Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4224: Still not give up

When the four patriarchs calmed down and began to reflect, Ji Tianxing's goal was achieved.

The reason why he deliberately left the four patriarchs in the hall and delayed three hours before going to meet is to avoid unnecessary disputes and troubles.

Think with your toes and know that the four patriarchs will not be like the Songhe patriarch, who will pay their heads when they meet, and they will be confused and loyal regardless of the conditions and treatment.

But Ji Tianxing couldn't promise anything to the four patriarchs, and he didn't bother to waste his words.

Therefore, he made the best move.

Facts have proved that this method works well.

Three hours have passed, and the tea in front of the four patriarchs has long since cooled down.

But they are no longer as impatient as before, and their emotions are much calmer.

The patriarch of Qianlong, with the most straightforward personality and the most hot-tempered, no longer be the first bird, and chose to remain silent.

Another gray-haired old man, Clan Chief Fang, stroked his beard, and asked, "Clan Chief Songhe, now three hours have passed, you see..."

Patriarch Songhe also knew that the time had come and it was time to invite the Sword God to appear.

So he gave a fist to the patriarchs and said, "Please wait a moment, the old man will go to see the adult."

After speaking, he quickly left the conference hall and hurried to Ji Tianxing's residence.

After arriving at the house, he entered the study and saw Ji Tianxing still holding the ancient scroll looking through it, and he saluted and asked, "Master Sword God, three hours have come."

Ji Tianxing closed the scroll, turned to look at him, and asked, "How is the situation of the four patriarchs now? Is the mood still stable?"

Patriarch Songhe smiled and replied, "As the adults said, they waited for three hours, all anger and resentment were gone, they all calmed down, and their mentality was much calmer."

"Well, let's go." Ji Tianxing smiled, put down the ancient scroll in his hand, got up and left the study.

In order to keep it secret, he remained invisible when he went to the conference hall.

He didn't show his figure until he entered the meeting hall.

He took the lead to step into the hall, followed by Songhe Patriarch.

Suddenly, the four patriarchs who were waiting eagerly in the hall gathered all their eyes on him.

The four patriarchs stood up subconsciously and looked at Ji Tianxing with curiosity and awe.

As for the patriarch Songhe behind Ji Tianxing, they were completely ignored.

Ji Tianxing walked through the hall lightly and walked to the first throne to take a seat.

Patriarch Songhe followed him, standing under the throne, standing like his guard.

The four patriarchs and four elders reacted and hurriedly bowed to Ji Tianxing.

"Let's see Lord Sword God!"

The voices of several patriarchs and elders were obviously trembling, and they were obviously excited and unable to calm down.

They heard that the Sword God was in Gusong Dongtian, but they could not be verified.

At this moment, they saw the Sword God with their own eyes and felt the Sword God's sacred coercion and formidable aura at close range. All their doubts were dispelled.

Instead, there is unspeakable excitement and excitement, as well as anticipation and vision for the future.

They knew very well that the arrival of the sword **** meant... Samsara Island was about to change days.

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, motioning everyone to waive the ceremony.

He didn't have the exquisite greetings and politeness with the four patriarchs, and said straightforwardly, "I believe you already know. A few days ago, this seat came to Samsara Island.

The previous battle ended so quickly, and it was also because of my shot.

And this seat has never appeared, just to keep it secret and not to affect the next plan. "

The four patriarchs had previously suspected that the Sword God participated in that battle, so that the Songhe Clan could be safe and sound, wipe out the 8,000 army, and punish the four great reincarnation gods.

Since the Sword God confessed himself, there is no doubt.

As for the plan mentioned by the Sword God, several patriarchs could probably guess that it should still ambush the soldiers under the command of Styx.

Ji Tianxing went on to say, "According to the estimation of this seat, the commander of Styx has already sent a second group of troops to encircle and suppress the ancient pine cave, and the calculation time is almost up.

Maybe it is today, maybe tomorrow, and I will lead the soldiers to fight.

Therefore, we don't have to waste time, and just do business. "

While talking, he shot a piece of jade slip, which fell in the middle of the hall, suspended in mid-air.

The location of that piece of jade slip is very clever, it is the same distance from the four patriarchs.

"This is the vow of surrender. If you want to join the alliance of rebellion, follow this seat to overthrow the rule of the Nether God Emperor, and rescue the hundreds of millions of people on the island of Samsara, you read that oath on the spot.

Of course, this seat is not forced, if anyone does not want to follow this seat, they can leave later. "

Ji Tianxing's tone is calm, and his attitude is also very calm.

This was the attitude he showed, but it put a lot of pressure on the patriarchs.

As they analyzed during reflection, it is now that they want the Sword God, not the Sword God to rely on them.

Since their four clans had delayed with the Styx Commander for several months without surrendering, they had long been regarded as the enemy by the Styx Commander.

Their back path has been broken, and they can only take refuge in the sword god.

Therefore, that vow of surrender must be read.

But before taking the oath, the four patriarchs still wanted to struggle.

"Dare to ask Master Sword God, did you bring soldiers from the Vast Sky Continent on your trip to Samsara Island?"

Still the patriarch of Qianlong with the straightest temperament, he bit his head and asked questions first.

His remarks were too clear and straightforward, not tactful or respectful enough.

When the other three patriarchs heard this, they all sweated for him and worried secretly.

Ji Tianxing glanced at the patriarch Qianlong, and said indifferently, "This is a secret. Only those who have joined the rebellious alliance and have read the pledge of surrender are qualified to know."

"Uh..." Patriarch Qianlong was choked on the spot speechless.

What Ji Tianxing said makes sense, and he cannot refute it.

But he just wanted to know whether the Sword God came alone or brought an army?

Then ~www.ltnovel.com~ can he read the vow of surrender willingly.

Another old man in a purple brocade robe, a quicksand patriarch from the quicksand region, bowed and saluted and asked, "Master Sword God, I have heard of your prestige, and I know that you are powerful and omnipotent.

Now that you have arrived, the small island of reincarnation is naturally at your fingertips.

But the old man has a gratuitous request, not for himself, but just to give an explanation to the nearly ten thousand people of the tribe.

So, I would dare to ask if you can give my clan a promise, even if it is verbal, there is a guarantee..."

As soon as this word came out, the other patriarchs nodded quickly and agreed.

To put it bluntly, they still didn't give up and wanted Ji Tianxing to promise them some benefits and treatment.

Just like those ancient clans in the Vast Sky Continent, the first to take refuge in the sword **** can enclose a region, develop power in the surrounding ten regions, and so on.

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