Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4153: Miracle

Although the two sides had already met in the last ambush.

When we meet again this time, there is nothing to say, just kill them directly.

After all, everyone knows each other's intentions and situation.

But this time it was slightly different, after all, it was in the Frightening Domain Lord's Mansion, and the Frightening Domain Lord was also involved.

Therefore, the head of internal affairs must show his face and say a few words to the terrifying domain master.

"Master of Fright, you should have seen this seat, right?"

The head of the internal affairs ignoring the Wanyan patriarch and others, stared directly at the terrified domain master with a sneer.

The terrifying domain master immediately became the focus of everyone, and under the gaze of countless people, he subconsciously took a step back.

No way, he was caught between the first division of the Emperor Shi and the first division of the Sword God, and he was the weakest and the least able to choose.

Facing the question of the chief of the internal affairs, he could only choose to remain silent.

The head of the internal affairs said: "The **** emperor and the emperor treat you not badly, giving you the position of domain lord, let you make a lot of benefits.

But you failed the trust of the **** emperor and the emperor, and turned out to be a traitor.

Unfortunately, this seat will take you today and kill you and all the soldiers under his command.

This is the so-called killing of chickens and monkeys!

This seat will let those who are ill-intentioned and vacillating see, this is the fate of betraying the emperor and emperor! "

The Master of the Frightening Territory suddenly paled, with cold sweat on his forehead, and deep fear and despair flashed under his eyes.

If possible, he would like to surrender to the chief of internal affairs.

It doesn't matter if the soldiers under his command are killed, as long as he can survive.

But he only took refuge in the rebellious alliance today and pronounced the oath of surrender.

If he turns again now, he will definitely become the laughing stock of the world.

What's more, the chief of internal affairs may not accept his surrender, and will still kill him.

At that time, even his death will be worthless and meaningless, and he will be cast aside by the world after death.

Therefore, the Terrifying Territory Lord chose to hold on to it hard.

He bit his head, pretending to be righteous and awe-inspiring, and said loudly: "Commander, even if you have the upper hand, even if I will die here today, I still won't give in!

Because I have long wanted to abolish slavery and return the freedom of the Li people.

It's just that I'm weak and I don't dare to shout out.

Since there is a sword **** shouting, bravely confronting the **** emperor and emperor teacher, and rescue the people of the world, I should follow the order!

As the master of a domain, it is my duty and morality to ask for orders for the people.

Even if I die, I deserve it! "

Sure enough, the words of the Terrifying Territory Lord made people excited, and thousands of soldiers were moved by it.

Regardless of whether he said this from the heart or not, but when he said it in public, he was expressing his attitude.

The chief of internal affairs did not say much, and sneered: "Very good! Even if you have some backbone, then this seat will give you a decent way to die."

When the voice fell, he waved his hand and gave the order to attack.

The Eight Thousand West Expedition Army, which had been ready for a long time ago, immediately broke out with earth-shattering shouts of killing, and uniformly displayed supernatural skills, and launched a siege on the domain master's mansion.

Suddenly, the light and shadow of tens of thousands of gods obscured the sky and enveloped the entire domain master mansion.

The two thousand guards of the Domain Lord's Mansion and more than two thousand West Road troops were all under the cover of the divine light.

Countless people showed worried, anxious and pessimistic expressions, and their hearts were very heavy.

They all know that there is no hope of victory in this battle.

It's useless to be pessimistic. Even if they know they're lost, they can't just sit back and fight back.

The Wanyan clan chief, several other clan chiefs, and the terrifying domain master, all rushed out first, shouting and casting spells to resist the onslaught.

Infected by their aura, the West Road army and more than two thousand guards of the domain master's mansion have also become enthusiastic and united.

Thousands of soldiers, with a tragic and determined mood, went all out to perform supernatural skills and launch a counterattack.

The first round of battle between the two sides broke out.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom bang bang bang!"

A loud and deafening noise erupted between the heavens and the earth, and the shaking earth was trembling.

Under the intense collision of the divine light, it collapsed on the spot, exploding hundreds of millions of fragments.

The violent shock wave slammed the Domain Lord's Mansion and the mountains and rivers in a radius of 30,000 miles.

Although, the main defense of the domain has already started.

But the cascading king-level middle-ranking **** formations couldn't stop the shock wave of more than 10,000 masters fighting against each other. After only insisting on two breaths, it was fragmented.

At the end of the first round, both sides suffered casualties.

But there is no suspense that the casualties on the side of the Western Expeditionary Army were relatively light, with only more than 100 people killed and more than 200 injured.

On the other hand, more than 300 people were bombed and killed by the guards of the West Road Army and Domain Lord's Mansion, and nearly 700 people were injured on the spot!

It was only the first round of fighting, and the West Road Army and the Domain Lord's Mansion had such heavy casualties.

This shows how big the gap between the strengths of the two sides is!

In particular, the defensive formation of the Domain Lord's Mansion was destroyed by the Western Army in the first round of fighting.

This is very unfavorable to the West Road Army and the Domain Lord's Mansion.

Next, they lose a layer of shield, and the casualties are bound to be greater.

More than 4,000 soldiers were distraught and desperate.

The heads of the clan and the masters of the terrifying territories were also nervous, thinking to themselves how to deal with them and when they could find an escape route.

Only the patriarch Wanyan has the most complicated mood, pretending to be calm and calm on the surface, but full of doubts in his heart, looking around in secret.

He was thinking, did he make a wrong prediction and the Sword God did not come?

If so, doesn't it mean that he guessed wrong at the beginning?

Or in other words, such a casualty is nothing in the eyes of the Sword God, and it is not time to make a move?

If it is the latter case, the Wanyan patriarch can still accept it.

But if it is the former situation, then he is very disappointed and desperate.

The morale of the Western Expeditionary Army was greatly boosted, and the second round of offensive was launched with shouts.

More than 7,000 soldiers wielded swords and magic weapons, and performed murderous magic skills, releasing the phantom of the sky and the sun~www.ltnovel.com~ The West Road army and the guards of the domain master's house that will be submerged by the sky. They can only perform their supernatural skills at the bottom of the box full of anxiety and despair.

Although everyone knows that this will not help, it is still impossible to block the siege of the Western Expeditionary Army, at best it can only delay the speed of one's own defeat.

But the matter is now, they have no other choice.

Seeing, the overwhelming torrent of divine light is about to engulf the West Road army and the guards of the domain master mansion.

In the second round of confrontation, they will definitely lose more soldiers, and the number of survivors will drop to about 3,000!

After that, everyone could imagine that within a quarter of an hour, the West Road Army and the Domain Lord's Mansion would be killed and destroyed.

However, at this moment of life and death, an unexpected scene appeared for everyone.

A handsome young man wearing a white robe and martial arts suddenly appeared above the domain master's mansion!

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