Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4249: Craze

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Fortunately, Ji Tianxing entered Youdu City in advance and managed to assassinate the leader of Styx.

If you attack Youdu City step by step, occupy the Nether Divine Palace, and then kill the leader of the Styx River, you will definitely be counted.

At that time, even if the Sword God can capture Youdu City and control the entire Samsara Island, he will not be able to eliminate the roots.

The commander of Styx escaped from birth, even if he dared not retaliate, it was a big worry!

With his city mansion, scheming and means, it is impossible to match any **** king powerhouse.

Only the stronger and more meticulous Ji Tianxing can dissolve the strategy of the Styx commander!


Ji Tianxing decisively left the Nether Shrine, followed the domain masters invisibly, and rushed to a certain house in Nancheng.

The Qianlong and Clan Chief Kui, who stayed in the world of the clock, didn't know what had happened, and were confused.

Out of curiosity, the two couldn't help but send a voice message to ask Ji Tianxing, what happened, why not continue to search for the trace of the leader of the Styx?

Ji Tianxing answered through voice transmission, but did not explain, just let them watch carefully.

After a while, Ji Tianxing followed the domain masters and arrived at a house in the south of the city.

The house looks quaint, but the interior is very delicate and luxurious, and the defense force is also very strong.

Not only are there five hundred elite guards guarding here, but there are also more than thirty powerful **** kings who lie in ambush in various places, openly or secretly.

In addition, the two imperial commanders of the Eightfold Divine King Realm are also here.

In addition to the ten domain masters who just arrived, forty-five **** kings and powerhouses gathered in this seemingly ordinary house!

Ten domain masters dressed in disguise, after intensive investigation and identity verification, entered the underground secret room of the house and finally saw the commander of Styx.

The thin, gray-haired leader of Styx, wearing a gray robe, has a colder breath, and is much older than half a year ago.

In the dimly lit room, he sat on the throne of the first place, quietly closing his eyes and resting.

Two imperial army commanders in armor and swords stood on his left and right sides, like two door gods.

After the ten domain masters entered the secret room, they lifted their disguise one after another, showing their true colors, and saluting the commander of Styx.

After the two parties met, the ten domain masters divided into two rows and stood still, and then the leader of Styx began to discuss matters.

He first asked ten domain masters, the defense situation in the city, and various intelligence information.

Next, everyone began to discuss the deployment, formation and so on.

The atmosphere in the court was very depressing and heavy, and everyone felt heavy.

They are not optimistic about the upcoming decisive battle, and they are deeply worried.

The door of the secret room was closed and protected by a large formation, and there were four strong gods guarding the door.

Ji Tianxing came outside the gate, and finally no longer needed to hide.

He acted decisively, displayed his supernatural powers, and attacked and killed the two guarding **** kings.

At the same time, he opened the world in the clock, released Qianlong and Kui clan chiefs, and let them attack and kill the other two **** kings.



After a sword light broke through the air and two muffled sounds, the four **** kings who guarded the gate fell to the ground on the spot, splashing blood for five steps.

The two **** kings that Ji Tianxing attacked and killed were fatal with one blow, and even the godhead was broken.

The two **** kings that the two patriarchs took action to deal with, only had their heads and necks beheaded, their gods were destroyed, and the gods still survived.

Ji Tianxing added two more sword lights before killing the two **** kings in seconds.

And there was no doubt that there was movement, bursting out violent divine power fluctuations.

The leader of the Styx and the ten domain masters in the secret room were awakened immediately, and they quickly ended the discussion to investigate the situation outside the secret room.

Without reservation, Ji Tianxing threw his fist on the door of the secret room.


With a loud noise, the door of the secret room was blasted to pieces on the spot, and the defense formation was also blasted out of a big hole.

Dust splashed and covered the secret room with a radius of one hundred meters, making the secret room muddy.

Suddenly by this change, Styx's commander's pupils tightened, turned around without hesitation, and turned into a dark shadow flying towards the corner of the secret room.

In the corner of the seemingly empty secret room, there was actually a hidden door leading to the formation altar underground.

It was a large teleportation array, directly connected to Youdu City, and could be teleported to a stronghold a million miles away.

The ten domain masters hadn't reacted yet, but they were shocked on the spot when they saw the commander of Styx escape from the secret room like a ghost.

At this time, Ji Tianxing also turned into a golden light and flew into the secret room, flying over the heads of the ten domain masters, to chase and kill the leader of Styx.

Qianlong and Clan Chief Kui were a little slower, and after rushing into the secret room with Ji Tianxing, they were also dumbfounded on the spot.


Ji Tianxing had already passed through the secret passage in the corner of the secret room, and went to the ground to hunt down the leader of Styx.

The two patriarchs were stunned in the middle of the secret room and were stared at by the ten domain masters. They were suddenly stiff and their expressions were particularly embarrassing.


"It's over!"

This thought flashed through the minds of the two patriarchs at the same time.

After a breath, the ten domain masters finally recovered from their consternation.

Their eyes gathered on the two patriarchs, and after recognizing their identities, their eyes and expressions became weird and complicated.

Several domain owners showed murderous intent, or showed a gloomy sneer.

They couldn't provoke the Sword God. Could it be that the patriarchs of the two ancient clans, their ten domain masters could not provoke them?

Seeing that the ten territorial masters showed their murderous intent, they were about to besiege immediately, and the two patriarchs rushed to help themselves.

"Hahaha..." The patriarch Qianlong groaned inwardly, but he didn't show any timidity on the surface, and he laughed imposingly.

"Master Sword God is really wise, guessing that you guys came here late at night, they must have come to see the commander of Styx, I didn't expect it to be so!

Let's catch it, this seat will plead with Lord Sword God and spare your life! "

Patriarch Kui also reacted and quickly put on a proud and proud gesture, and sneered at the ten domain masters: "You guys, don't you think of it?

Ha ha ha... Waiting for Lord Sword God to lead an army to attack Youdu City? Then the two armies fought head-on?

You are too naive!

All conspiracy calculations and plans led by Styx are under the control of Lord Sword God!

Lord Sword God has chased him, and the leader of Styx is about to die!

If you don't want to die, just stay here and wait for the Lord Sword God to return, and immediately surrender! "

Obviously the two patriarchs are surrounded by ten domain owners ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ is at stake.

But they were arrogant and arrogant, with such rhetoric and posture, as if they had surrounded ten domain masters.

The ten domain masters wanted to do it, but they hesitated when they saw the reaction of the two patriarchs.

"Sword God really came?"

"God! The commander was worried before that the Sword God would sneak into Youdu City and carry out the assassination in advance, but he guessed it right!"

"The golden light that passed just now is the Sword God? Passing in front of my seat, I didn't even see it clearly!"

"It's over... the sword **** is here, we all have to die!"

The ten domain masters looked at each other, all of them were a little flustered and talked about without a master.

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