Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4151: return to

The Territory Lord's Mansion of Fright Realm is located in a beautiful alien space.

More than two thousand soldiers guarded the secret border, controlling the entrance and exit of the secret realm.

The Wanyan patriarch brought several patriarchs and more than 30 **** king powerhouses into the secret realm to negotiate with the terrifying domain master.

The two sides only talked for an hour, and the West Road army successfully subdued the Terrifying Domain Master.

As a result, the Terrifying Domain also declared to be included in the sphere of influence of the rebellious alliance.

Patriarch Wanyan and the others left without sadness or joy, with a calm expression.

However, when they arrived at the entrance and exit of the secret realm, a general greeted him anxiously and reported to Wanyan Patriarch Hui: "Tell Wanyan Patriarch. We just discovered that two deacons have disappeared inexplicably!"

Suddenly learning this news, several patriarchs were shocked, showing their doubts.

Only the head of Wanyan narrowed his eyes and a smug sneer flashed under his eyes.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be worried and anxious, and quickly asked for details.

"Which two deacons? When did it happen? How did they disappear?"

The general reported what he knew.

But it's a pity that everyone still doesn't know how the two deacons disappeared and who took them away.

The patriarchs finally reacted, their expressions becoming a bit solemn.

"Broken, most of the chiefs of internal affairs with 8,000 elite soldiers came to ambush us again!"

"The Terrifying Territory Lord didn't have the time and motivation to take action against our deacon, so this must be the work of the Western Army!"

"What are you doing in a daze? The West Crusade has come to intercept us, so why don't you leave?"

Several patriarchs panicked and urged patriarch Wanyan anxiously.

The patriarch Wanyan just wanted to laugh in his heart, even full of expectations, subconsciously looking around.

"My lord, although you haven't contacted me again in the past ten days, you haven't shown up.

But I guess you must have been here long ago, hiding nearby and watching the situation secretly! "

Although, this is just the guess of the head of Wanyan.

But he is confident enough that this is true.

However, on the surface, we still have to continue acting, and we can't reveal the flaws at this moment.

He also showed anxious expression on his face, and hurriedly brought the patriarchs and the king of gods to join the army.

"Quickly, gather the army to assemble, board the warships of each family, and we will leave here quickly!"

With his cry of zero, the more than two thousand soldiers who surrounded the secret realm immediately withdrew at the fastest speed and quickly got into the battleship.

However, before everyone entered the battleship, a dazzling divine light lit up in the sky thousands of miles away.

Dozens of masters of the gods and kings, with more than 7,000 masters of the gods, are rushing over.

That scene, like a black cloud covering the sky and the sun, is rolling in, turbulent.

The patriarch of Wanyan and others have dealt with the Western Expeditionary Army.

They could tell at a glance that the billowing torrent was not someone else, it was the army of the West Expedition!

In an instant, the patriarchs were pale and their expressions became very embarrassing.

"It's over! Sure enough, the West Crusade is coming!"

"They didn't lie in wait on our way forward, they just rushed over!"

"No way, the number of troops on the West Expedition is three times ours. It can be described as a crushing advantage. There is no need to ambush at all!"

"What to do? We have no time to escape, are we here to fight them?"

"Or, let's return to the domain master's mansion and let the terrifying domain master also mobilize manpower to help us resist the Western Expedition?"

"Yes! The Frightening Domain Lord has just joined the Alliance, he can't die without saving, he must fight alongside us!"

In just a few short breaths, several patriarchs communicated with each other by sound transmission.

It is absolutely impossible for the front and the west to be tough.

Only to retreat into the Territory Lord's Mansion and pull the people from the Domain Lord's Mansion together to resist the attack of the Western Expeditionary Army.

In this way, the chance of survival can be greater.

Although, patriarch Wanyan thought in his heart that there was no need to do this.

With the sword **** watching, there will be nothing wrong with the West Road army.

Moreover, it was really shameful for the sword **** to see everyone so timid.

But the Sword God has not yet appeared, and it is impossible for the head of Wanyan to reveal this secret.

He could only obey the suggestions of several patriarchs and ordered everyone to retreat into the secret realm.

Soon, two thousand five hundred West Road troops retreated to the secret realm and closed the secret realm entrance.

However, the chief of internal affairs and Canglan are immortal, and they have led eight thousand troops to the west to reach the entrance of the secret realm.

Seeing everyone returning to the secret realm, the chief of the internal affairs was not worried but happy, and Canglan immortal also showed a contemptuous sneer.

"Hehe... They are really timid and panic-stricken dogs!

Think it’s safe to escape back to the Secret Realm? This is the real catching turtle in the urn! "

The head of the internal affairs also stroked his beard and sneered: "Just after killing the army of the West Road, kill the traitor of the terrifying domain master!

In this battle, their entire army must be wiped out in order to make me famous and shock the world! "

After speaking, he gave an offensive order with a wave of his hand.

In the army, there were more than 30 **** king powerhouses immediately, with more than 3,000 **** king masters, and they began to attack the secret realm entrance.

The entrances and exits of the secret realm are protected by the middle-grade king-level seal formation.

It is indeed difficult for ordinary lower and middle **** kings to break through the big formation and break into the secret realm.

But the power of more than 30 **** kings with more than 3,000 troops on the west, jointly launching an offensive, is really terrifying.

Even if there are hundreds of West Route troops, the formations that are casting spells to support the entrance of the secret realm will not have any effect.

"Boom boom boom!"

The overwhelming magical light and shadow poured down like a flood, and hit the big formation at the entrance of the secret realm.

The king-level middle-ranking formation lasted for less than two breaths before it was shattered and burst into a huge hole.

Countless fragments of divine light burst out, flying all over the sky.

More than two hundred soldiers from the West Road who cast spells to support the formation were also killed or injured by the shock and fell to the entrance of the secret realm.

A huge gap with a radius of one hundred feet appeared in front of the Western Expeditionary Army.

Don't need to order from the chief of the internal affairs ~www.ltnovel.com~ Thousands of soldiers from the West expedition all swarmed forward, like a mighty torrent, passing through the gap into the secret realm.

The chief of internal affairs and Canglan are immortal, stepping through the gap and stepping into the secret realm.

This secret realm with a radius of 100,000 li, the scenery is still beautiful, and the heaven and the earth are abundant.

But at this moment, the secret realm of tranquility and peace was surrounded by an atmosphere of solemnity and despair.

More than two thousand troops on the West Road are escaping to the domain master's mansion at the fastest speed and are asking for help from the terrifying domain master.

Behind the army of the West Road, the head of the internal affairs took 7,000 troops of the West Expedition, and flew to the domain master's mansion without any haste, like a huge wave overwhelming.

He only left thousands of soldiers, guarding the hole at the secret exit, lest the West Road army escape.

From everyone's point of view, the West Crusade Army has taken control of the audience, and can easily crush the West Road Army and the Frightening Domain Lord's Mansion.

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