Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4201: Some are happy and some are sad

There are three top supernatural powers, and the four young **** kings don't talk about which continent Ji Tianxing will attack.

Ji Tianxing trusted them so much, had high hopes, and gave such a surprise gift.

They thought to themselves that it would be too embarrassing if they could not practice the three kinds of supernatural powers in twenty days.

The most important thing is the trust in the leader, and it will lose to several other guys.

Therefore, without Nangong Nihuang saying anything, the four of them put away the jade slips and went back to their rooms to practice.

Of course, Nangong Nihuang was not idle either, and returned to his residence and went into the secret room to practice.

She is a woman after all, with a more delicate mind, and she is better at contemplating Ji Tianxing's mind.

The four guys were still discussing where Ji Tianxing would attack, but in fact she already had the answer in her heart.

Not the Cangtian Continent, but the Samsara Island.

And she also guessed that Ji Tianxing asked them to practice three supernatural skills as soon as possible, in order to go to Samsara Island to perform the investigation mission.

Even, she has been thinking about it all this time to help Ji Tianxing share his worries.

She has been deducing and imagining, if the war against Samsara Island is planned by her, how should she deploy?

The first step she can think of is to hide after entering the Samsara Island and send the elite to find out the news.

You must first figure out the situation on Samsara Island, understand the forces under the Nether God Emperor, and then decide on countermeasures.

The next action plan can generally refer to the process of Ji Tianxing's attack on the Haotian Continent.

Of course, in the name of the sword god, first contact the ancient clans and top forces on Samsara Island.

No matter what method is used, a group of powerful people and forces are first gathered as the foundation for attacking Samsara Island.

Next, attack and conquer the various domain masters of Samsara Island one by one.

When the power continues to grow, things will become much easier...

Nangong Nihuang performed these processes and steps, and after repeated verifications, I feel that there should not be much deviation.

Then, she painstakingly deduced the details of each step of the plan to minimize flaws and omissions.

In this way, she has unknowingly recorded a lot of information in the jade slip.

If Ji Tianxing asked her to come up with a plan as soon as possible, or the deployment of actions to attack Samsara Island.

Then she only needs to tidy up a bit, and then she can present it to Ji Tianxing.

As for now...

She didn't need to think about these issues anymore. After condensing her thoughts, she concentrated on comprehending the three magical skills.

Although, her realm of strength is not as good as Nangong Ao and Zhan Wudi and others.

But she is also very spine, determined to surpass the four guys, and can't be looked down upon by them.


The Battleship Tushen has been flying non-stop, after entering the Xiaolong sea area, it continued to fly to the southeast.

Just as Nangong Nihuang speculated, the target of the Battleship of Tushen was Samsara Island.

Although the battleship has been on the way, the interior of the battleship is very quiet, and everyone is focusing on training.

Only the white dragon stayed alone in the cockpit, alone controlling the warship.

Ji Tianxing had already entered the twisted time and space of the **** tower, and continued to practice and comprehend the God Judgment Technique.

Yunyao, Ji Ke and others were all slightly or severely injured when they fought in the Asura Cave.

In the past three months, they have been in retreat in twisted time and space. They have spent more than ten years and have basically recovered from their injuries.

It is worth mentioning that Ji Wuhen's aptitude and potential against the sky were truly revealed after breaking through the Divine King Realm.

It has been less than a year since he broke through the Divine King Realm, and he has only cultivated for more than 30 years in the twisted time and space.

Now, he has broken through to the second layer of the Divine King Realm.

With his talent and speed of breakthrough, I am afraid that in the next few years, he will stage a miracle of one realm every year.

From the top to Ji Tianxing, to Bai Feng, Yun Yao, Ji Ke, and Nangong Nihuang and others, to Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang, everyone is working hard to become stronger.

At this time, Reincarnation Island, Cangtian Continent, and Qiankun Continent were in worry, excitement and anticipation.

These three continents are located in the east, southeast, and south of the Haotian Continent, and are at the same distance from the Haotian Continent.

Since a few months ago, news of a sword **** and a rebellious alliance spread to these three continents, many powerful men and forces have received news.

Later, Lien Chan rebelled against the alliance, and the emperor master was unable to parry.

In the end, the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura was slain by the sword god, the emperor and his army were destroyed, and the entire Vast Sky Continent was under the control of the sword god.

A series of news was posted on the three continents, not only the top powerhouses and forces learned, but even the people of the Li people.

The dignitaries and many domain owners who control the mainland are naturally full of anxiety, anxious like ants on a hot pot, but at a loss.

They knew very well that the Sword God had already publicly declared that he would overthrow the dark rule of the five great **** emperors, rescue the five continents of the God Realm, and let all the people of the God Realm be free.

Then the eagle dogs and running dogs of these **** emperors were naturally the targets of the sword **** to beat and punish them.

However, the strength of the Sword God is so terrifying that even the incarnations of the five great **** emperors have been killed. Those who are waiting for them can only be killed by the Sword God.

After thinking about it, everyone couldn't find any way to resist the attack of the sword god.

They can only pray for ~www.ltnovel.com~ Sword God to attack other continents first and give them some time.

But the people of the Li people on the three continents, after learning this series of news, were excited and rushed to tell each other, their hearts were full of excitement and anticipation.

They naturally hate the dark rule of the five great **** emperors, but due to their low status and strength, they can only swallow their breath.

Now, the sword **** raised his arms and shouted, the heroes gathered, successfully occupied the Haotian Continent, and ended the dark rule of the **** emperor Shura.

This allows all the people of the Li people to see the hope of leaving the sea of ​​suffering and embracing freedom.

They hoped every day that the sword **** could reach their continent as soon as possible, overthrow the rule of the **** emperor, and return their freedom.

In this way, the Sword God hadn't even begun to attack the next continent, and the Li people of the three continents were already praising his fame and praying for him to appear as soon as possible.

If you change to another strong person, it may not have this effect.

At least, it is impossible to win the admiration and worship of hundreds of millions of people in the God Realm.

No way, the prestige of the sword **** is too high, and it can be described as a household name in the gods.

And the noble character of the sword **** is also admired and admired by hundreds of millions of people.

The people of the Li people on the three continents have regarded him as the savior, a saint who walks the way for the sky!

the other side.

In the middle of Samsara Island, in the sacred and solemn Youdu City.

The commander of Styx and the Marshal of the Blood Prison have already summoned six great generals and eighteen domain masters to discuss countermeasures.

In addition, the nine ancient clans on the island of Reincarnation have also received an invitation from the leader of the Styx, asking them to participate in discussions together on how to deal with the attack of the sword god.

However, only three of the ancient clans went to the Youdu happily, and the other six were vague and obstructed.


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