Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4183: A big win

The meeting room with a radius of one hundred meters is very wide.

Twenty patriarchs and suzerains gathered here in just a few hundred breaths.

Everyone's eyes focused on the first Ji Tianxing.

They all showed excitement and anticipation eyes, waiting for Ji Tianxing to announce the answer.

Because everyone is very concerned about a problem.

Has the leader defeated the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura?

This question is very important!

Everyone can't wait to know the answer.

Originally, Ji Tianxing wanted to ask everyone what was the situation in the Asura Cave.

But seeing everyone's eyes so hot, so excited and anticipating, he guessed what everyone was thinking.

Before he could speak, Nangong stood up, clasped his fists, and said with a smile: "Leader, our battle with the emperor was over two hours ago.

During these two hours, everyone was very concerned about your safety while recuperating.

Now that you finally return safely, everyone can rest assured.

However, everyone still wants to know, what is the end of the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura? "

When Nangong's words fell, the patriarchs and patriarchs nodded and agreed.

There were also two patriarchs who were good at flattering, and immediately seized the opportunity to flatter Ji Tianxing.

"Nangong deputy leader, do you still have to ask?

The lord leader can return safely, the incarnation of the **** emperor Shura must have been defeated! "

"Yes! How wise is the leader?

The **** emperor of Shura is here, and he can still fight against the lord.

His incarnation is nothing more, it must be beaten by the leader of the leader, it is terrible! "

Although it is flattering, but the words are not too exaggerated, they are not objectionable, and everyone shows a knowing smile.

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and when everyone calmed down, he said: "Before returning to the God Realm, this seat was in the void outside the realm, and he killed several incarnations of the gods.

Although, this incarnation of the **** emperor Shura has been sacrificed by 99,000 people, and it has gained great power.

But the evil is overwhelming. After all, he is not the opponent of this seat. He has been cut and killed in the void by this seat, and is wiped out. "

Hearing this result, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and they all showed incredible expressions and cheered in surprise.

"The incarnation of God Emperor Shura was killed by you?"

"God! The strength of the leader is too strong, right?"

"We thought that you could only defeat him, and he escaped in the end. Unexpectedly...too powerful!"

"The incarnation of the **** emperor Shura, who has 50% of the strength of his own deity, was still beheaded by the lord.

Doesn't this mean that the true strength of the lord leader is not far from the **** emperor Shura? "

"Hahaha...Although the lord leader is the pinnacle **** king, he has the strength comparable to the **** emperor, it is incredible!"

"For more than a thousand years, I have heard all kinds of legends and miracles of the leader.

Now, we are following the lord, and witnessing you have created another miracle! "

"We won! The Vast Sky Continent is ours!"

"Yeah! We won, we won, we won very beautifully!!"

"My lord is mighty!"

On weekdays, all the patriarchs and suzerains, who were aloof and majestic, did not care about being reserved at this moment, and they all cheered and talked excitedly.

They were all smiles, their eyes bright, and they were shining with excitement.

After all, they took a great risk and followed the League of Rebellion to fight in the north and south, and paid a lot of money.

Now they finally won, and their efforts are worth it.

Ji Tianxing raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then asked: "Nangong deputy leader, you can report on the results of Asura Dongtian's battle."

Nangong quickly got up and saluted, and reported with a solemn expression: "Enlighten the lord, I will live up to your request. I successfully breached the Shura Shrine and destroyed the army under the emperor.

The soldiers under the command of the emperor, no matter the **** king or the **** king powerhouse, were all punishable, and none of them survived.

Even the emperor was besieged by us, and was finally broken to pieces and fell on the spot.

In this battle, the soldiers of this alliance also paid a considerable price, a total of four thousand soldiers sacrificed.

The 12,000 people who survived were all slightly or severely injured.

There are also twenty divine warships, which have also suffered varying degrees of damage and will take a long time to recover.

However, if we destroy the Shura Shrine at such a price and destroy the army under the emperor's command, it is considered a complete victory! "

At this point, Nangong paused without confusion.

The faces of him and the patriarchs and sect masters all showed pride and joy.

Prior to this, the people of the Vast Sky Continent only knew that the sword **** was powerful and domineering.

The rebellious alliance can be invincible, and Lien Chan's success in succession depends on the reputation and strength of the sword god.

However, many clans and factions in this battle have proved with facts that they are not weak either!

They have enough strength to defeat their opponents and win by their ability.

They are worthy of the trust and respect of the sword god!

Ji Tianxing showed a satisfied smile, nodded and said: "You have worked hard, you have done a great job!

Today’s decisive battle, winning so smoothly, is all thanks to you.

This seat has already said that after saving the people of the world, after occupying the Haotian Continent, they will be rewarded based on their performance.

This matter, I will start later. "

Hearing the words ‘On the merits and rewards’, the eyes of many patriarchs and suzerains became brighter, and their feelings became more expectant and urgent.

At this time, Nangong was not confused and went on to report: "Enlighten the lord of the alliance, after the end of the war, the alliance seized all the spoils, and packed the remains and relics of the soldiers.

Seeing that the Asura Cave is fragmented ~www.ltnovel.com~ is about to be swallowed by the void, we emptied the treasure house of the Asura Shrine, exited the Asura Cave, and waited for your return.

The trophies are still being counted. After the count is completed, the subordinates will personally present them to you. "

Ji Tianxing knew that the emperor and the more than 10,000 soldiers under his command were very wealthy, possessing vast resources and wealth.

Especially, in the treasure house of Shura Shrine, there must be resource wealth of inestimable value.

In short, at least tens of trillions of resources are worth.

If we go further, even if the resources worth trillions of dollars exceed Ji Tianxing's full worth, he wouldn't be surprised.

After all, for more than a thousand years, the God Emperor Shura has controlled the Haotian Continent and has been greedily grabbing resources for cultivation.

Ji Tianxing nodded in agreement, and said to everyone: "Everyone will recuperate here for a few days, and after the matter is over, I will call everyone to discuss."

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