Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4134: Admit it wrong?

Everyone was silent, and there was silence in the field.

Ji Tianxing did not reprimand several patriarchs and elders.

After a pause, he said earnestly and earnestly: "I have said everything that should be said. Everyone is smart, and I don't want to say more.

Please remember that this seat can forgive you, but only this time.

If a similar situation occurs again that affects the alliance's grand plan, this seat will let you know where the name of the sword **** comes from! "

Where does the name of the sword **** come from?

Naturally, it was not his kindness and kindness, who saved the dead and healed the wounded, but the prestige that he achieved through battle and killing!

Ji Tianxing was very euphemistic, but the heads and elders of the family all understood what he meant.

Suddenly, everyone's heart trembled, and they nodded to express their understanding.

"My lord, please rest assured that this will never happen again in the future."

"After this incident, we have all seen the character of the deputy leader of Nangong, and also understand why the leader appointed him as the deputy leader.

Please rest assured, the lord, we will follow the orders of the deputy lord in the future, just like you. "

"We are willing to make up for the past, and ask the leader to calm down and see our future performance."

"Fortunately, the lord of the lord has fallen like a **** from the sky to resolve this crisis and save the lives of countless children.

With such a blessing, we never dare to expect to do it again. "

The patriarchs all admitted their mistakes sincerely, and assured Ji Tianxing that the same problem would not occur again.

At the same time, the five patriarchs witnessed the actions and conduct of Nangong Buzhu with their own eyes, and also saw the sacrifice of the Nangong clan, and their hearts were a little moved.

Their prejudice against Nangong was dispelled.

Only then did Ji Tianxing end the lecture and said to everyone: "I hope everyone will remember this lesson and stop repeating the same mistakes.

Okay, let's heal all the more seriously injured.

There is nothing serious about the injury, so go with this seat to the Lord of Waves. "

After his reminder, everyone remembered that from the beginning of the war to the present, none of the thousands of people under the command of the Wavelan Domain had appeared.

Someone immediately explained: "After the Zhu God Army came to the Bolan Secret Realm, they forcibly took control of the Secret Realm and imprisoned all the people of the Bolan Domain Lord."

"When we fought the battle before, we destroyed the Lord's Mansion of the Wave Region into ruins, and found no prisons and large formations.

Presumably, the prison that imprisoned the Lord of the Waves should be deep in the secret realm. "

Therefore, Ji Tianxing took several patriarchs and a dozen elders, rushed to the depths of the secret realm to find the Lord of Waves.

The other thirty-odd elders were seriously injured, and they all stayed behind to treat their injuries.


Ji Tianxing and the others flew across the sky mightily, and at the same time released their spiritual sense to explore the surroundings.

Sure enough, half a quarter of an hour later, when everyone reached the depths of the secret realm, Ji Tianxing discovered the anomaly.

Under the peak of a thousand feet, there are divine power fluctuations in the depths of the earth, and there seems to be a divine formation operating.

After careful observation, Ji Tianxing discovered that there was a secret road leading to the depths of the ground in the mountain of Qianzhang Peak.

He casually killed the guard guarding the secret path, and led everyone through the secret path into the underground.

as predicted.

There is a prison with a radius of a radius deep underground, sealed by the three major formations.

There are dozens of criss-crossing passages inside the prison, dividing dozens of cells.

This prison was built by the Bolan domain master, and used to imprison and imprison soldiers or prisoners who made mistakes or were punished.

Unexpectedly, now he and tens of thousands of people under his command have been put in prison.

The prison has only one entrance and exit, guarded by ten upper gods.

These ten gods are all the god-killing army brought by the great guardian and the second guardian, and they are ordered to guard here.

The ten people and the Bolan Domain Lord and others in the prison didn't know what happened outside, and they all waited patiently.

Although, the prison planned and constructed by the Lord of Waves himself, he can easily break the formation and escape.

The ten Zhu Shen army guarding the prison exit could not stop him at all.

But the Lord of the Waves will never flee. What he thinks is how to please the Great Protector and the Second Protector, how to calm the emperor's anger and avoid the punishment of him.


A burst of sword light flashed, and the ten Divine Death Army guarding the entrance and exit of the prison were also instantly killed by Ji Tianxing.

Everyone stepped into the dark prison, stood in the circular hall, and looked at the surrounding passages and cells.

The cell was very quiet. Thousands of soldiers and soldiers under the command of the Lord of the Waves were all staying in the prison to adjust their breath and keep their eyes closed.

No one yelled, and no one struggled or resisted.

Everyone knows that they are only being held here temporarily and will not be harmed or punished.

When the Zhu Shen Army killed the South Road Army that was against the Alliance, they could go out.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing took a dozen or so god-king powerhouses into the prison.

Their appearance immediately attracted the attention and alertness of thousands of people.

Many of the soldiers in the cell looked out, and many of them showed happy and expectant expressions.

There are even many people talking in private, muttering.

"Finally let us go."

"In less than two days, they have solved the South Road army that was rebelling against the alliance?"

"After all, they are the elites sent by the emperor, otherwise how dare to call the Zhu Divine Army?"

"Hey...I don't know how they will punish the Lord, but don't hurt us."

"At this critical moment, the emperor is likely to kill the chicken and curse the monkey. I hope that our domain master will not become that chicken..."

Obviously, these soldiers under the command of Bolan Territory have never seen the Great Protector, the Second Protector and others.

As soon as they saw Ji Tianxing and a dozen or so **** king powerhouses, they subconsciously thought they were the generals of the Zhu Shen army.

This discussion naturally fell in the ears of Ji Tianxing and the heads and elders of the clan.

Everyone frowned, and a ray of cold light flashed under their eyes, a little unhappy.

Deep in the prison, there is a separate, more beautifully arranged and comfortable prison.

The Lord of Waves and a dozen family members and confidant generals are resting in this spacious prison.

Hearing the movement outside ~www.ltnovel.com~, the Bolan Domain Lord who was closing his eyes and rested, immediately opened his eyes and cheered up.

He awakened more than a dozen family members and confidant generals, stood in line in the cell, and maintained a respectful posture.

When Ji Tianxing and the others walked to the door of the cell, he led everyone in a uniform salute.

"See you sirs, I have already known the mistake, and I wish you all a triumphant victory..."

The Wavelan Domain Master and others put on a low posture, pleading guilty and flattering.

But halfway through what he said, Ji Tianxing and others appeared at the door of the cell, but he was suddenly stunned.

Seeing a dozen unfamiliar faces, all staring at him expressionlessly, the Lord of the Waves Domain was dumbfounded.

Because... he has never seen these people, and basically don't know them!

There was only one upper **** king and the white-robed youth headed by him, which made him feel a little familiar.

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