Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4271: hard to decide

As a husband and wife for two hundred years, Ji Tianxing knows Yunyao's nature well. He is never a reckless and impulsive person, but has more benevolence, fraternity and unique wisdom.

But even so, when Ji Tianxing heard that she was going to take her son to the Magic Sun Sect to negotiate with the high-level of the Magic Sun Sect, he was still full of worry and anxiety.

He immediately sent a message to Yun Yao and told her not to act rashly.

He will rush to the confluence as quickly as possible, and then he will come forward to subdue the Magic Sun Sect.

In case Yunyao and Ji Wuhen go to Fantasy Sun Sect and encounter any accident, the consequences will be too serious!

However, Yun Yao replied to Ji Tianxing, saying that those forces were in dire straits|heat, and they were forced by the Heavenly King to have nowhere to retreat.

The situation is very urgent. If she delays one more day, those powers may not be able to withstand the pressure of the Heavenly King and surrender to the Heavenly King.

Not to mention that she has enough strength and confidence to protect Wuhate and herself.

Just to say that the determination shown by the five forces was obviously also intentional to rely on the sword god.

As long as she shows her identity and purpose, I believe those five forces will not embarrass her!

Taking a step back, even if something unexpected happens, she has unique skills and superb artifacts, enough to protect herself.

Although Ji Tianxing was worried about his wife's decision, he still respected and acquiesced.

At the same time, he also let Bai Long rush over at the fastest speed.


Late at night the next day.

It took Yun Yao a day, many twists and turns, and exhausted thoughts, before she passed through numerous obstacles and siege, and got into the rudder of the Sun Fantasy Sect.

This family has a history of 10,000 years and can be called the top sect. It is in a blessed place.

For nearly half a month, the powerful and forces under the Heavenly King God's command have always besieged this blessed land and stared firmly at the Sun Fantasy Sect.

Not to mention the people of the Magic Sun Sect, even a fly can't fly out of the blessed land.

In addition, the God King of Tianyu is still constantly exerting pressure, forcing the Magic Sun Sect to surrender.

The affiliated forces and countless industries of the Magic Sun Sect were destroyed and confiscated one by one by the Heavenly King.

Today's Magic Sun Sect is no longer as strong as it used to be, only this blessed place and more than 10,000 disciples remain.

Despite the strong will of the Sect Master and the elders, they kept gritting their teeth and refused to surrender to the Heavenly King.

But some of the elders, deacons, and disciples in the sect were unable to withstand such a huge pressure. They were always in panic and sleepless.

Recently, the pressure on the Sun Fantasy Sect has reached its peak, and different voices have appeared in the sect.

Nearly half of the disciples, deacons and elders had shaken their will and had the idea of ​​surrendering.

Sect Master Illusion was also helpless.

He didn't want to succumb to the Heavenly King, but he didn't want to see the sect split, and his disciples were displaced and all died.

Faced with such a difficult choice, he has been hesitating, tangling, and waiting.

And at this time, two messengers sent by the Heavenly King God, under the **** of ten guards, entered the sunken land.

In the past month, this has been the fifth batch of messengers sent by God King Tianyu.

When the guard guarding the mountain gate reported the news to Sect Master Illusion, Sect Master Illusion frowned immediately, and a deep worry flashed through his eyes.

Because he knew that the patience of God King Tianyu had reached its limit.

The two messengers who arrived tonight are probably here to give an ultimatum!

If he can't make a decision tonight, then the Magic Sun Sect will completely lose the opportunity.

Within two days at the latest, the army sent by the Heavenly God King will come to attack the Magic Sun Sect.

To put it simply, the time to determine the fate of the Sun Fantasy Sect has arrived!

Even if the Sun Lord is reluctant in his heart, he has to order the guards to lead the messenger into the hall and serve tea.

At the same time, he ordered the guards to inform the elders to rush to the meeting hall.

After only a quarter of an hour, the nine elders of the Magic Sun Sect gathered in the hall.

Afterwards, the Sovereign of Illusion Sun also wore beautiful costumes and a **** crown, and stepped into the hall majesticly.

Although the relationship between the two parties has become hostile and very rigid, the two messengers are also very arrogant and lofty.

But after meeting, Sect Master and the nine elders still have to salute the two messengers and give a false greeting.

The two messengers were unwilling to even sit down, and looked impatient.

As soon as the greeting was over, they bluntly stated their intentions, and it turned out to be an ultimatum on behalf of the Heavenly King.

"Sect Master Illusion, you have tried all kinds of methods and excuses to delay for more than a month.

Everyone is smart, so we don't bother to go around with you. Anyway, we've talked about everything that should be said and discussed.

No matter how kind, generous, and patience, Lord Tianyu God King has a limit, and you can't tolerate you repeatedly provoke his bottom line!

Tonight, our two messengers are here on behalf of the Lord God King, don't talk nonsense with you, just a word from you Huan Sun Zong.

Descend or not? "

"Haha... I advise you to think carefully before answering, but don't let yourself be fooled!

The entire Cangtian Continent is the territory under the crown of the **** emperor, and the **** king of Tianyu ruled this continent under the crown of the **** emperor. All regions and people should be attributed to him~www.ltnovel.com~ Therefore, the Magic Sun Sect Allegiance to the God King Tianyu, that is also natural!

If the Magic Sun Sect dared to resist, you should know the ending.

After all, Nanfeng Zhanshuai has already taken 10,000 soldiers to go out, not far from here! "

The two messengers bluntly threatened Sect Master Illusion, leaving no room for buffer at all.

No way, the deadlock has been buffered too many times in this month, and the Heavenly King God is really unwilling to wait.

Sect Master and the nine elders also knew that they had dragged them to the limit, and there was no way to drag them any longer.

I must make a break tonight and give a clear answer.

Otherwise, the two messengers will not let go, and the Heavenly King will never let go of the Magic Sun Sect!

Seeing, Sect Master Sun and the elders were sad and silent.

The atmosphere in the hall was solemn and very depressing.

The two messengers sneered jokingly at the corners of their mouths, silently waiting for the answer from the Sun Lord.

But at this moment, a slight falling sound suddenly awakened everyone.


Everyone turned their heads subconsciously and looked at the corner of the main hall door.

I saw that next to the already closed gate, in a darker corner, there were originally five guards who came here with two messengers.

At this moment, the guards of the five upper gods, all cut off their vitality, fell into a pool of blood.

Beside the five corpses, there stood a woman in a white dress with a majestic elegance and a very handsome and cold temperament.

Before everyone could see their faces, it was too late to think about who they were and why they appeared here?

They teleported to the other side of the gate and shot the other five guards in a flash.


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