Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4269: All actions

The captain of the guard has a lower status and doesn't know much about it.

Especially the secret news that Ji Tianxing wants to know, such as which domain masters the Tianyu God King summoned?

What's the situation in Tiandu? How many soldiers and strong gods have gathered?

The captain of the guard didn't know anything about it.

Although Ji Tianxing was a little sorry, he didn't care when he got the news he wanted most.

Since the Cangtian Territory has no way to start, he can only choose to leave and go to other regions to find opportunities.

The Battleship Tushen came quietly, and then left quietly, rushing to the next area.

After leaving the sky, Ji Tianxing assigned tasks to everyone.

Yun Yao and Ji Wuhen act together and are responsible for investigating the situation in several regions.

Ji Ke and Ji Wushuang teamed up to find out the news in the other four areas.

Chao Qingyu and Lan'er and his wife act together and are responsible for an area.

Yanke and Baifeng are relatively strong, and both act independently and are responsible for investigating three regions.

Lin Xue, Zhen Hong, Blood Illusory God King, Golden Left Envoy, and Blood Dragon Right Envoy were weaker, and they were all lower **** kings, but they insisted on participating in the action.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing asked the five of them to work together to investigate a few areas, and they could take care of each other.

As for Ji Tianxing, he will take the white dragon to the south of the Cangtian Continent to investigate more areas.

If there are any emergencies, he will arrive at the fastest speed.

As a result, Ji Tianxing's followers, relatives and friends all went on duty.

They will investigate more than 70 regions and believe that they will be able to collect comprehensive information.

As for the remaining twenty-odd regions, Ji Tianxing investigated part of it.

Even if there are still a small number of regions that everyone has no time to investigate, it is not important anymore.

Being able to figure out the situation in more than seventy regions can basically represent the entire Cangtian Continent.


Eight days later, the Tushen battleship arrived in the southern part of the Cangtian Continent.

At this time, Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Chao Qingyu, Lin Xue and others all left the battleship one after another and rushed to the designated area to find out the news.

Only Ji Tianxing and Bailong Master and Disciple were left in the battleship. They arrived in a new area and began to inquire about news.

In the past few days, followers who inquired about news in the northern part of the Cangtian Continent have also successively sent messages to Ji Tianxing, reporting the situation in various regions.

What's interesting is that part of the region is located on the edge of the mainland, and the domain owners did not lead the elite soldiers to gather in the capital.

They chose to stay at the Domain Lord Mansion and close the entrance of the Domain Lord Mansion, in a posture of resignation.

And the farther south the region, the more the domain masters with their elites, were ordered to rush to the heaven to gather.

In general, by the order of Tianyu God King, there are more domain masters going to the confluence of heaven.

Those who stay in the domain master's mansion are either domain masters who are not usually seen and have no resources and cultivation.

Either they are dissatisfied and deliberately loyal to the sword god.

In short, the Heavenly Continent under the rule of God King Tianyu is not monolithic.

Hundreds of domain masters have different hearts, and it is difficult to achieve unity.

This is naturally good news for Ji Tianxing.

In the future, when he unifies the entire Cangtian Continent, he will also save more worry and effort.

Time passed day by day.

Ji Tianxing spent two days investigating the situation of a region and learned that the domain owner of the region had led the elite soldiers to Tiandu, so he decisively went to the next region.

Two days later, he infiltrated the domain master's mansion in this area and found the domain master unexpectedly.

Interestingly, the domain master closed the domain master's mansion, only a few thousand family members, servants and handymen, and more than a thousand guards accompanied him.

The deputy domain master brought more than a thousand elite soldiers and rushed to Tiandu to gather.

Ji Tianxing used some new methods, and after inquiring about it, he found out that the original domain master and the subdomain master had different opinions. They had quarreled many times before, and this situation finally appeared.

The domain master was dissatisfied with the Tianyu God King, but the deputy domain master was a loyal lackey of the Tianyu God King.

It is said that God King Tianyu learned that the two had parted ways, and he admired and respected the sub-domain master very well, and was very disappointed and angry with the domain master.

God King Tianyu will soon issue an order to remove the domain owner from the position and arrest Tiandu for trial.

At that time, it must be the sub-domain master to take over as the domain master.

Knowing this situation, Ji Tianxing did not start to stun the snake, but quietly sneaked into the secret room of the domain master to meditate.

He sealed the secret room with a formation method to ensure that no one could detect the anomaly before he appeared in front of the domain master, and the two talked alone.

When the domain owner first saw him, he was taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to fight back and call for help.

But Ji Tianxing only said a word, calming down the domain owner.

After carefully examining Ji Tianxing, the domain owner compared his memory to determine the identity of Ji Tianxing. Suddenly, he was surprised and delighted, and excited to the point of incoherent.

Ji Tianxing sat down calmly, watching the domain master salute respectfully, and said a lot of emotion and flattery.

After the domain master's emotions calmed down, Ji Tianxing came to the topic.

"The whereabouts of this seat are kept secret, you are the first person to see this seat on the heavenly continent.

Therefore, you have only two choices, either loyal to your seat or disappear. "

The domain owner nodded quickly, a little proud in his heart, and said excitedly, "Sword God, don’t worry, your subordinates have been looking forward to your coming soon. For this reason, they will fall out with the deputy domain master and offend the Tianyu God King. This is what we are waiting for. .

Your subordinates will now pledge allegiance to you and keep this secret, and will never reveal the news! "

The domain master slapped his chest, vowing to make sure that he had taken the identity of the sword god.

Facing such a sensible and interesting domain owner, Ji Tianxing was quite relieved, and directly took out a jade slip and threw it in front of the domain owner.

The domain master didn't ask anything, directly picked up the jade slip, and solemnly pronounced the oath of heaven.

Obviously ~www.ltnovel.com~ Long before Ji Tianxing arrived in the Heavenly Continent, this domain master had heard many news about the Sword God and already knew the rules of the Sword God.

No matter how terrifying the Heavenly Oath made by the Sword God, if you want to surrender and be loyal to the Sword God, you must read it out.

Since the strong men on the Vast Sky Continent and Reincarnation Island have all read the oath of heaven, what is so terrible about him?

With this kind of mentality, the domain master was not afraid, and in just a few dozen breaths, he finished reading the oath of heaven.

Afterwards, his body lit up with multicolored lights, a ray of rhyme appeared above his head, and thunder roared and flickered above the domain master's mansion.

Feeling the mighty power of the sky, while this domain master was fearful in his heart, he also worshipped and awed the sword **** more.

At the same time, he couldn't help but imagine that since he was the first loyal to the Sword God on the Heavenly Continent, he must seize the opportunity and perform well.

He is one step ahead of everyone. As long as there is no accident, he will definitely become the most trusted and respected minister of the sword **** in the future!

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