Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4146: shameful!

If it were the South Route Army led by Nangong Buluo, in such a situation, they would definitely fight back desperately.

If Ji Tianxing led the North Road army, it would definitely fight hard until the 8,000 West Expeditionary Army was eliminated.

But it was the West Road Army that was besieged, the five low-loyal forces.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to expect them to fight hard.

Before the war, at the same time the two sides had a dialogue, the Wanyan patriarch had already figured out a countermeasure.

He knew that there was no tacit understanding between the five powers, so he informed the other patriarchs of his thoughts in advance.

"Don't fight with each other. We have to break through and escape as soon as possible. We should be able to beat the other party by surprise.

This is our only chance, and we hope everyone will cooperate fully, otherwise we will all die here.

After a while, the opponent will definitely be the first to initiate a siege.

On the surface, we fully resisted the opponent's first round of attacks, and secretly sent fifty confidants, carrying a large number of king-level high-grade artifacts, to kill to the southwest.

Fifty confidants will detonate the artifact at any cost and explode the seal formation.

Then, we will break through with all our strength and rush out of the big array..."

This is the idea and proposal of the Wanyan patriarch. Although it is not so clever, it is also a quick wit in crisis.

If used properly, it should work.

Although, the influence of the five ancient clans is not too strong, and they don't have the best king-level artifacts.

However, as an ancient race that has lasted for tens of thousands of years, they have a very deep background and have mastered a large number of king-level high-grade artifacts.

Although the king-level high-grade artifact is very precious, no one can bear to use it as a'bomb'.

But now is the moment of life and death, in order to survive, no one will feel distressed.

Therefore, when the 8,000 West Expeditionary Army launched a siege, the patriarchs and elders of the five forces shouted like Hong Zhong, and led the soldiers under his command to join forces to resist.

The gods between heaven and earth are dazzling, shouting and killing.

At first glance, the West Road army showed passionate blood, quite a **** fight, and a decisive aura of death.

But in fact, everyone knew in their hearts that they just went all out to block the first wave of the Western Army's offensive and minimize casualties.

Everyone’s hope of survival rests on the fifty **** kings.

"Shoo, hoo..."

More than 3,000 soldiers are fighting with enthusiasm, and five divine ships are fully fired, but there are 50 retrograde divine kings in the crowd.

Each family sent ten **** kings, a total of fifty people, desperately rushing to the southwest.

The five patriarchs and sect masters all collected more than a dozen king-level high-grade artifacts and handed them to the fifty **** kings.

They rushed out of the crowd desperately, struggling to get injured by the sky magic, and trying to get close to the edge of the seal formation.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom bang bang bang!"

The magical power attack released by the 8,000 West Crusade troops and the magical arts performed by more than 3,000 West Road troops violently collided between the heaven and the earth, causing a deafening noise.

At this moment, the 20,000 li radius was filled with endless divine light fragments, and violent shock waves and air currents echoed in the seal formation.

In the first round of fighting between the two sides, naturally the Western Expeditionary Army had the advantage.

More than 3,000 troops on the West Road blocked only 80% of the attack. Hundreds of people were still injured and nearly 100 died on the spot.

But this result is still in the expectation of the Wanyan Patriarch, so casualties are acceptable.

Fortunately, they blocked most of the attacks, protected the fifty heavy-duty kings, and successfully rushed to the southwest.

The fifty **** kings arrived at the edge of the seal formation and pulled out a variety of high-grade king-level artifacts, quickly cast spells to detonate them.

Although there were nearly a thousand soldiers on the west side of the big formation, they found that the situation was not good, and immediately concentrated firepower on the fifty people.

But they didn't expect it, and the reaction was not fast enough, and they still missed the opportunity.

Even if the magical attack was performed in time, it was a step slower.

In the next instant, dozens of high-ranking king-level artifacts exploded at the same time, bursting out with a dazzling divine light like the scorching sun.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

The deafening noise reverberates endlessly between the heavens and the earth, deafening.

The violent shock wave swept across a radius of 20,000 li, not only injuring the nearest thousand soldiers of the West Expedition, but also shaking up fifty **** kings.

Dozens of king-level high-grade artifacts were detonated at the same time, no less than the full blow of the three pinnacle kings.

The results can be imagined.

The seal formation arranged by the Western Expeditionary Army in advance was unable to withstand such a violent explosion, and a huge pit with a radius of 300 meters was blown out on the spot.

Around the huge pit, there are more than two thousand miles, full of cracks and pits.

The entire seal formation shook violently, making a cracking sound of ‘click, click’, and it was crumbling.

Such a result was unexpected by the Chief of Internal Affairs and Canglan Immortal.

Thousands of soldiers of the West Expedition were also taken aback, showing a look of stunned and shocked expressions.

They also did not expect that the West Road army was so cunning, planning to escape before the war started.

Under normal circumstances, you have to fight for a few rounds first, and then break through and escape!

How can there be such shamelessness?

On the surface it pretends to fight, but in fact, he has already thought about running away. There is no backbone and integrity at all, shameful!

Just as the West Crusade was in a daze and anger, more than 3,000 West Road troops had already turned round and rushed to the southwest at the fastest speed.

Who said that the five forces of the West Road Army have no tacit understanding at all?

Look, at this moment, how the same posture is in their escape, and how similar is the speed of sprinting?


The first to pass through the hole in the seal formation and rush out of the seal formation was naturally the fifty kings.

Their injuries were tragic, all in ragged clothes, covered in blood, and scarred.

A small part of those injuries were caused by the Western Expeditionary Army, and most of them were caused by the explosion of the artifact.


Immediately afterwards, the five divine ships also passed through the hole as quickly as a stream, and escaped from the seal formation.

It stands to reason that the divine ship should be right behind the palace.

But everyone ran for their lives in a panic, and didn't care about the order at all, just who ran fast.

Fortunately, when the Great Seal Array was blown out of the hole, nearly a thousand of the nearest Western Expeditioners ~www.ltnovel.com~ were mostly killed.

Only more than 300 people survived, all of them suffered severe injuries and lost their combat effectiveness.

Therefore, within two breaths, no one can stop the West Road army from fleeing.


Finally, more than 3,000 troops from the West Road rushed to the vicinity of the hole, all of them desperately rushed out of the hole and escaped from the seal formation.

The Western Expedition Army in other directions finally reacted, and immediately rushed to help at the fastest speed, casting a spell to intercept.

The overwhelming magical attack, shining with colorful divine light, poured out near the hole like a flood.


Half of the more than 3,000 troops on the West Road have escaped from the seal formation, and the rest of the ordinary people have been intercepted and can only use spells to resist.

They were dragged down, their speed slowed down, and they were soon besieged by more Western troops.

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