Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 828: Devour Soul Crystal


The words of the funeral made Ji Tianxing stunned for a moment, and even a thick surprise came out.

"Fun Tian, ​​did you come here with the Sword God back then? Then do you know the legend of Tianzhu?

Are you familiar with the terrain of Burial Xinghai? Do you know where to find Dzi Beads? "

The funeral sky was silent for a moment, as if recalling the events of that year.

Ji Tianxing was silent, waiting expectantly.

However, before he could wait for Funeral's answer, he suddenly discovered that there were two pairs of dark red eyes staring at him in the jungle not far to the left.

Those two pairs of dark red jewel-like eyes, both the size of a water tank, gleamed with terrifying fierce light.

But their figures are hidden in the dense jungle, making it impossible to see their true colors, let alone what kind of monsters they are.

Ji Tianxing found the two pairs of blood-red eyes peeping, he was shocked, and he was vigilant and alert.

When he saw the two pairs of blood-red eyes, they also saw him.

Then, the dense and calm sea of ​​woods fluctuated sharply and violently as if the sea suddenly raised a stormy wave.


Countless dense branches and leaves were separated from each other, and a vacant area with a radius of several hundred meters appeared in the forest.

Two ferocious beasts, huge as palaces and dark brown all over, appeared from the forest.

The two alien beasts looked like alligators, but they were covered with dark scales, and two pairs of wings were born under their ribs.

They flapped their broad wings, whipped up the screaming wind, and staggered all the towering trees in a radius of ten miles, and their branches and leaves flew horizontally.


The two ferocious behemoths flew to Ji Tianxing as fast as lightning, opened the mouth of the blood basin full of sharp fangs, and rushed at him fiercely.

The aura of these two ferocious behemoths is very powerful, and their strength is comparable to that of a half-step soul-refining powerhouse.

When Ji Tianxing saw the appearance of two ferocious behemoths, he had already realized what was wrong.

A giant beast that half-stepped soul-refining was already difficult enough, and now it suddenly appeared two.

Moreover, he didn't even know what species the two giant beasts were.

He didn't understand that kind of behemoth at all, and of course he couldn't take risks and make meaningless fights.

When the two giant beasts pounced fiercely, he almost immediately turned and fled without hesitation.


He flapped his golden wings and turned into a golden streamer, rushing to the distant sky like lightning, toward the depths of the Burial Star Sea.

Two behemoths with ferocious appearance also let out a fierce roar, flapping their wings and hunting down.

In the blink of an eye, the two giant beasts caught up with Ji Tianxing, only 300 meters away from him.

This distance is really the best attack distance for the behemoth in the half-step soul-refining state.

Without hesitation, they opened their mouths and let out an invisible sonic roar, instantly covering a radius of twenty miles.


The invisible sound wave swept across the sky instantly, blasting the calm sky out of layers of ripples and ripples.

The mountains and forests within a radius of twenty miles shattered and collapsed silently.

Countless towering trees, endless flowers and plants, all directly turned into dark green powder and spread on the ground.

Ji Tianxing was completely unprepared, and the two ferocious behemoths would make such a strange killer move.

Unprepared, he was dizzy on the spot, with gold stars in his eyes, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth and nostrils.

His entire head became dull and numb, and he felt that the sky was spinning, and he almost fell from the sky.

"Damn it! These two **** behemoths, looking so fierce and brave, would use such a despicable attack!"

When he thought about it, the two giant beasts looked like beasts with infinite power and terrifying destructive power.

Shouldn't their attacking methods spray water and fire, destroying the world?

Fortunately, he trained to the ultimate sword body, and his physical defense was extremely strong, so he was not seriously injured by the invisible sound wave.

If he were to be an ordinary Tianyuan powerhouse, he would be killed by the explosion of the invisible sound wave, turning into minced meat.

Taking this opportunity, two giant beasts instantly rushed in front of him, opened their mouths, and bit down hard.

Their huge bodies, carrying a monstrous hurricane, exuded incomparably powerful pressure, suddenly made Ji Tianxing's complexion change.

Obviously, the two giant beasts are not only good at sonic attacks, but also extremely fierce in close combat. They are truly powerful and terrifying.

At the critical moment, Ji Tianxing raised his head impressively, looking up at the two giant beasts with cold eyes, a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

The two giant beasts have angered him, and he will definitely die!

"Burning Heaven Palm!"

At the moment of the moment, Ji Tianxing raised his left arm, which was red as magma, and shot out a huge flame palm that covered the sky and sun, and blasted the two giant beasts.

The distance between the two sides is too close, the two giant beasts are only ten feet away from Ji Tianxing.

When Burning Heaven Palm blasted out fiercely, they didn't react at all, and were instantly hit by the giant flame palm and flew out.


A loud and deafening noise burst out, shaking the sky.

At that moment, the dazzling fire light illuminates half of the sky, making a radius of thirty li flooded by the fire, turning into a sea of ​​fire.

The green powder spread on the ground below was instantly burned to black ashes by the monstrous red fire, and the ground was also burnt to scorched earth.

The dense jungle around the open space was also lit by the monstrous fire.

As for the two ferocious giant beasts, they flew out under the blast of Burning Heaven Palm at the same time, and their huge bodies were drowned in red fire.

Fen Tian's palm hit their big mouth in the blood basin, and it cracked their big mouth into a huge gap, exposing Bai Sensen's bones, and spilling blood in the sky.

They flew upside down for ten miles in the sky before falling from the air, and smashed into the dense jungle with a bang.

Ji Tianxing severely wounded two ferocious beasts with one move, but had no idea of ​​fleeing.

He even chased after him, and once again used his unique tricks to kill two ferocious giants on the spot~www.ltnovel.com~Sword of Judgment! "

The golden sword fetus flew out and turned into a golden sword with a length of 30 meters. It lifted up the sky with golden flames and grew a pair of golden wings.

The giant sword exploded with power that penetrated the sky and the earth, blasting from the sky to one of the giant beasts.

The behemoth had been beaten up, and obviously didn't expect the ‘food’ Ji Tianxing in their eyes to have such terrifying strength.

It was struggling to fly, when it was hit by the sword of judgment on the spot.


The indestructible sword of judgment pierced through the forehead of this giant beast, directly blasted through its head, and killed it on the spot.

Its corpse fell into the ruins, splashing blood, still convulsing in pain.

The other giant beast saw his companion being bombarded and suddenly showed horrified eyes, flew into the sky without hesitation, and ran away desperately!

Ji Tianxing performed two consecutive stunts and consumed a lot of true energy, so he didn't chase the giant beast and let it escape.

He glanced at the giant beast corpse in the ruins, retracted the sword fetus, and turned to leave.

At this moment, the voice of Funeral Sky rang in his mind.

"It's hard to kill a wind-watching beast and throw away the corpse like this, isn't it a pity?"

Suddenly hearing the voice of Funeral Sky, Ji Tianxing stopped and turned to look at the corpse of the twitching giant beast.

"This behemoth is a patrol of a strange animal? Is there any value or use for its corpse?"

"Of course." Funeral said in a solemn tone: "It is a rare ancient animal, and it is about to reach the soul refining state. Even the skin, bones, and teeth of the corpse can be used as materials for refining magical artifacts, presumably at a price. Expensive.

In addition, I can devour its soul crystal and skill, and restore my vitality. "

This book comes from

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