Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4143: Hunch again

It was still late at night.

The Tushen battleship is galloping high in the sky.

Bailong controls the battleship, Ji Tianxing retreats in the twisted time and space, and the people of the Feng clan, the Yuchi clan and the Bailian Guzong stay in the battleship to adjust their strength and breath.

A day ago, the North Road Army had just taken over a domain master and is currently rushing to the next area.

Seeing the rebellious alliance advancing all the way, without disadvantage, occupying half of the Vast Sky Continent in such a short period of time, everyone is very satisfied and proud.

However, Ji Tianxing, who was practicing in retreat in the sacred tower, suddenly ended his practice and opened his eyes.

For the past three months, he spent most of his time practicing in retreat in twisted time and space.

In the past three months, he has actually been practicing in retreat for eleven years.

His strength is still improving, and has reached ten times that of the Peak God King.

Originally, he was at a critical juncture of cultivation, and within a few months, he could double his strength.

But in the past two days, distracting thoughts vaguely appeared in his mind, which began to affect his thinking, making him unable to concentrate on his cultivation.

Until tonight, the chaotic thoughts in my mind became stronger and stronger, turning into a kind of warning, with a warning sign.

Obviously, Ji Tianxing was disturbed by heaven's secret again, and had a bad premonition.

In other words, this is most likely a reminder from God.

With the experience of Zhu Shen's army ambushing the South Road army last time, Ji Tianxing immediately realized that another major event was about to happen.

However, the secret is elusive.

Even if he felt the crisis and bad things on a whim, he could not be sure where the crisis came from.

"Family and friends are all by my side, staying in battleships and towers to practice, safe and secure.

With my current strength, there is no opponent in the God Realm, so naturally there will be no danger.

The premonition of the crisis is mostly related to the rebellious alliance. "

Ji Tianxing calmed down, sat under the blood flame **** tree, and began to analyze and speculate seriously.

"Could it be that the emperor was dormant for three months, then secretly mobilized the army, wanting to ambush the rebellious alliance?

This is a great possibility! "

In a short moment, he determined the basic direction. The crisis should come from the emperor's teacher and befall the rebellious alliance.

"I personally led the North Road army, if the emperor didn't want to fight a decisive battle with me, he wouldn't dare to provoke it.

The South Road Army...He sent the Zhu God Army to ambush once, but the Zhu God Army was destroyed. He shouldn't attack the South Road Army again.

It is the two armies of the East and West who have newly joined the alliance. They are neither led by my cronies nor have sufficient loyalty and understanding, and their combat effectiveness is not strong.

The so-called soft picking of persimmons, if I am an emperor, the safest thing is to attack the east and west army.

Moreover, having learned the lesson of the last time Zhu Shenjun's fiasco, this time the emperor will definitely attach great importance to it and strive for success!

The eastern and western armies are 4,000 men, and the emperor must send an army of more than 6,000 men to be sure of defeating them.

But... the emperor will be against the Fudong Army or the Western Army? "

Through a series of analysis and inferences, Ji Tianxing locked the east and west army.

But at this joint, he couldn't analyze which way the emperor would deal with.

After all, what God gave was only a warning, which gave him a premonition of crisis.

It is not easy for him to analyze so many clues and ideas through a trace of illusory premonition, and finally lock the two forces of east and west.

If you want to tell, which army will the emperor teacher deal with...

That was not a warning from God, but directly told him the answer.

how can that be?

Therefore, Ji Tianxing analyzed and speculated for a while, but couldn't guess the specific result.

So, he took out two jade slips of communication and sent them to Duguzhan and Wanyan Patriarch.

The content in the jade slip is very simple, only a few sentences.

However, Ji Tianxing's dignified tone and cautious wording indicate that this crisis is no small matter.

Dugu Zhan and the Wanyan patriarch are leading the army under his command, galloping between the east and the west of the Haotian Continent.

They are all immersed in the smooth and brilliant before, and their mentality is a little fluttering.

There is quite a kind of self-confidence in the mystery of ‘if the emperor is not out, who will fight for the front’.

Moreover, in the past three months, they have rarely received personal summons from the Sword God.

Suddenly received a subpoena from Ji Tianxing tonight, the two of them were also full of joy and expectation, thinking that the Sword God had any orders or would like to reward them.

Unexpectedly, the Sword God even solemnly reminded them that they should be careful in the past few days, for fear of major incidents and crisis.

Seeing such reports, Duguzhan and Wanyan Patriarch responded basically the same.

Both of them respect the sword **** and maintain respect and trust in him.

Of course they believed that if the Sword God said that there was a crisis, something big would definitely happen.

In the next few days, they will follow the orders of the Sword God and act more carefully and cautiously.

But the problem is that the Sword God's words are vague and unclear, and he didn't say what the danger was or when it happened.

This made Dugu Zhan and the Wanyan Patriarch confused, feeling a little at a loss.

Therefore, after the two people repeatedly figured out Ji Tianxing's subpoena, they invited several clan heads and suzerains to discuss together how to reply to the sword god.

Those patriarchs and suzerains, although they were more vigilant, didn't take it too seriously.

When everyone discussed, they were also calm and relaxed.

"Our general trend of rebelling against the alliance is complete, and we have already controlled half of the Vast Sky Continent, and the emperor dared not face it.

What does this show?

The power of the alliance is strong enough, even the emperor dare not face it easily!

We are not boasting. In today's Haotian Continent, unless the emperor personally takes action, who would dare to oppose our east (west) road army? "

This is the original words of a certain patriarch, but it is also the common aspiration of everyone.

To put it simply, the ten forces of the East and West Army have expanded.

They all felt that no one could threaten them except the emperor.

Even if the Sword God sent a message to remind them to be careful, but didn't make it clear what was going on, so everyone didn't take it too seriously.

It's all about negotiation.

Duguzhan and the Wanyan Patriarch considered the wording, and then sent Ji Tianxing back.

The first is to show that you will be more careful and prudent in following orders.

Secondly, ~www.ltnovel.com~ also asked the Sword God to clarify, what is the crisis?

If you can know the specific situation, it will be convenient for the army to deploy plans in advance and make a response.

After Ji Tianxing received the summons from the two, he felt helpless.

"I can't tell the prophet, how can I know the specific circumstances of the crisis?

If I know, how can I not tell you? "

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself a few words before replying to Duguzhan and Wanyan Patriarch.

He reminded the two that the emperor might dispatch an army of more than 6,000 to secretly ambush the east and west army.

But it is not clear where the ambush was and what conspiracy plan was used.

In short, the two armies of the East and the West should proceed with caution.

If you are really ambushed, the primary principle should be to preserve your strength.

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