voice sounded in his mind, and his voice said vigorously: "Naturally, the Gu Dao artifact does not heal people, but uses the power of evil Gu techniques to temporarily repair his injuries.

This kind of recovery is not natural, it is against the way of heaven, it is an evil way, and it will not last long! "

Only then did Ji Tianxing understand the reason, and asked in a concerned tone: "How about your situation in Funeral~www.ltnovel.com~? Can you dissolve the gods? Will it not cause you harm?"

Undoubtedly, he was clearly hit by the **** Gu before, and his flesh and blood burned with blood flames, as if he was about to explode and die, in pain.

But he later inexplicably resolved the divine gu, as if he was okay.

This is the credit of Funeral!

Funeral Heaven swallowed the divine gu in his body and transferred it to the tomb of the sword god!

Hearing Ji Tianxing's concern and inquiries, Funeral said in a proud tone: "This level of Gu technique can't be called a **** Gu, and it's not worth mentioning to me.

If I regain my strength in the peak period, I can break this Gu technique with my fingers.

However, my strength is weak now, and I can only slowly refine and get rid of the Gu technique power. I can't help you anymore, so be careful. "

After speaking, Funeral Sky became silent, apparently focusing on dealing with Divine Gu.

Ji Tianxing knew it in his mind, so he stopped asking more questions.

At this moment, the third prince sneered and shouted: "Ji Tianxing, didn't you pretend to kill this seat? How do you feel now?

No matter how many hole cards you have, it is useless in front of this seat! "

The three princes shouted in a majestic anger, once again waved their palms to display the secret method, playing the majestic mana and injecting it into the source of ten thousand gu.

Suddenly, the source of Ten Thousand Gu became the size of a mountain again, suspended above the sky, blooming with thousands of colorful rays of light.

The world with a radius of hundreds of miles was immediately shrouded in colorful clouds.

A multicolored sky curtain covering hundreds of miles is condensed, like a huge multicolored ball of light, sealing this world.

There is no doubt that this is a field!

When the domain was formed, the three princes shouted with majesty, "Under the ten thousand gu, there are ants!"


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