Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 824: Jin Lei broke through the sky, a vision of heaven and earth


For Ji Tianxing, his father is his closest and most important person in this world.

He would never give up even if there was only a glimmer of hope, even if he was about to risk his life.

In any case, he didn't want to watch his father die, but he couldn't do anything.

He had made up his mind and made up his mind, so he wanted to ask the genius doctor Baili about the funeral of Xinghai.

The genius doctor Baili looked at him and asked solemnly: "The Burial Xinghai is the most dangerous death forbidden place on the Zhongzhou Continent, and the missing Tianzhu Bead in the Burial Xinghai is just a legend.

Tianxing, are you really going to bury Xinghai? You must think carefully! "

Ji Tianxing nodded, and asked helplessly: "Other than that, what else can be done?"

The genius doctor Baili was silent, speechless.

Indeed, this is the only way and hope.

He could understand Ji Tianxing's mood, so he no longer discouraged him, and introduced to Ji Tianxing: "Buried Xinghai is an area deep in the Qingyun Mountain Range, where it has been shrouded in dense fog for many years.

It is said that it is a sea of ​​forest that has survived the ancient times, shrouded in invisible mysterious power, cut off from the world.

There are many monsters and ancient strange beasts, not only the bloodline is special, but also various incredible abilities.

Even a bird or a beetle in the sea of ​​burial stars may contain the virulent poison that poisons the strong Tianyuan.

Even a flower or a leaf in the forest may kill people...

All in all, there are all sorts of strange and dangerous crises, which are hard to guard against. If you enter the sea of ​​buried stars, you must be extremely cautious! "

Baili Shenyi spent two quarters of an hour and told Ji Tianxing in detail what he knew.

Moreover, he very solemnly and caringly told Ji Tianxing that he must be careful and never careless!

Besides, he remembered one more thing, his expression suddenly became solemn and serious.

"By the way, Tianxing, think of a very important thing for the teacher!

As early as three hundred years ago, the lord of the imperial palace once issued a ban, prohibiting anyone in the imperial palace from exploring the sea of ​​burials! "

Ji Tianxing just kept in mind the instructions of the genius doctor Baili, and was thinking about what preparations to do.

Suddenly hearing this news, he suddenly changed his face, frowning questioningly and asked: "Palace lord of the emperor's palace? Hasn't the lord of the imperial palace disappeared for two hundred years?

Why did the palace owner prohibit the people of the imperial palace from exploring the sea of ​​burial stars? Neither the priest nor the emperor in the imperial palace can go to bury the stars?

Does Buried Xinghai have anything to do with the Imperial Mansion? Or, what is the connection between Palace Lord and Buried Xinghai? "

Faced with Ji Tianxing's series of questions, Baili's genius doctor could only express regret and shook his head: "I don't know what happened as a teacher, but I suddenly remembered that there was indeed such a ban back then.

In the past three hundred years, almost no one has explored the sea of ​​burial stars, so the storm brought about by this ban has faded.

Moreover, the palace lord of the imperial palace is not only the strongest known on the Profound Sky Continent, but also the most mysterious person.

Even, apart from a few priests, no one knew whether the palace lord was male or female, and what he looked like!

I am afraid that only he himself knows why the palace owner issued this ban. "

Ji Tianxing frowned, and said solemnly: "What about this ban? I will definitely go to Xinghai to bury Xinghai, even if I violate the imperial mansion ban!"

Anyway, he is now in Yunling Palace and not in the imperial palace.

He quietly went to Burying Xinghai, the Emperor's Mansion might not know.

After making up his mind, Ji Tianxing began to prepare for the funeral of Xinghai.

The genius doctor Baili also found Yun Zhongqi, explained the matter to him, and told him Ji Tianxing's decision.

Yun Zhongqi has also heard the legend of Buried Xinghai and knows the horror of that area.

He did not oppose Ji Tianxing's decision, but his heart was full of worries.

That night, the three discussed the matter in Yun Zhongqi's study.

Bright lights in the study clearly reflected the faces of the three.

The expressions of the three of them were very solemn, and their eyebrows were filled with anxiety.

Yun Zhongqi stared at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, and asked solemnly: "Tianxing, the terrible place of the buried Xinghai, Baili genius doctor has already told you.

Uncle knows that you are determined, so he will no longer discourage you, but you must proceed with caution and never careless.

If you can't do anything, don't take risks with your body, try to protect yourself.

Uncle believes that your father doesn't want to see that you died to save him. "

Ji Tianxing nodded his head to express his understanding, and said solemnly: "I must keep my uncle's instructions in my heart.

Time is running out, I will set off early tonight and rush to Qingyun Mountain as soon as possible.

In the few days after I leave, I still ask Uncle and Master to take care of my father..."

This time he went to Bury Xinghai to search for the legendary Sky Pearl, only he went alone.

The genius doctor Baili must be by Ji Changkong's side at all times, and he must perform secret methods every day and use soul-level pill to continue his life for Ji Changkong.

Yunzhongqi not only assists Baili's genius doctor, but also sits in Yunling Palace to preside over the overall situation.

After all, the situation in Zhongzhou is chaotic, and the mess left after the demise of the Duanmu family has not yet been resolved, and there are magic gu raging in the hundreds of cities in Zhongzhou.

If Yunzhongqi is not in Yunling Palace~www.ltnovel.com~, there will be more troubles.

Hearing Ji Tianxing's words, Yun Zhongqi nodded and said: "Tianxing, don't worry, we will take care of your father.

Uncle cannot accompany you to the Sea of ​​Burial Stars, so he can only prepare some pills and spells for you, hoping to help you. "

After all, Yun Zhongqi took out a black space ring and gave it to Ji Tianxing.

In the space ring, there are more than 30 jade bottles, which contain various panacea.

There are those who treat external injuries, those who treat internal injuries, those who restore power, those who focus on concentration, and those who detoxify...

In addition, there are several magical implements and dozens of spells with different effects.

Yun Zhongqi thought very well, and these things were exactly what Ji Tianxing needed when he explored the Burial Xinghai.

He also said thank you, and accepted the space ring.

At this moment, a bright light suddenly flashed across the dark night sky outside the window.

The three of them were about to talk when they were suddenly awakened by the light, and they all turned their heads and looked out the window.

I saw that at the far end of the horizon, a dark golden thunder fell from the high sky, cutting through the dark night.

The golden thunder did not know how high or long it was, and it was blooming with a holy golden light, like the might of a god, illuminating the boundless night sky.

"The golden thunder is coming from the sky?" Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and showed a puzzled look, vaguely feeling that golden thunder seemed to be an omen.

The genius doctor Baili frowned for a moment, and said solemnly: "This is a vision of heaven and earth that only appears when someone advances to the Soul Refining Realm!"

Yun Zhongqi looked at the night sky outside the window, until the golden thunder extinguished and disappeared, and the night sky returned to its gloom, she said in a complicated tone: "Looking at what the golden thunder is referring to, it seems to be the direction of the imperial court.

It seems that the Imperial Court has added a new soul refining realm powerhouse tonight! "

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