Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4253: Queuing to surrender

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Before Ji Tianxing and Styx Commander fought under the ground, causing a huge movement.

There are as many as five hundred guards stationed in this courtyard, all of them elite.

In addition, there are more than 30 powerful **** kings who are also lurking in the house to protect the commander of Styx.

These people were awakened, first ran around, and then asked each other what happened.

It is speculated that there was an attack, and many **** kings and guards searched for the trace of the assassin.

But they searched the entire house and the surrounding area of ​​20 miles, and found no abnormalities.

Therefore, many **** kings believed that most of the assassins were still in the house.

Some **** kings just remembered, they haven't checked the situation of the leader of Styx, whether they are injured.

But more than a dozen **** kings came outside the study, only to find that the defensive formation was activated, isolating the situation in the study, making it impossible to investigate.

As a result, all the **** kings were anxious, and joined forces to storm the defensive formation of the study.

Fortunately, the defense of that large formation is not very strong, it is more to cover the breath and block the exploration of the divine sense.

After a dozen or so **** kings joined forces for several fierce attacks, they even broke through a gap in the large formation and crashed two walls.

However, when they rushed into the study and saw the situation inside, they were dumbfounded on the spot.

In a messy study room, ten domain masters were present, but the leader of Styx was missing.

The looks and postures of the ten domain masters are very strange. There is also a young dragon from the dragon race in a white robe in the study, who looks very mysterious and majestic.

Beside the young man in white robe, two strange **** king and powerful men were also standing by.

And the posture of the ten domain masters seemed to be in awe of the white-robed youth.

How is this going?

Who is that young man in white robe?

There was silence in the study, and everyone looked at each other without speaking.

Suddenly, a middle-aged **** king saw the white-robed youth's face, his complexion changed drastically, and he subconsciously screamed.

"Sword God! He is the Sword God!"

The sudden cry of exclamation was full of shock and fear.

The other dozen **** kings were stunned at the time, staring at the white-robed youth in disbelief, carefully observing and measuring.

When the face of the white-robed youth in front of them coincided with the appearance of the sword **** in their memory, everyone showed a look of horror.

That's right, he is the famous sword god!

No one can believe that the Sword God sneaked into Youdu City alone to assassinate the leader of Styx!

The most important thing is that Sword God seems to have succeeded!

There was such a big movement in the house just now. If the leader of the Styx is still alive, he will definitely show up, fight with the sword god, or order many guards to help.

Since the commander of the Styx is missing, the ten domain masters are also committed to the sword god, and it can be guessed that the commander of the Styx is too bad.


The first reaction of several **** kings was to evacuate immediately and escape back to the Nether Shrine.

Although, the commander of Styx may have been killed.

But it does not rule out that the leader of Styx escaped from injury and has already fled back to the Nether Shrine.

There are still 20,000 defenders and two hundred strong **** kings there. It can be described as a bronze wall and an iron wall.

In the entire Youdu City, only the Nether Shrine is still safe!

With this thought, nine **** kings subconsciously turned and rushed out of the study.

But there are two other **** kings who are too loyal to the leader of the Styx River, or too loyal in character, and question Ji Tianxing and the ten domain masters loudly.

"Sword God, did you kill Lord Commander?"

"Dear domain owners, where did the commander go? Are there any injuries?

What are you doing here? Still not summoning the guards to join forces against the sword god? "

Those two **** kings are the captains of the guards under the command of Styx, and they have been responsible for protecting the safety of the commander of Styx.

Saying these words is just their instinctive reaction.

But the nine kings who turned and fled, as well as the ten domain masters in the study, were stunned when they heard these words.

They all looked at the two **** kings together, showing complicated expressions and eyes.

Someone showed, ‘brother, you are awesome! The expression of admiration.

Someone had a dumbfounding look, "Are you two really stupid or fake?"

Others revealed pity and helplessness in their eyes.

The scene was temporarily quiet, and there was no sound.

Ji Tianxing glanced at the two **** kings, then shot a brilliant golden light, which instantly enveloped the entire house.


A golden shield with a radius of thousands of feet sealed the entire house.

Suddenly, the guards and **** kings who ran around in the house in a panic, searching for the trail of the leader of Styx, all froze.

Everyone looked up at the golden shield, showing an expression of anger and helplessness.

"Since it's here, stay here!"

Ji Tianxing said calmly.

The dozen or so gods woke up like a dream, and suddenly showed regret.

Obviously, the Sword God intends to kill them all.

Knowing this, they shouldn't have stopped just now, they should run away desperately!

But now, the entire house is sealed off, and it is impossible to escape.

Qianlong and Clan Chief Kui reacted, hurriedly holding the sword of the gods, and shouted to the dozens of **** kings at the door: "What are you still doing in a daze? Roll in if you don't want to die!"

"Master Sword God is here, if you are aware of current affairs, immediately surrender!"

In fact, everyone has long thought that the leader of Styx is definitely not the opponent of the sword god, and Youdu City will fall sooner or later.

Therefore, this result is also in their expectations.

What they care about most is whether the sword **** can forgive them and save them their lives.

They were so panicked just now, because they were afraid that the Sword God would take a few moves, so they killed them all.

Now it seems that the sword **** is not so cruel and tyrannical.

As long as they surrender, they still have a chance to survive.

The dozen or so **** kings were relieved and returned to the study one after another.

Only the two captains of the guards under the leadership of the Styx were very embarrassed and froze in place.

No one else said anything just now, and they asked the Sword God and the ten domain masters righteously, appearing to be very loyal to the commander of Styx.

It's better now. If you don't surrender, you will be killed. If you surrender... it seems too shameless and shameful!

Fortunately, ~www.ltnovel.com~ everyone was confused and thoughts were complicated, and no one cared about their situation.

The dozen or so **** kings entered the study, bowed and saluted neatly, expressing surrender to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing didn't waste any time. He didn't even bother to say high-sounding words, and directly ordered: "You all stand in line and take the pledge of surrender one by one."

As a result, the dozen or so **** kings understood in an instant, no wonder the ten domain masters gathered here, it looked strange.

It turns out that they were the first to admit defeat and surrender, and they were reading their pledge of surrender one by one!

What a shame!

These guys are of high authority, and they are more loyal than anyone else.

Unexpectedly, when the Styx Commander had just had an accident, they surrendered immediately!

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