Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4159: The emperor's trump card?

In the past month, there have been rumors on the Haotian Continent, and the situation has continued to deteriorate.

The rebellious alliance wins steadily and is prestigious.

Naturally, the tens of thousands of soldiers under the command of the emperor huddled in the dark night realm, saying that they were waiting for the rabbit, but they felt like sitting and waiting.

The army was in disarray, and more and more sergeants flee.

More than three hundred **** kings and powerful men and generals were distressed, but they had no good plans.

In desperation, everyone gathered together to discuss countermeasures, and finally unanimously decided to meet with the emperor.

No matter how wise the sword **** is described by the outside world, the world is unparalleled, and how stupid and stubborn the emperor is described by the outside world.

In the minds of these generals and **** kings, the emperor was still their support, victory and life-saving patron.

Late at night that day.

The emperor stayed in the residence as always, practicing in the secret room.

Since he learned a secret a few months ago, he has gone from a state of tension and anxiety to become so confident, determined and laid-back.

No one knows why he is so confident and relaxed, and he has never explained the reason to anyone.

At this time, the security guard outside the secret room said loudly: "Twelve generals are waiting for you in the study room!"

There are more than 300 **** kings and generals under the emperor teacher, but it is impossible for all of these people to come to meet the emperor teacher.

Therefore, they selected twelve gods and powerhouses with the highest status and the most respected.

The emperor was interrupted in his cultivation, frowned somewhat displeased, and asked in a deep voice: "This seat has not ordered them to be called for discussion. What are they going to do?"

The guard outside the door hurriedly replied, "Master Emperor Shi, they are indeed not here by order, but they said they have important matters to discuss with you."

The emperor frowned and thought for a moment, and then guessed the minds of the twelve gods and kings, and couldn't help feeling a little unhappy.

"Huh... how can these uncomfortable guys experience such a setback and be so impatient and reckless?"

The emperor cursed secretly, and his heart was a little sad.

In the past, he had a few strong people who were deep enough in the city to be able to make big things and take the stand alone.

But now, those strong men have been killed by the Sword God, so that no one under his command is available!

With a sad mood, the emperor got up and left the secret room and rushed to the study.

After a while, when he entered the study, he saw twelve gods and generals standing in the study waiting for him.

These gods are all high-ranking gods, some of them are the coaches of one party, and some are the helms of ancient clans or top forces.

Although everyone has different appearances, they are very majestic and strong.

Seeing the emperor enter the study, everyone bowed and saluted neatly, and said in unison: "Meet the emperor."

The emperor nodded slightly, walked to the throne and sat down without expression.

He glanced across the crowd calmly, and asked in a majestic tone: "What? Hearing some rumors and criticisms outside, he was so uncomfortable?"

The twelve gods were stunned by the question, and after looking at each other, someone immediately took a step forward and spoke out their advice.

"Master Emperor Shi, we have indeed heard some rumors and criticisms.

However, those rumors have been circulating for a month, and they have long been known to everyone on the mainland.

Moreover, civil criticism and slander have caused great harm and insult to you.

As the saying goes, you have a broad mind and don't care about the ants, but we must not sit back and watch! "

Another **** general also took a step forward and bowed to report: "Master Emperor, if it is just outside gossip and slander, we can ignore it, and the eagle will naturally not care about the ants' mockery.

However, the entire Vast Sky Continent was full of such remarks, and the wind direction and situation were controlled by the sword god.

Now the momentum of our army has been greatly affected, and the soldiers are depressed and panic.

To tell the truth, for the past month, counting the number of people every day, we will find that there are sergeants fleeing from each department..."

The third **** will take the conversation, and then said: "Master Emperor, Qianli Dam, destroyed by the ant den, you should know this truth better than us.

If we no longer think of a way to stabilize our army, I am afraid that the soldiers will be defeated without a fight before the Sword God’s four-way army can come over!

After all, ordinary soldiers are by no means as calm and confident as you..."

Next, a few more gods also spoke out and persuaded the emperor to act and show.

But the emperor had been listening silently and did not express any opinions.

After everyone had finished saying what they should have said, when the study fell into silence, he slowly said, "I have said everything I want to say? Who else would like to add?"

The gods and generals looked at each other, and they stopped talking.

The attitude of the emperor made them feel a little uncomfortable, and they were all worried. The purpose of this trip might be difficult to achieve.


The emperor squinted at the crowd, sipping tea without rushing, and said: "You guys talk so much, it sounds like there are good reasons, and the situation is also very tense.

But in fact, do you think that your thoughts can be hidden from this seat?

What you really want to know, isn't it the reason why this seat is so confident? "

These few words poke the minds of the gods and generals, making everyone's complexion slightly changed.

However, two **** generals reacted quickly and hurriedly saluted and explained.

"The Master Di Shi is really wise and martial, unparalleled in the world, and nothing can be hidden from you!

However, we all know and believe that you have enough control and means to wipe out the sword god.

But the tens of thousands of soldiers under his command are dull and don't know this! "

"Sir, of course we believe in you, including more than 300 generals and kings, and we are very confident in you.

However, we tried everything we could, but we couldn't comfort the soldiers under our command.

If the sergeants cannot be at ease for one day, they will not stop fleeing! "

To put it simply, these gods were exposed by the emperor's master, and generously admitted, and transferred the reason to the sergeant's head, leaving himself clean.

The Emperor did not bother to expose them ~www.ltnovel.com~ or reprimand them.

He raised his head and glanced at the crowd, and saw that every **** general had his eyes burning, looking at him expectantly.

He knew that these gods would not give up unless they achieved their goals.

Moreover, as the commander-in-chief, he really has to take care of the overall situation.

After concealing it for so long, it is time to give some wind to the generals, so that everyone can be at ease.

Therefore, the emperor's mouth raised a playful smile, stroked his beard, and asked everyone: "Now the Sword God is in full swing, and the momentum is overwhelming. The outside world is rumoring how he has a lot of tricks, how powerful, and alone.

But in fact, is he really invincible in the world?

Is his strategy really impossible to crack and prevent?

Do not! This seat tells you that in the face of absolute power, his strength and strategy will become a big joke! "

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