Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4267: Tiandu

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Cangtian Territory, in the center of the Cangtian Continent.

That is the core of the entire continent, because the rulers who rule the entire continent live in the heavenly capital.

Tiandu sounds like the name of a city.

In fact, it was a blessed land with strong defenses and excellent resources.

The divine palace and cave mansion of God Emperor Xingyun are within the heavenly capital.

Now that the Emperor Nebula is not in the Cangtian Continent, his right-hand man, who stays in the Cangtian Continent to control the overall situation, must also be in the Tiandu.

Ji Tianxing handed over easier and safer tasks to his followers.

And he will personally rush to the most dangerous place to explore the core secrets.

For this, dozens of followers know it well and are grateful.

They had to admit that the reason why the Sword God was able to sweep across all continents was not disadvantageous, not only because of his super strength, but also because of his unique personal charm.

For example, the ten powerful kings who followed him, just relying on this little detail, have more respect and gratitude for Ji Tianxing.

As time goes by, when they follow Ji Tianxing for longer, they will become Ji Tianxing's most respected and trusted subordinates like Yanke, Chaoqingyu and Baifeng.

At that time, they will also respect and admire Ji Tianxing from the bottom of their hearts, and their relationship with Ji Tianxing will be more inclined to friends.


Day after day passed, the Battleship Tushen continued to penetrate deep into the heavenly continent, crossing one region after another.

Along the way, every two or three regions, one or two followers will leave to perform tasks.

Half a month later, the Battleship Tushen entered the middle of the Cangtian Continent, not far from the Cangtian Region.

At this time, all fifteen followers left the battleship.

At the same time, the first follower to leave the warship to perform the mission, with extremely high efficiency, roughly inquired about the situation of a region and reported to Ji Tianxing.

That area is on the northern edge of the Cangtian Continent, near the boundless sky.

Probably because the area was too remote, and it was the first stop of the Sword God from Reincarnation Island to the Cangtian Continent, it was abandoned by those in power.

The domain owner of the domain stayed in the domain master mansion, blocked the domain master mansion, and was not allowed to enter or leave.

Only the summons from Tiandu can be sent to the domain master's mansion.

At the same time, the domain master also gathered all the soldiers and soldiers that his subordinates could convene, and they were all gathered in the domain master's mansion.

The mentality of that domain master is probably just how the Sword God invaded and occupied the land, he just hid in the domain master's mansion and stubbornly supported it.

Really can't hold on, the Domain Lord's Mansion was breached by the Sword God, and it will depend on the situation at that time.

Anyway, there will be no reinforcements to help him, and those in power in Tiandu will not be able to take action personally.

He is a small domain master with only more than 10,000 soldiers and only two thousand elites. Where can he stop the Tiger Wolf Master of the Sword God?

The person in power gave up on him, and he was a bit self-defeating.

In addition to this news, the follower sent a message back.

He had already inquired that the current ruler of the Cangtian Continent was the famous Heavenly God King and his commander in the Quartet.

The God King Tianyu is a cousin of the God Emperor Dao Xingyun, and a peak God King who broke through eight hundred years ago.

His personality is vicious and vicious, he is scheming and conspiring, and he is extremely strict under his control, and he has great prestige and deterrence among the people.

The four commanders of the Tianyu God King's command are basically the powerhouses of the ninth level of the God King Realm, and they are also the top 20 powerhouses in the heavens.

Only the patriarchs and elders of the ancient clans are qualified to be compared with them.

The characters of the four fighters are different, some are brave, some are brilliant, and some are extremely hidden.

But the same thing is that the commanders of the Quartet have strong commanding talents and have experienced countless battles with few defeats.

In addition, Tiandu should have a large number of hidden god-king powerhouses, such as law protectors and elders.

The follower said that he only inquired about the general news, and did not know the details, please watch out for Lord Sword God.

In this regard, Ji Tianxing expressed his gratitude and satisfaction, and sent a subpoena to the follower, affirming his efficiency.

Even though he didn't say any compliments, the follower was still full of surprise and excitement after receiving the call.

After all, it is a great honor to be personally affirmed by Lord Sword God!


Three days later, the Tushen battleship entered the middle of the Cangtian Region and came near the entrance of the Tiandu.

The entrance of the "Tiandu" cave is located in the vast mountain range with a radius of one million miles, hidden in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

The 200,000 li around the entrance had long been strayed by the strong, which obscured the original appearance.

Even if it is a strong **** king, without the people of Tiandu, who rushes into this place, they will lose their way and fall into a trap.

Therefore, the vast jungle and mountains around the capital have always been inaccessible.

The Tushen battleship hovered over the vast mountains, staying invisible, not afraid of being discovered.

Bailong maneuvered the divine ship in the driver's cab, and Ji Tianxing stood behind him, silently releasing his divine consciousness, and inspecting the situation around 100,000 miles.

He is groping for this area covered by a sea of ​​clouds and a large array of confusion.

The entrance to Tiandu is in the most hidden place in the center of the Great Lost Array.

Even with Ji Tianxing's spiritual knowledge, he didn't see the entrance clearly in a short time.

The Battleship Tushen wandered around this area for more than a dozen times, and it took three hours for Ji Tianxing to break through the maze and see the situation of the entrance to Tiandu.

It was a cloud platform with a radius of a hundred li, and five thousand elite guards stationed on it, all of them armed with swords and guarded.

Leading the five thousand guards are twenty strong **** kings, of which there are two upper **** kings.

It can be seen that the Tianyu God King attaches great importance to the safety of Tiandu, and he does not hesitate to send heavy troops to guard it.

The large formation at the entrance is also closed, and will not open easily, and no one can enter or exit.

As a result, Ji Tianxing wanted to turn into dust, attached to a certain strong man and mixed into Tiandu~www.ltnovel.com~ and then shattered.

"This Great Array of Lost Tracks is actually the best king-level sacred formation. It appears to be the handwriting of Dao Xingyun and was set up thousands of years ago.

In the future, an army that will rebel against the alliance is formed. Even if it conquered nearly a hundred regions and eventually came here, it would be blocked by the Great Array of Lost Tracks and could not enter the capital. "

Ji Tianxing seemed to be muttering to himself, frowning, thinking about the solution.

Bai Long thought for a while and asked, "Master, this maze must be broken, but if you can't move it yet, I'm afraid it will startle the snake?"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said: "That's right! When I came to Tiandu as a teacher this time, I just wanted to inquire about the situation in Tiandu and understand what defenses and plans Tianyu God King has, so that I can act in the future and reduce the casualties of soldiers.

Before conquering Baiyu, the division will not attack Tiandu rashly. "

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