Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 809: I can only collect the corpse late


Ji Tianxing recognized that the man on the back of the spirit beast was Jiang Chen, and his expression suddenly changed.

He immediately realized that there must be something wrong with his father, and his heart was suspended.

After all, when his father came to Zhongzhou City this time, he was escorted by Jiang Chen and his guards along the way.


He almost rushed forward without hesitation, waved his palm to release a soft multicolored aura, and stopped the spirit beast running wild.

Jiang Chen leaned on the back of the spirit beast, wearing the armor of the guards of the domain master's palace.

His helmet was missing, and his long hair was stained with blood, scattered behind his head.

The armor on his body was a bit torn, and a dozen cracks were clearly visible, the wounds inside were faintly visible, and bones were deeply visible.

Red blood poured out from the wound, staining his armor red, turning him into a **** man covered in blood.

Even the spirit beast mount he was riding, which was originally dark blue, was stained red with blood.

Jiang Chen's injury was extremely miserable, and he was dying.

When the spirit beast was stopped, he raised his head with difficulty, opened his eyes filled with blood, and gave Ji Tianxing a vague look.

When he saw Ji Tianxing's appearance clearly, he was taken aback, and quickly said, "Domain...Domain Lord...sir!"

He spoke in one mouth, and dark red blood constantly poured out from the corners of his mouth, making his speech uncomfortable and his voice vague.

Ji Tianxing was anxious and worried, and quickly asked in a deep voice, "Jiang Chen! What happened? Why are you injured? Where is my father?"

"My lord..." Jiang Chen opened his mouth as hard as he could, wanting to report the news.

However, his injury was so serious that he shook his body for a few times, and finally couldn't hold on, and fainted when his eyes went dark.

Seeing that he was about to fall from the back of the spirit beast, Ji Tianxing quickly reached out and caught him.

Yan'er rushed over and asked anxiously, "Senior Brother Tianxing, how could this be? What happened?"

Ji Tianxing's face was gloomy as ice, but his heart was anxious.

He urged Aoki's spiritual energy and injected it into Jiang Chen's body to help him suppress his injuries.

However, Jiang Chen's injuries were too serious to be suppressed in the short term, and he did not know when he would wake up.

"Go, let's go back to Qingfengyuan!"

Ji Tianxing gave a sonorous low voice, and quickly hugged Jiang Chen, who was unconscious, through the city gate like a flash of lightning and rushed to Qingfengyuan.

In less than half an hour, he rushed back to Qingfengyuan as quickly as possible.

The guards guarding the gate of Qingfengyuan saw him rushing over with a blood-covered warrior, and immediately drew out a sword to stop him.

"I'm Ji Tianxing! Get out!"

Ji Tian acted to save time, hurriedly reported his identity, and shouted angrily.

The guards recognized him, and then quickly stepped aside.


Ji Tianxing turned into a stream of light and rushed through the gate into the Qingfeng Courtyard.

He didn't have time to say hello to the Beastmaster. After entering the Qingfengyuan, he took Jiang Chen into a healing secret room.

He put Jiang Chen on the cold ice jade bed used for healing, opened the formation in the secret room, and gave Jiang Chen several healing pills.

It didn't take long before the Beastmaster heard the news and entered into the secret room.

On the night that Duanmu's family was destroyed, the Beastmaster participated in the battle and suffered serious injuries.

Now he has been recuperating for nearly ten days, and his injuries have basically recovered and there is no major problem.

After entering the secret room, the Beastmaster asked Ji Tianxing with concern what happened.

Ji Tianxing explained solemnly: "Originally, my father was arriving in Zhongzhou City today. Jiang Chen was the guard leader who escorted my father to Zhongzhou.

Yan'er and I waited at the gate of the city for a day, but did not wait for my father to arrive, only Jiang Chen was brought back by the spirit beast, covered in blood. "

The Beastmaster immediately understood the urgency of the matter, and quickly joined forces with him to perform secret techniques to treat Jiang Chen's injuries.

Both of them are experts in the Tianyuan realm, and Ji Tianxing has mastered the secret technique of'Wood Emperor Umbrella'.

With the assistance of the Beastmaster, he performed the unique skill of the Wooden Emperor Umbrella, which suppressed Jiang Chen's injury within an hour.

Jiang Chen's life was saved, and his injury finally stabilized, and there was no more life worry.

But he was still in a coma, Ji Tianxing, Beastmaster and Yan'er could only wait patiently.

At this moment, the flow of time seems to have slowed down.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen himself also has the strength of the Heavenly Origin Realm, and he has a strong ability to recover himself.

After being in a coma for an hour, he finally woke up.

Ji Tianxing kept guarding beside him, and seeing him wake up, he quickly said, "Jiang Chen, you finally woke up!"

Jiang Chen opened his eyes weakly, staring at Ji Tianxing, and said in a weak and dry voice: "Domain Master, I'm sorry, the subordinates are not doing things well..."

Ji Tianxing was anxious, and asked with dignity, "Quickly, what happened?"

Jiang Chen didn't dare to waste time, and hurriedly replied truthfully: "My lord, his subordinates and twenty-four guards, escorting the master from Tianchen Domain, all the way to the starry night, without stopping.

At noon today, not long after we left the original Yucheng, we could reach Zhongzhou City in another two thousand miles.

Unexpectedly, we were ambushed on the road! "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing's expression changed, and he said in his heart "Sure enough!"

Beastmaster and Yan'er listened to ~www.ltnovel.com~ Xin immediately mentioned his throat.

Jiang Chen gasped for two breaths, and then continued: "There are only eight people who attacked us, but they are extremely powerful and the methods are very vicious!

Among them, the strength of three of them reached the Heavenly Origin Realm. They all wore black clothes and masks, concealing their identities, without revealing their true colors.

The subordinates and the guards resisted desperately, desperately protecting the master from breaking through... However, the strength of the black-clothed men was too strong!

They killed all the guards, wounded the master and arrested him.

The subordinates fought **** battles and wanted to desperately protect the master, but they were seriously injured.

They only left their subordinates alive, let them leave, and let them bring you a word. "

When Ji Tianxing heard that the other party was so cruel and vicious, his expression was cold and angry.

Especially when he heard his father was arrested, his eyes flashed wildly.

But he suppressed his anger and murderous intent, and quickly asked: "What do they want you to say?"

Jiang Chen quickly replied: "The leader of the group of people in black said that they will not kill the master for the time being. If you want to save someone, you can go to Anning Mountain in the northern suburb of the original Yucheng alone.

If you dare to take other people there, or if you don't make it to Anning Mountain before noon tomorrow, you can only collect the body from the master! "

Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and he cursed, "Asshole!"

Although he was extremely worried about his father's safety, his heart was full of anger, and he wished to rush to Anning Mountain immediately and smash the corpses of the black-clothed men into pieces.

But he was not impulsive, he was very clear in his heart that the other party had come prepared and deliberately grabbed his father to threaten him.

This is obviously a conspiracy specially designed by the other party!


One more chapter is added, and the 14th is sent, brothers, please give me a reward!

This book comes from

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