Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 812: Did you make up the count?


At this time the sky was slightly bright, and dawn had just arrived.

When Ji Tianxing arrived at Anning Mountain, this towering mountain was still shrouded in morning mist.

The mountains are full of lush forests, the ground is covered with green grass and vines, and there is crystal clear morning dew on the branches and leaves of flowers and plants.

He came hurriedly, and when he reached the foot of the mountain, he quickly calmed down.

While rushing to the top of the mountain, he looked around vigilantly, and silently released his spiritual sense to explore the surrounding situation.

The other party only told him to rush to Anning Mountain before noon, and did not specify where to meet.

However, based on experience, the opponent is usually on the top of the mountain.

Ji Tianxing's figure flew by like a blast, went straight to the top of the mountain, and swiftly passed through the dense jungle.

Along the way, he did not notice any abnormalities, nor did he see any clues.

After only a quarter of an hour, he galloped to the top of Qianzhang Mountain.


He finally reached the top of the mountain, and his figure flew down onto a flat and empty grass.

Suddenly, his spiritual sense detected that the mountaintop seemed to be filled with a trace of devilish air.

He suddenly stopped, frowned, and as he became more vigilant in his heart, he released his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings.

"There is the breath of the Demon Race! Could it be that... the group of people in black who intercepted the father was really the Demon Race pretending?"

He has dealt with the demons many times and is very familiar and sensitive to the breath of the demons.

Detecting the existence of demonic energy, he immediately realized that most of the people who intercepted and killed his father this time were demons.

"Damn Demon Race, it's so rampant! All damn!"

He was extremely angry and let out a murderous cry.

At this moment, above the dense forest in front, four figures suddenly flew out.


In the blink of an eye, the four figures flew over the jungle and landed on the open grass.

Ji Tianxing took a closer look and saw that among the four powerhouses, the leader was a powerhouse of the Demon Race with a height of three meters, red hair and a scarlet cloak.

This person is the Demon Commander Turen. Behind him there are three Heavenly Origin Realm powerhouses, all wearing black clothes and masks, looking no different from Human Race.

Immediately afterwards, twelve men in black rushed out of the dense jungle, all of whom had seven or eight strengths in the Yuan Dan realm.

The twelve elite masters came to the grass, all holding their swords and spreading out, forming an encircling circle, surrounding Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing's gaze swept across many people in black, and he immediately understood that these people in black were the murderers who intercepted his father, and they were also pretending to be the demons!

At this moment, the headed Demon Commander Turen looked at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes, and then sneered playfully.

"Ha ha ha... your kid is Ji Tianxing? What kind of **** Sword God descendant?"

Ji Tianxing's face was gloomy, looking at him indifferently, and his tone of disdain: "What are you ugly and disgusting red-haired monster?"

The demon commander Tu Ren was not angry, but the sneer on his face was even worse, and his eyes were full of pity.

"Tsk tusk, before this handsome heard rumors in Zhongzhou, he touted you as the first adult genius.

I really didn't expect that the so-called first genius of the human race was like this, and it really disappointed this handsome!

Boy, put your ears up and listen. This commander is one of the six demon commanders under the demon emperor's command. "

"Magic? Tu Ren?" Ji Tianxing frowned, his eyes becoming more solemn and gloomy.

From the moment he saw Demon Commander Tu Ren, he had already sensed Tu Ren's aura of strength and had reached the Soul Refining Realm.

But he didn't expect that this powerful demon clan with a scarlet cloak and a dragon leather skirt would be one of the six great demon leaders.

In the Black Feather Palace, Master Black Feather once told him one thing.

During the millennia when the Demon Emperor was suppressed, the Demon Race was able to shrink in the North Desert and defend it stubbornly without being disintegrated. It was supported by the Six Great Demon Commanders.

The six great marshals are all great powerhouses in the soul-refining realm. The generals in charge of the millions of demon army are very powerful and very ruthless.

Recalling God Master Heiyu's words, Ji Tianxing's eyes looked at Tu Ren and suddenly became contemptuous.

"Hehe, I thought the Demon Commander was such a great powerhouse, but I didn't expect it to be you!

Tu Ren, I guess you must have made up the bottom of the six demon leaders! "

Ji Tianxing's words hit Tu Ren's sore spot without mercy, and his complexion suddenly changed, and thick anger surged in his eyes.

Because he guessed it right, Tu Ren originally made up the number.

One of the Six Great Demon Commanders has been operating in North Desert for hundreds of years and has mastered an immense power.

The demon commander never saw the return of the demon emperor, so he gave birth to a strange heart, proclaimed himself the title of demon emperor, and went on his own.

The lack of one of the six demon commanders and the new demon emperor set their own doors, which caused the demon people in the North Desert to dissolve and the situation was chaotic.

It coincided that Tu Ren advanced to the Soul Refining Realm. After many competitions and competitions, he finally became the new demon commander, ranking last.

"Little beast, you are looking for death!!"

Tu Ren let out a low roar full of anger, and a blood-red flame burst out of his body, bursting into the sky with killing intent.

Seeing his reaction like this, Ji Tianxing was even more sure of his guess ~www.ltnovel.com~ The sneer on his face was even worse.

He stared at Tu Ren with cold eyes, and exclaimed, "Where is my father? Hand him over!"

Tu Ren temporarily suppressed his anger, grinning with a cruel grin, "Small mess, want to save your father? Simple, take your life in exchange!"

While talking, he waved his hand and gave orders to fifteen men in black, "Kill him!"

Fifteen black-clothed warriors immediately brandished their swords and used violent and fierce killer moves to besiege Ji Tianxing from all directions.


The overwhelming shadows of swords, lights and swords, turbulent black fog and blood, suddenly obscured the sky over a radius of one thousand meters, making the grass dark.

As soon as the fifteen men in black made their move, they went all out to use the demon clan's unique skills.

Anyway, Ji Tianxing has come to Anning Mountain, they no longer need to hide their identity, just execute the order.

"Sure enough, they are all tribes of the demons, today I will let you pay for it!"

Ji Tianxing was full of murderous aura, with a cold anger, and immediately waved his palms to show swordsmanship, and fought with many people in black.

Even though the twenty-four guards of the Tianchen Domain Lord's Mansion died at the hands of these people in black, Jiang Chen was also severely injured by these people.

Ji Tianxing was full of furious anger, and as soon as he shot, he fully used the skill of the sword.

"Broken Mountains and Rivers!"

His whole body burst into the sky with colorful auras, covering a radius of one thousand meters.

His figure became blurry, flickering randomly within a kilometer, leaving hundreds of afterimages that many people in black could not touch.

Moreover, he waved his palms and released tens of thousands of colorful sword lights, sealing the world.

After just a few breaths, when his figure stopped flashing, tens of thousands of powerful and violent sword lights were detonated at the same time.

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